Thursday, March 29, 2007

Start Fighting Back

Alright, enough with the negativity.

Here's Carol Marin's latest rip job on the police. Carol is pretty much typical of the police hating, in-Daley's-pocket media. No sense of history or what really goes on in police work.

Here's a response you'll only ever see here and maybe a few other websites:
  • Ms. Marin,

    I just finished reading your article in today's Sun-times. Once again, you're leading the charge against the law enforcement profession. I ask myself, what has made you a police-hater and when did you become an expert on police matters?

    I find it appalling that you, and most of the other media outlets in this city, continue with your one-sided reporting. Of the 13,000+ Chicago police officers it seems that you choose to report on the .5% that are dirty. What about the rest of these men and women who risk their lives daily to serve and protect complete strangers? Oh right, the stories of those men and women do not sell newspapers or bring in ad revenues. It's as if nobody in your profession cares to get the whole story anymore. Like everything else, it's about the almighty dollar. Is that what they're teaching in Journalism 101 these days?

    I had the pleasure of attending a book signing last week at FOP, Chicago Lodge 7 headquarters. The authors of 'End of Watch, Chicago Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty' were on hand to talk about the book which commemorates the lives of the 500+ Chicago police officers killed in the line of duty. What I noticed most, Ms. Marin, was that you were not on hand to cover this story. Neither were most of the other media outlets in the city of Chicago. ABC 7 was the ONLY channel in attendance. 500+ men and women! Yet those in the media continue to give the most attention to a very small percentage of officers.

    I preside over a public charity that each year honors two deserving police officers for going above and beyond the call of duty. Officers from the same mold as my brother Mike who was killed on duty in August 2004. Each of the last two years we have sent a press release to all media outlets. Besides a couple of local papers covering the story, I have received ZERO media coverage of the TRUE BLUE Awards. I do not have Carol Marin on hand to interview the winners. These are the men and women who should be paraded in front of the camera and written about day after day. Not the scum that have made an already difficult profession even more dangerous.

    Ms. Marin, my brother lived and breathed police work. He was the first person in the locker room each shift and rarely took a break while on duty. He and his partner accumulated 44 felony arrests in the eight week period before he died. Mike was truly in the zone. Yet nobody covered that story. Of course, they covered his funeral. Who doesn't want to see a grieving widow or crying child? Who doesn't want to see shattered parents and siblings? I'm sorry, Ms. Marin. My brother's life, not his death, was the story. Just like the other men and women of the CPD.

    Thank you for contributing to the demise in stature of our police officers. This year's TRUE BLUE Awards will be held on Sunday, November 11. I know you'll be first on hand to cover the 'story.'


    John E. Gordon
    Brother of Michael P. Gordon, CPO (EOW 08/AUG/2004)
Thanks John - your support means everything
Godspeed Michael - we remember



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Secretary of State just started a campaign against handicap parking violators. Will they ticket the media? hmmm

3/29/2007 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said John,may your brother rest in peace.

3/29/2007 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, Freedom of the Press! They can walk all over you. So step aside coppers.

3/29/2007 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, let's fight back with those precious statistics that the media love soooooooooooooo much. There are approximately 750,000 sworn Federal, State, and Municipal law enforcement officers.
The major big city law enforcement agencies all have approximately the same statistic for discipline and corruption- LESS THAN ONE PERCENT. The FBI stat for its agents is less than one percent.

The statistical average for societal deviation- those who deviate from the norms of society or norms of employment- is and has been for many years TEN PERCENT. LE has a roughly 9.5% better rate than the whole of the society we are drawn from.

Less than one percent of LE Officers cause some problem. Over 99% do their jobs everyday, day in and day out- the exciting and the mundane- 24/7/365(6).

Sooooooooooooooo, Mr. and Mrs. (Ms) Media, how come you never, ever report that low stat? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm? I wll bet that we even out shine the media.

3/29/2007 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Mike....what a powerful editorial. I bet the media doesnt even acknowledge you.

Your the best! Thanks

3/29/2007 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Marin has been the MC at the CPD's annual awards ceremonies for years. She's written lots of positive thhings about the police and has been one of the most vocal critics of the Mayor.

3/29/2007 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone see the newsclips of those Brtish sailors in iranian custody?
They're making the female POW wear that muslim scarf! How come u liberals & CAROL arn't beefing about that?
In fact:


3/29/2007 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone see Bush at that suit & tie thing yesterday?
"A year a ago my approval ratings were at 30%, my supreme court nominee withdrew, and my vice president shot someone in the face.
Boy,those were the good ol days"
Just f*king hilarious! All you liberals, go get a sense of humor,
and get Carol laid............

3/29/2007 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a great letter. This guy took the words out of my mouth.

3/29/2007 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more. we have so many po's out there that do some very good work and never get litle to no press

3/29/2007 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That gave me the chills John!

We will never forget!

3/29/2007 09:01:00 AM  
Blogger Rue St. Michel said...


3/29/2007 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today is my last day on the job. I am taking all my time until my official retirement date. This is my parting shot. After thirty years I am extremely saddened by what this job has turned into. I have done everything there is to do on this job. Been to and got dumped out of units, been in jams, had bosses make me their special project and try to fire me, and have been the beneficiary of helping hands when needed. I just did what I always did- my job. No crying, complaining, or raging. Oh, OK, maybe sometimes- in the tavern with my friends.

We have been invaded by children. Little children, who cry, piss, moan, mewl, snivel, and simper. You have ruined this great job and you have no idea what you have wrought. What is even worse, you are all a bunch of hypocrites. If you got yourself into a jam through your own stupidity and some boss or relative decided to lend you a helping hand to save your worthless hide, would you really claim your high minded morals and ethics and say no thanks. Just let them fire and/or indict you? If some boss you worked with or for once upon a time decides to give you a spot, would you be so ethical and moral and say no thanks because you just love pushing that beat car?

