Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daley Blinks

Once again, Daley lies. The garbage men call him on it:
  • In an apparent attempt to ease tensions with organized labor, the Daley administration today abruptly cancelled a “request for quotations” to purchase up to 200 “automated, side-loading refuse trucks” that could pave the way for scores of layoffs and service cuts.

    [...] But Lou Phillips, business manager of Laborers Union Local 1001, said the RFQ was canceled because “we asked them to do it.

    “We helped them out of the budget problem. To slap us in the face with something like this was appalling. What kind of respect does it show this local or this leadership?’’

That would be "none" Mr. Phillips. Shortshanks wants you to give, give, give and then he's going to screw you anyway after all the concessions given. Welcome to the party pal.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the pensions!!! C.PD.C.FD below the requirement set by law. Streets and San.s? 98%. Gimme a freakin' break. Daley bended my a$$!!! I bended when I took this job and continue to bend every freakin' day.

4/16/2009 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm retired and have lived in Arizona for the past nine years. During that time not one person has knocked on my door and asked if I needed a garbage can or a city service.

And by the way, the g-trucks and recycle trucks have only one person aboard. They both have automatic side loaders.

Just think of how many votes and being lost.

4/16/2009 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every city worker is aware that