Who is kidding who here? You people would drop trou and grab your ankles in a minute to get a spot or get out of a jam. As to the bosses and the Superintendent, we have been complaining about them from day one. The original police, the Roman Legions, complained about the Emperors and Generals. You people think you are breaking new ground here. Instead of doing what you have to do to get what you want or need out of the job, you cry, piss, and moan. Years ago, when I was a new cop, had hair and it had color, some boss boiled this job down for me; “we let you carry a badge and give you power. We let you carry a gun. We give you a car and a full tank of gas. The only thing we ask you to do is to go out and f@#k with people. What is so hard to understand? You have the greatest job in the world and all you do is complain about fairness. Life is not fair, why should anyone else be?

If you little brats think this job is sooooooo bad, quit. That is right, quit. Go out into the private sector and see if they will tolerate your two year old behavior. Talking to you people every day and reading this site gives me the impression that most of you over educated idiots could not hack it in the private sector and that is the only reason you are on this job.

Maybe, instead of being little children and you acted like adults, you might just get somewhere. Do your job, make friends, and influence people, and take care of each other. You write each other tickets, DUIs, and you mess with our families. You rat each other out to the bosses every chance you get. You refuse to do this or that because you feel it is not your job. Most of you spend more time trying to get out of doing something than the time it would take to just do it. Then, you come on this site and rant and rage.

I am glad I am leaving. I am embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of losers and cowards. I am formally naming you Generation Poopie Pants! Oh, and thanks SCC. Keep up the GOOD fight.

3/29/2007 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The New Ticking Time Bomb"

You gotta be f**king kidding me you fat ugly bitch.
6 Cops are drinking/socializing, and one of them is crying because of the recent loss of his father.
1 of the yuppie PsOS starts making fun of him and a brawl starts. I thought all you yuppy liberals would be sympathetic toward a man weeping; but I guess the smell of money is too much for you Godless backstabbing, cowards!You didnt even have Israel's back last summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3/29/2007 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Today we make history," said Rep. Edward Acevedo (D-Chicago), the sponsor. "The roads in Illinois will be a safer place, and immigrants can drive to church, to work, and take their children to school legally and without fear."

The controversial proposal for a driver's certificate for immigrants, which proponents say would encourage many of the state's estimated 400,000 undocumented immigrants to get proper training and automobile insurance, still faces more tests before becoming law.

The House passed the measure with the bare minimum number of votes. The bill now goes to the Senate, where a committee approved a similar measure earlier this year, and supporters believe they can muster enough votes to win approval.

Acevedo, a Chicago police officer, encouraged legislators to remember the struggles of their ancestors who settled in this country, recalling a phrase his grandmother used: "Nunca olvidas," or, "Never forget."

My Turn:
Acevedo, you are as much of a disgrace as a certain 020 district officer. Your "measure" promotes breaking federal law. You insult all of us by allowing your bio state you are a Chicago police officer. Aren't you on extended LOA? How the fuck is your "law" gonna help out the actual legal citizens of Illinois? Oh, I forgot, the majority of the people who live in your domain can't even vote for you. Sir I wouldn't piss on you even if you were on fire. Another HDO hack that when caught up to, I will dance in the streets upon his indictment... Thanks for nothing ya prick ya. Signed a 1st generation American whose 1st language, is you guessed it ingles.

3/29/2007 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great letter thanks your 100% right and God Bless officer Gordon! Hope the media takes a look at it as it expresses a lot of working officers sentiments!

3/29/2007 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you John, for your eloquent words. You brother paid the ultimate price, and we remember him with pride and love. Someone has to go where others fear to go, to do what needs to be done, and yet get no recognition for it, unless it's deemed "newsworthy" ie..controversial. Unfortunately, the media has become an instrument to form public opinion by slanting the news, rather than reporting it. By selecting what is aired, by their choice of words, of what they don't say, the media has become more tabloid oriented. This is a trend, fueled by the public's thirst for headlines and sensationalism. Very few reporters or journalists will defend the police right now, will concentrate on daily heroism, because it's not popular. It's a feeding frenzy, and even Cline has thrown us to the wolves. I applaud my fellow brothers and sisters for going to work each day, not knowing what might happen, but hold your head up and be proud. Don't ever be ashamed to be the Police. It is now and always will be a noble profession, we who go to work each day and leave our families and do our job to the best of our abilities can look in the mirror with pride and say "I Am the Police". So many people fear and hate us, and to them I give my biggest smile. Those who know us and love us share that smile.

3/29/2007 09:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now is the time!!! We have to stand up and defend Law Enforcement. With the cop shooting in NY and the scandals in Chicago its time the "Real Police" step up. Everytime a thug gets killed they rally to stop the violence,Now its time for the police to rally.

During the month of May we honor the lives of those we lost,This May we should also honor the lives we still have and the lives of all the HARDWORKING police officers.

You are the police for a reason,it takes a tough person to do yur job and now is the time to support your profession and show this city who the "REAL POLICE" are.

If FOP wont stand up for you,you have to stand up for yourself!

3/29/2007 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear John
Thank you for all the good work you do for the Department. May God hold your brother Michael in His heart.

3/29/2007 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a fellow 011th district officer and a friend, Mike will never be forgotten. God bless the Gordon family and screw the liberal media. Bobby R.

3/29/2007 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Marin hates cops because her two sons were total delinquints. They lived in Palatine and the Palatine Cops did what they had to on several occasions and she didn't like it.

I know it, I went to HS with the assholes. They lorded who their mommy was over everyone.

Beware of the society who declares war on their police.

3/29/2007 10:44:00 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

Listen Suntimes, we dont hate you or your reporters. Hey, I looked into the J school at Mizzou, its a job. We read your paper, well at least the comics, oh that Luann, she's growing up and still getting into the shenanigans. Oh and we like the sports section too. Well except that pompous blowhard. Yeah you know who we are talking about. See it goes all around.
Fair reporting. No such thing. But much like this site, it's what the people want to read. And money is what it is about. So lighten up my fellow officers. We are just the flavor of the week.
In closing, woot.

3/29/2007 10:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make no mistake the Captain in 025 is a "clown" to say the least, however;

MANY people cannot stand the media for a reason. The picture of the media vehicle that is shown with a parking ticket on it WAS parked in a handicapped space at 5555 W. Grand Ave. in front of the Court. God forbid if a police vehicle was there, it would have been towed. The media had their tickets 'non-suited'.

The JUDGE at branch 50 was the one who ordered Abbate out the back door of the station. At that point, the media stormed the police facility and attempted to get back to the secure area where only police officers allowed.

Perhaps the Judge should be demoted? Nahhhhh.. he's a democrat.

Superintendent CLINE.. RESIGN NOW. You have now officially destroyed moral by not standing up to the scum of the media and letting them know that a few of their individuals messed up on Tuesday.

3/29/2007 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well spoken John. You make me proud to be a "Gordon"!

3/29/2007 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/29/2007 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with my son John's letter. I gave my all to law enforcement for over 30 years, it even took my youngest son Michael. He loved being a CPD Officer, a dream he had since he was a little boy. I thank all of the Blue Family for remembering Michael's name. There is an old proverb I read: "The only truly dead are those that have been forgotten." Lets never forget our Fallen Officers. Be careful out there.

3/29/2007 12:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Marin also reported "Why is the city still paying the bills for the John Burge fiasco"?

Well Ms Marin, it's because they have to, under law, because he was an employee of the police dept. and the city is responsible for his actions.

You cannot just wash your hands of the matter and hope it goes away. And the city will probably have to pay out big time in these other cases also. The lawyers will fine some way to blame the city and the police dept. for these officers actions.

Just cutting them off the pay roll does not end your liability!

Don't think you have discovered some new way to cheat, beat, or eat (Free). You will always end up paying for it in the long run.

Think of your career and your family, it's not worth the temptation.

"Old Timer"

3/29/2007 12:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice but she won't change a bit.

3/29/2007 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An OUTSTANDING letter!! Let's not forget those who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice. To hell with the media. They are not our friends nor have they ever been.

3/29/2007 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol is correct....this job covers it own (crooks and brutality).

3/29/2007 01:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RIP Flash and all other 500+ brothers and sisters who gave it can only pray we dont lose anymore..proof again that we only have each other and our families to rely on

3/29/2007 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very touching and very true!
I knew Mike and what a great guy he was. God Bless.

3/29/2007 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually emailed Carol Marin followed up by a twenty minute phone conversation two days ago to discuss her show on Ch 11 the other night with that liberal freelance writer, police hater Jaimie Kalvin. I spoke of many the same things John Gordan writes of in his letter. May be meeting her to discuss more and convince her of the real truth. The time has come to step up to the plate and tell our side, you know 35th street never will.

3/29/2007 03:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nuff said.

3/29/2007 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline on the Roe Conn show at 4:00PM on WLS-AM radio. FYI

3/29/2007 03:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, Freedom of the Press! They can walk all over you. So step aside coppers.
Um go back to grade school and read the constitution again. Nowhere does it say they can walk all over the police :)

3/29/2007 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Office Poopie Pants (9:12am):

Was that letter directed at the cry baby cop that got in the fight with his street gang, er, other cops? I bet it was. What kind of man sits around and cries to his buddies about his daddy being gone? You're right, it is a bunch of babies on the force nowadays! Quit crying like little girls.

3/29/2007 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, thanks for speaking out on our behalf. Mike is sorely missed and my memories of him are alive and well. He's lucky to have a brother like you. Keep up the good work as well as the faith.


3/29/2007 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write each other tickets, DUIs, and you mess with our families. You rat each other out to the bosses every chance you get.


3/29/2007 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Now is the time!!! We have to stand up and defend Law Enforcement. With the cop shooting in NY and the scandals in Chicago its time the "Real Police" step up. Everytime a thug gets killed they rally to stop the violence,Now its time for the police to rally.

During the month of May we honor the lives of those we lost,This May we should also honor the lives we still have and the lives of all the HARDWORKING police officers.

You are the police for a reason,it takes a tough person to do yur job and now is the time to support your profession and show this city who the "REAL POLICE" are.

If FOP wont stand up for you,you have to stand up for yourself!

3/29/2007 10:12:00 AM

I'm IN! Thousands of us should take over DALEY PLAZA!! WE need a positive change in this department.

3/29/2007 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did taunt lead to beating?
A businessman allegedly made fun of a cop grieving over the loss of his father

March 29, 2007
BY FRANK MAIN Crime Reporter

The alleged beating of four businessmen by off-duty Chicago cops at a West Loop bar was sparked when one of the businessmen poked fun at one of the officers, who was visibly distraught over the death of his father -- a Chicago Police commander -- sources said Wednesday.

The distraught 25-year-old officer was drinking with five fellow off-duty cops at Jefferson Tap & Grille in the West Loop on Dec. 15. He was intoxicated and became emotional, crying over the recent death of his father, sources said.

The Jefferson Tap & Grille in the West Loop, where six off-duty officers allegedly beat up four businessmen last week. A camera outside the bar allegedly caught one of the officers waving off police responding to 911 calls about the fight.

"Stop crying, you pussy," one of the businessmen allegedly told the officer.

"Then all hell broke loose," a law enforcement source said, adding, "It does not excuse what they did."


And the truth begins to come out. I would have kicked this guy's ass too.
You want to be a tough guy, you get what comes.

3/29/2007 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute the media says there shouldn't be a double standard for the police. I guess this means they want special treatment only for themselves. For example when the anchor of a local Chicago Tv station was raped in the building of her employment, everything was hush hush, surely not handled routinely. Or the time a former abc anchor had the shit punched out of her by the wife of an outfit guy for balling the outfit guy and there was not a police report, no investigation, quietly handled and the anchor was send to New York. Or the many times the media are seen or caught snorting nose candy, but it's handled quietly,all of these things should be handled as an everyday case, the public has a right to know.

3/29/2007 04:42:00 PM  
Blogger LLMM said...

"Carol is correct....this job covers it own (crooks and brutality).

3/29/2007 01:55:00 PM "

I hope your punishment in hell is having to lick the sweat off of Rosie O'Donnell's ass crack. You sir are in the running for asshat of the year.

3/29/2007 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 The patrolman in 25 who wrote the citation on the media truck admits that he did it without any guidance from any supervisor. He is assigned to patrol outside the Grand/Central complex and writes citations on a daily basis.
He also points out that the news media had a field day recently writng about individuals who park in handicapped designated spots and signaled out a patrol woman assigned to news affairs.

Is the media exempt from parking in handicapped spots?

#2 The judge directed the court sergeant to get Abbatte out of the building without coming into contact with the news media.
The court sergeant is not assigned to 25 but rather Patrol Division Headquarters.

That would make Charles Williams his supervisor not the watch commander in 25! Will Cline demote Williams?

#3 At the time the news media was running around the complex trying to locate Abbatte the prisoner vans were being loaded by the sheriff's deputies.

If a prisoner escaped who would bear liability?

#4 My opinion is Monique Bond had a hissy fit and whined to "Fatty" and to cover their incompetence they reacted without conducting a complete and thorough investigation hoping to divert the attention of the media.

3/29/2007 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember, "It's the public's right to know", but only after this commercial message. I have used this line with some of the more arrogant news people and it shuts them up immediately.

3/29/2007 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Marin and Zorn need to go on police ridealong!!!!!!!!

3/29/2007 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm IN! Thousands of us should take over DALEY PLAZA!! WE need a positive change in this department.

You need to be an illegal immigrant or anarchist to get a permit to march/demonstrate in this City. The mayor would never approve your permit... but maybe one of his cronies would for the right price :)

3/29/2007 05:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just in from ABC News:

Charges are about to be filed against a Lt and Sgt from the "elite" SOS pertaining to them covering up the actions of their Officers.

That is all.

3/29/2007 06:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys certainly don't help make your case by constantly referring to "yuppie liberals" and "liberal pukes" and so on. What, so anyone who votes Democrat (most of the time - not when it comes to Chicago necessarily) and thinks Bush is an asshat is automatically liberal yuppie scum? That viewpoint makes as much sense as saying that all cops are crooked thugs.

You all talk about "fairness", when the fact is, life ain't fair for most of us. Whether in business or government, there's a lot that's covered up, hushed up, things slide based on who you are. What seems to be the difference, which is why the average person gets irate and notices this stuff, is that when you're a little fish in the business world, you screw up, you're done. Even if you don't screw up, your job is always in jeopardy. Yet even the rank-and-file in the police ranks seem to get a lot of so-called perks that give them some additional benefit. One guy I know whose wife is a cop brags about how he and she get out of speeding tickets, drunk driving, etc., because they're part of the "brotherhood." Knowing how prevalent that is, or seeing that taken to extremes in these recently publicized cases - that leads to these generalizations where people think that cops and people they know can get away with anything. No, that's not fair, and no, I'm not saying that cops shouldn't get some perks - it's when it's taken to extremes, such as the perception that truly corrupt asshole cops also get an easy pass, where everyone gets lumped into the same unfortunate group.

As for those stats about discipline and corruption, please. How much stuff is actually reported and even included in those statistics? I'm not saying cops are more corrupt - just pointing out the fallacy of using statistics to prove a point.

The fact is, we are all judged by the company we keep, or the company we find ourselves in. They're called stereotypes, or the old adage about one rotten apple. Is this fair? No. But it's not just the cops - it happens to EVERYONE. And the "liberal media'?? Please. I read the 2 local papers every day, and there are just as many stories in there about officers or off-duty cops doing some good samaritan act. Really. Just like in any profession, there are good people and bad people. In any profession, there are people who will appreciate you, and those who are asshats who take what you do for granted - they do that with everything and everyone in life. There are just as many good cops out there, like the one who changed my tire for me when my car got a flat very late at night on 88, somewhere near Lombard, as there are appreciative people like me, who wrote a letter to his boss and stopped by his station the next day to drop off some brownies. Painting everyone with the same brush, as "liberal scum" or "police thugs" doesn't do anyone any good.

For what it's worth, I can sympathize with how tough it is to be a cop, and how easy it would be to become suspicious, tough, cynical, shoot first, etc. Is that a gun, or maybe a fork? Is this person mentally challenged, or high and psychotic? I wouldn't wait very long to try to figure it out, quite frankly. I speak only of myself here - having been robbed once, I was so enraged that if I had a weapon, I would have easily gone to town on what I imagined to be worthless, POS, junkie loser gang-banger scumbags preying on hard-working people who don't have time for that nonsense. I was so completely pissed off that these pieces of shit were rummaging through MY stuff, stealing MY stuff, destroying MY property at significant cost to me because their stupid lazy scumbag asses couldn't be bothered to live a decent life. I have zero sympathy for the criminal element - you engage in destroying property or violence against others, you've lost your chance to be out in decent society, and this is one area in which we're so lax that it disgusts me. If you're a violent offender, I don't want you out in my world. Period. So considering everything that officers see every day, the scum they have to deal with, more power to any of you who manage to not be completely cynical and jaded when it comes to the general public - I don't think I could do it. Scratch that - i know I couldn't.

3/29/2007 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say boycott all mainstream media. Don’t watch any news. Don’t buy any newspapers. Don’t take a free newspaper and if they offer you one free turn it down. Newspaper trucks commit traffic violations all night, I say no more breaks. This means war. The W.C. and P.O.s in 25 are the heroes who fired the first shots for our side. Don’t let their sacrifice be in vain.

3/29/2007 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Mr. Gordon,
Your letter to Carol Marin was right on the money.
I wish to continue to pass along my best wishes to your family and friends touched by your brother's life. It's unfortunate that bad apples on this Department continue to dominate the public personna.
The decent citizens of this city who understand and appreciate what Law enforcement is challenged with everyday and sees beyond the goofs on this job to know that we are fortunate to have had men and women, who like your brother worked hard to be the buffer between the good and bad in this world. It makes a difference...
God Bless you and your family and all hard workin' CPD/CFD. Please carry on.
We are very proud of the finest Police officers in the world...The Chicago Police !

3/29/2007 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/11 we will NEVER forget

3/29/2007 06:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/29/2007 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cline on the Roe Conn show at 4:00PM on WLS-AM radio. FYI

3/29/2007 03:31:00 PM

if you listen to roe conn youre an idiot!

3/29/2007 06:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what SCC says about Fat Cline's appearance on Chicago Tonight.

3/29/2007 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, God bless the Gordon family. We will always be by your side. Secondly, do we really care what the media and public think of us. We are the second most powerful figure in this city. The first being... well I'll just say it, the "Outfit". Sorry people but it's true. The police have never been liked by the public or media, so why the fuck do you people care about that now. Who cares what people think of us, we know what we do to save the sheep of this city. If people want to fuck with us watch rapes, homocides, shootings, and robberies skyrocket throughout this cesspool of liberal sheep. Let criminals run up every dorm room, bank, home, or street that are being protected by us, us in blue. Maybe the media can protect everyone, or the puss* politicians who spit shit out of their mouth everyday to get on the camera. Don't get me wrong this city has some classic politicians and even some decent journalists who deserve respect but keep pushing the police department and everyone will be sorry. We don't need your respect, we will get that on our own, just don't cut the hand that protects you.

-Your future Superintendant

3/29/2007 07:16:00 PM  
Blogger Schicklegroover said...

Fair winds and following seas! Enjoy it! Thanks for the good parting words.

3/29/2007 07:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello scc, I used to work at the board of trade back in the early 90's before on got on this job. I work in the bond room for around a year and the grain room for around two years. I know 2 of the so called businessmen from the west loop beating. Both are coke heads and have been doing drugs for years. Drug users who gamble with other people's money. If what I heard is true about how the incident first started I do not blame the officers for actions. If Cline attempts to fire these officers I will personally go to the board for trade and raise money for their defense. These drug users are not to popular with their fellow traders.

3/29/2007 08:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just saw phil on channel 11 bragging about firing 110 coppers in 4 yrs. the big cave in.

3/29/2007 08:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 0912
Why dont you sell your time due and start collecting the pension right away?

Have your cake and eat it too

I agree that there are too many new whinny crybabies around

Many of the new guys are good but too many are know it all arrogant 2 year wonders

Enjoy your retirement my good man Youve earned it

3/29/2007 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 9:12AM

Amen brother, my thoughts exactly!!

Also retired!!!!!!!!!

3/29/2007 09:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen 9:12. Enjoy your retirement.

3/29/2007 09:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that racist bleeding heart liberal loving prick Fr. Phleger on the news talking about how the police department can no longer police themselves. The police live by the code of silence and will never turn in a fellow officer. Hey dickhead, how many Catholic priests have been abusing young kids for yeras. How much money has the church paid out in hush money and lawsuits from this abuse. I bet much more than the city does.

And how many priests turned in another priest for abusing kids? Zero! None. Never heard of one. You guys just transfer these sickos to some other parish where they abuse more kids.

Mind your own house and get it in order before you bitch about us.

3/29/2007 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a concerned County Police Sergeant, AFSCME Local #3953:

John, your piece was well spoken. I hope that you and your family are well, and that God smiles upon your brother. He was taken from us all too soon.

From my (distant) view: It looks to me like 025 got it's ass beaten. This was a no-win situation. If the Captain let all media types park willy-nilly all over the lot, he would have gotten reamed. He also would have gotten reamed (actually did it seems) for writing the tickets, the signs notwithstanding.

Carol Marin: I just dont know what to think of her. Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. She'll promote you then she'll fuck you.

Morale? You want to talk morale? Ask your average county copper about morale! Hmmm, lets see:

Our Sheriff is not a lawman and is anti-gun. He has put a bunch of rich hacks (the alarm guy!!)in charge of the department.

We have a county board that would just assume fuck us as look at us.

We are losing the take-homes. Thank you Mr. St. Baldrick for your fine suggestion to Sheriff Tommy!

Losing the 4-10 to some as yet unknown schedule.

No more promotions, and it seems like every other friday is a "black friday" unless you are the secretary to the D/C of Administration.

The patrolmen do NOT have a contract, and a raving lunatic boss-baiter for a president.

The IG (run by one of your guys) will strip a copper that-quick for a civil action that clearly isnt the department's business.

The lieutenants want to organize, as they been fucked over for 4 years. The sergeants want to reopen our contract because of the loss of vehicle thing, scheduling, availability, etc.

Real Law Enforcement? hell no!! We have roadblocks, hang-on ticket missions, and the ever-popular 500 dollar vehicle impounds!

Not a STITCH of overtime. Even for a murder in Maine Twp! Holiday pay is soon to be toast too!

And oh, those wonderful vehicles! 111,000 miles and clicking, hooo yeah! Hey! i can see the road under the steering wheel!!

Yesterday was a good day. Today is worse. Tomorrow is: Look Out!

Keep the faith, my Chicago brothers!

22-Mary, I am 10-8.

3/29/2007 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Austin and howard in traffic make it a practice to write fellow cops and sergeants DUIs. Others make it a practice to write cop's family memebers tickets and DUIs. Are you living under a rock?

Also, I personally know cops who ahve ratted out people to the bosses to make them selves look good- the same ones who will not do their jobs because they cannot be some kind of hero. Maybe you better start paying attention, you could be next.

3/29/2007 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the Mayor? All the news channels say he's on a "fact finding trip". What does that mean? Is he really at the family compound in Jamaica that we aren't supposed to know about?

3/29/2007 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad grim news, A LT, Sgt, and 5 additional POs to be charged by Friday in regards to SOS scandal.

3/29/2007 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol, stop drinking those Margaritas that look like Windex!
They give you such a nasty hangover that you end up writing terrible columns the next day.
Burge, Medzianowski, & Abatte all did their own evil thing without Cline's knowledge or consent, and without the knowledge or consent of the C.P.D., the rank & file, the Mayor, the idiot Aldermen, the citizenry, the clergy, or even their bookies! Wake up!

3/29/2007 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bad grim news, A LT, Sgt, and 5 additional POs to be charged by Friday in regards to SOS scandal.

3/29/2007 09:39:00 PM



Just what we need.

I am sure the past few weeks will FUCK us in our upcoming contract negotiations.

3/29/2007 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When your wrong, you're wrong ! Suck it up SCC. Carol Marin hit the nail on it's head.

3/29/2007 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to and click on Pfelger's profile.

Here is a white guy raised in the white burbs then attends Loyola where is hand-fed liberal trash and white guilt.

Apparently is son was killed in "gang cross fire."

I hear from some southside coppers that he drives around the southside in some tricked out Caddy.

Don't even get me started on his suing the evil white schools for not wanting to travel to his crime-ridden neighborhood to play ball.

This guy is a real piece of shit.

3/29/2007 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you fight back when you have people on this Department who have the media on their speed dials. Like the Sgt. in 018. His father was a POS in the Detective unit and patrol. Now he calls the media every chance he gets and they respond to all of his calls. is he geting paid for his calls? No matter what6 happens- from traffic crashes to major crimes, he is on the phones to his media pals giving the4m tips and clues. Oh, and he also protects certain spots that he is paid to protect. His last name starts with an S and ends with an I.

3/29/2007 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Marin digs up stuff that has nothing at all to do with the current regime and actively misinterprets what happened at 025 on Tuesday.

Who refused to investigate Burge? State's Attorney Daley, that's who. But not a word on that one.

3/29/2007 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Gordon,
Sorry [again] for your loss. Thanks [again] for your continued commitment to law enforcement.
ALL our sentiments are not exclusively represented here, but at least you know that you and your family will, "Never Walk Alone."
That's what WE do in law enforcement.
WE continue to do our job DESPITE the detractions. That's what separate US from all others..that "Thin Blue Line!"
While the media puts a 'negative' SPIN on it [glass ½ EMPTY theory] ...WE realize that WE make a real difference [glass ½ full]

I openly invite the media...on their own time and funds to attend the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington D.C. [as do 20,000+ of OUR members] annually and explain to the surviving families of those members that made the "Ultimate Sacrifice" [EVERY 53 HOURS ANNUALLY] how they could have done.....MORE!!!!!

P.S. Brothers, [generic term] Let's keep THIS site on topic as indicated out of respect to the Gordon Family. PLEASE post 'other' related CPD topics on the appropriate sites offered by SCC.

"All Gave Some Because Some Gave All!

P.S. IF you read this far SCC.....THANK YOU for ALL you do. While it's NOT mentioned enough...WE, as brothers in L.E. recognize AND appreciate your hard work and dedication for this forum.

3/29/2007 11:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping there would be some sense talking to you guys ... but after reading this long threat of comments, it's confirmed: Cops are dumb.

I mean, really dumb.

Civilian police used to be the butt of so many jokes when I was in the airborne infantry. Undisciplined, fat and ignorant. Typical cop would be one that shoots himself in the foot or has an, "accidental discharge."

You think your problems are with the media? Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to reach that conclusion?

Police treat the media like crap.

Look, I just sat through a coroner's inquest all day in a courthouse with no air-conditioning. When the family started asking a police officer questions about the murder of their daughter, the police officer looked dead at me and said, "I'd rather speak about that in private with the family."

Yah, sounds real sentimental right? Well, he said he on the stand, under oath, and the only other person in the room other then me and the family was another reporter.

Nobody gave a crap about showing up for that inquest, but the reporters were there. And it's a central murder investigation in my city -- located out of Chicago.

After the inquest I approached the family and asked for an interview, but the cop told them to do any media interviews.

What's the cop afraid of? They have publicly announced they have no leads. They have no idea who committed the murder. My news team reaches into over 130,000 households -- of that, the number only increases as to how many eyeballs are on the TV, and how many of those people will go to work and talk about it.

Are the police going to knock on 140,000 doors and ask if they know anything about the murder?

The thing with cops is that you guys have the media ... just to hate the media. You build any excuse in the world to justify those perverted and ignorant views. I think you learn it from crappy Hollywood movies.

So here's another story. There is a sheriff's deputy (which for some reason tend to be smarter than city cops) who did an interview with us after I called up asking about air conditioners being ripped open for their scrap metal. Since we're having so many troubles in my area of thieves stealing aluminum and copper for selling it for scrap, I thought it would be good to do a story about it.

Sure enough, one week later, the officer said he had three suspects that called from Missouri after watching our report. Turns out the criminals are being extradited to Illinois now because of our story.

Fact is, the media does more for the police and are typically eager to work with them.

As Zorn has stated repeatedly in his posts, he has tried to work with the police in the past and only gets treated like crap in return.

You guys need to think about that real hard.

The next time a reporter comes and asks you a question, and you treat them disrespectfully, the favor will be returned in kind.

As a journalist, trying to work with the police is like trying to squeeze water from a rock.

Do you guys think reporters like criminals? Do you think reporters want them running lose and screwing with people? Get a brain! Reporters want bad people off the streets just as badly, but it won't happen if the police refuse to cooperate or behave like idiots.

3/29/2007 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing MARIN has going for her is that her editors are in their 70s. Her tired ass still looks good to a 70 year old. The young anchor bitches are slowly pushing her out the door. SEE YA. Sucks getting OLD when your gig is based on looks first, ability to read a prompter second.

Don't give me that integrity BS either. Since her battle over SPRINGER, she has been bounced to 3 stations in umteen time slots. What does that tell you of her. She is due to hook up with Skippy on FOX soon.

She and her ilk make me laugh. I will stop laughing and possibly listen when she can do a police report that does not inevitably slide into Madjenowski and Burge. 80 % of the coppers on the Dept never met either of these two.

3/29/2007 11:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Stop crying, you pussy," one of the businessmen allegedly told the officer.


If true, this is complete bullshit if these guys lose thier jobs.

3/30/2007 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could not have said it better myself.
But do you really want that hating bitch and her band of assholes desicatrating our holy memories.

3/30/2007 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of the 13,000+ Chicago police officers it seems that you choose to report on the .5% that are dirty.
The media also only report on the 0.001% buildings that burn and neglect the ones that don't.
(Un)fortunately some (not all, hopefully not most) Chicago police officers don't show such bias, harassing guilty and innocent civilians alike.

3/30/2007 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question to 3/29/2007 08:29:00 AM

She showed her true colors. I wonder if Phil will ask her to MC this years event? If she goes so will Ron Majors, he left NBC when her panties got in a knot a few years ago.

3/30/2007 04:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN to 3/29/2007 09:12:00 AM

Couldn't have said it better my brother. Spent 34 years on the job and was dismayed the way it went down hill. The slide started when the Federal Courts decided years ago that it was a good idea to hire 4 foot 10 inch - pregnant - Half Puerto Rican/Half Sunni Muslim women. It was compounded when these same courts decided the CPD was furtile ground for hiring the handicapped (AKA Chicago Public School graduates) from institutions of higher learning as DuSable, Crane, Dunbar etc..

Old saying holds true: You reap what you sow."

3/30/2007 04:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you dont know anyone who rats out their fellow officers?? Lucky about that fat @#$% Karney in 020..years ago ratting out his fellow officers .didnt he wear a wire?!! Sgt DICKman from 020 who jots notes into a notebook about officers on his watch... and whats up with the stupid chick in 020 with her duty belt over her sweater!! thats safe!!! majority of 3rd sgts there would rat out their mothers. anything to get ahead, right ??

3/30/2007 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the CCSPD Sgt. Your right about almost everything, I hate to stick up for an IG but our own command people stripped ALL of our stripped officers, one for 3 years.

3/30/2007 09:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Where is the Mayor? All the news channels say he's on a "fact finding trip". What does that mean? Is he really at the family compound in Jamaica that we aren't supposed to know about?

3/29/2007 09:30:00 PM

everytime shit hits the fan "He Gone", why? he gets tipped off and knows his dumb ass only mumbles and he don't know nothin about nothin anyway what an assclown!

3/30/2007 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger TheHatLives said...

To: 3/29/2007 11:10:00 PM

Yes, I do think reporters like criminals. Makes good Copy. And when reporters like Mr zorn complain we do not cooperate with him that means don't tell him what he wants to hear, we only tell him what we know. And as for speaking in private with the family there is no way I would let a reporter listen in on that type of conversation because it is not you business. The family has a right to some privacy whether you like it or not.

3/30/2007 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm IN! Thousands of us should take over DALEY PLAZA!! WE need a positive change in this department.

You need to be an illegal immigrant or anarchist to get a permit to march/demonstrate in this City. The mayor would never approve your permit... but maybe one of his cronies would for the right price :)

3/29/2007 05:31:00 PM
-----------------------------------But remember the police don't follow the rules so would u really need a permit? If all of the working P.O's are there who are they going to send it to break it up.

3/30/2007 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next time a reporter comes and asks you a question, and you treat them disrespectfully, the favor will be returned in kind.


So you would rather I talk to the media and have them distort what I say to get a nice juicy story and then I can in turn lose my job?

I don't think so. Deal with media affairs and leave the street cops alone. Thats what they are there for.

And thank you for painting us all us dumb jackasses who couldn't find their way out of a box. One who judges over 13,000 based on ther action of a small few would appear to be the ignorant one to me.

This coming for a street copper with a PhD.

3/30/2007 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Marin's piece was a real eye opener of all the things since I moved to Ohio. It also reminds me to VERY glad that I did move out of Chicago.

Not to put too fine of a point on it, the Chicago PD as an organization generally conducts itself in the manner envisioned by the RICO statute(s).

Why is this? By my observation, primarily because of the local police union. Every time I hear a union spokesman say something, it's so bizarre, astonishing or simply evil, you have to check twice to make sure you're not listening to Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Hugo Chavez.

I'll NEVER forget the time in '96 that I heard union spokesmen on National Public Radio demanding that cops be allowed to keep their guns AFTER being convicted of domestic violence. My favorite comment was, "Taking the gun away from an angry, violent cop will only make him MORE angry and violent!" That's the sort of crude intimidation and thuggery for which the Chicago PD is well known, and carries on to this day in the Abbate case. Now a union spokesman whines pitifully that replaying the cowardly beating of that barmaid by the bloated coward Abbate "hurts police morale". Well, DUH!!! Morale SHOULD be bad when the police misbehave, as they so often do in Chicago. What does the union WANT for such subhuman behavior, PRAISE??? And let us not forget; we're not just talking about the beating, we're talking about witness intimidation, preferential treatment of a suspect, AND harassment of the media. The police union PROBABLY can't intimidate stations into not playing the videotaped beating, but even if they COULD, what about the INNUMERABLE copies downloaded from the internet? What would he do about THEM? House to house searches of every computer in Chicago (and perhaps beyond)? Probably.

Every time I wonder how I can be more ashamed to be from Baathist Chicago, I see the news...

3/30/2007 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the so called Reporter,
Like the other post said; You are supposed to contact media affairs. The Police aren't allowed to talk to you by general order. Furthermore, You act as if it's your right to know peoples personal business. It's up to the citizen if they want to talk to you after their loved one was just murdered. They're not assholes if they don't!
The Police get the picture when they have been constantly mis-quoted and had interviews edited to the point where the message is totally changed.
Nice that you lump all CPD together. Shall we do the same to you after we arrest one of your reporters for buying crack and swallowing it after a foot chase. Especially after many papers and TV media blast us all together for the wrongs of a few. HMMMM sound familiar???
When YOU all begin to show respect, then YOU will have earned the right to be spoken to.
That's why they don't speak to you, Goof !
Yes, both sides could handle things differently but ultimately, just as the Police, your jobs have their obstacles. Try doing theirs for a week. I remember when Zorn wrote of his ride along experience.
Not his better writings...Seems he didn't get it.
Seriously, Ask to do a ride along in a fast District for a month...or even a couple of weeks.
Walk in their shoes before you paint them all with the same brush.
Typical media....Story is more important than fact!

3/30/2007 11:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cline, why don't you RETIRE? For someone who thinks they are so smart, you should have known better than to have climbed into bed with Chicago City Hall. With your 30 + years on the job, you've overstayed. 25 and out, MANDATORY. NO Exceptions. You've got more than enough pension coming.

3/30/2007 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God Bless Officer Gordon, and all our true fallen Heroes. We Love you ALL.

3/30/2007 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an idea. Why don't all us coppers get in our personel cars, get some soda and sandwiches, [all legal stuff], and plan a date and time, and all just start slowly circling City Hall? Just obey all traffic laws, and , in no time, the entire area will be totally Fucked Up. And, if off-duty, it's all legal. After all, can't a guy take a scenic ride around and see the sights of the City of Crookcago Il.

3/30/2007 12:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are 13,000 police officers in the city? Which city?!

3/30/2007 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but it won't happen if the police refuse to cooperate or behave like idiots.
Reporter: You are unaware of what our general orders state! We have MANY restrictions on speaking with the media. If we speak of an open investigation, we will get disciplined/fired. Would you be willing to risk your job for nothing??? Most of us here aren't. We could tell the media all we want and it would not change a thing!
Due to the high taxes of the county, rising medical costs, rising prescription costs, cut in overtime, we have to keep what we have ... like it or not.
That's why there's a blue wall of silence! Not our choice, but the Department's policy.

3/30/2007 03:19:00 PM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

-3/29/2007 08:45:00 AM

Settle down there fella, it's going to be alright. I'll see if the doctor will up your dosage.

3/30/2007 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reporters are useless.

Enough said

3/30/2007 04:37:00 PM  
Blogger Coldtype said...

“we let you carry a badge and give you power. We let you carry a gun. We give you a car and a full tank of gas. The only thing we ask you to do is to go out and f@#k with people. What is so hard to understand? You have the greatest job in the world and all you do is complain about fairness. Life is not fair, why should anyone else be?"- 3/29/2007 09:12:00 AM (The Bitter Man)

Let’s break this down a bit shall we?

“We let you carry a badge and give you power”

Yes, to serve the public not our own ends. And your point is?

“We let you carry a gun”

Yes, for self-defense and/or in defense of others but not for armed-assault or power-trips. Did you think it otherwise?

“The only thing we ask you to do is go out and f--- with people”

They do? This last bit is rather problematic seeing as how the public expects of us the precise opposite. The public expectation is that we will PREVENT others from fucking with them. Unfortunately, the Abbate episode, the unfolding SOS scandal, and (provocations notwithstanding) the A/4 gun team smack down leaves the PERCEPTION with the public that your old boss may have been on to something—we ARE here to fuck with people. I believe this was what Carol Marin was driving at in her article. If the public perception of this department is to change for the better then there are steps we need to take to put our own house in order.

“Life is not fair, why should anyone else be?”

Everywhere one looks they find the selfish, the cruel, and the mendacious, perhaps we should join them.

I for one think John Gordon is dead on, however, very little of what you suggest would EVER disabuse the public of the stereotypes swimming in their heads regarding us.

“most of you over educated idiots could not hack it in the private sector and that is the only reason you are on this job.”

It’s fitting that given your peculiar notions of public service that you castigate those who would opt to serve the public—at the risk of their lives as Michael Gordon had done—instead of the profit motive (thus themselves). Perhaps it IS time for you do go. Be well.

3/30/2007 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen that chick with her gun belt over the sweater. What a moron, she thinks she's in the 80's. I heard her talk to, she sounds like the DP that cleans my house.

3/30/2007 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad I am leaving. I am embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of losers and cowards. I am formally naming you Generation Poopie Pants!


3/30/2007 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..I never knew Michael Gordon or any of the others who fell before while doing this job..I mourn his loss as I would the loss of a current co-worker or family member..
..I remember coming on this job 17 years ago and being told two things that will always stay with me..
The first being that this job we do is ours to lose..If we violate General Orders or violate the law,expect to be punished and fired...or imprisoned.
The second thing was that the good old days were gone and that the days of being the "real police" were over..You can imagine what the veterans were trying to imply by saying that..The so called Code of Silence hadnt been seen since before Jimmy Hoffa and the nature of the job was changing..
My point in all this is that we all come on this job to do good things, whether you want to admit it or not. We all believed in what we do at one time or another..Do we lose faith at some time or another?? Who doesnt..
To hear other officers saying f-ck this or they arent going to do anything from now on, makes no sense..Worse, it dishonors the memory of those can no longer answer the roll call.
Would you like to present your thoughts and ideas to the families of the above departed officers and still be able to look them in the eye..If their departed family member had done the same thing, i.e., not gone on that call or not chased that bad guy, they might still be here..They didnt, they acted, they answered the call, they did their job and made the ultimate sacrifice..They are CHICAGO'S FINEST.
I cant answer for them as to whether it was faith, devotion to duty or whatever it was that drove them to do what they did and face what they faced..I cant say if I could have faced the beast with the same courage.
What I can say is simply this..If I or any of you who complain about how bad this job of ours is, had the conviction the size of a mustard seed that was demonstrated by our fallen comrades..what a job this would be...
Let us all show the citizens of this city and the world that we are the thin blue line that protects them from the wolves of society and we deserve their trust and faith. We dont automatically deserve their respect, I will give respect to almost anyone in the measure it is given to me. Honestly, we all know those days are long gone and I for one, dont expect to hear thank you for the job that I do. When you expect the most from anyone in this life is when you can most assuredly be sadly disappointed.
G-d bless to all who do this job and their families and those who no longer can..Stay safe and keep the faith. We will see better days.
My condolences and my prayers to you John Gordon and your family on your loss. I pray that over time, G-d grant you peace in your hearts and minds..


3/30/2007 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Marin has been the MC at the CPD's annual awards ceremonies for years. She's written lots of positive thhings about the police and has been one of the most vocal critics of the Mayor.

3/29/2007 08:29:00 AM

Yes...she does this each year with Ron Magers. She reads a script which is prepared for her. Maybe this year she'll do the CPD a favor and stay home. Maybe they can send someone else in her place. Or better yet maybe we should buy those tickets, honor our own and boo her when she's introduced. That will get plenty of media attention I'm sure.

3/31/2007 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you dont know anyone who rats out their fellow officers?? Lucky about that fat @#$% Karney in 020..years ago ratting out his fellow officers .didnt he wear a wire?!! Sgt DICKman from 020 who jots notes into a notebook about officers on his watch... and whats up with the stupid chick in 020 with her duty belt over her sweater!! thats safe!!! majority of 3rd sgts there would rat out their mothers. anything to get ahead, right ??

3/30/2007 09:05:00 AM

They don't have enough work to do in 020, thus the nit-picking

4/01/2007 10:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karney didn't wear a wire, he filed a complaint against an abusive surpervisor along with several other pos, who also complained about the supervisor. Get your facts straight. You'd file a complaint too if someone was screwing around with you about your family. The supervisor deserved it.

4/03/2007 09:34:00 PM  

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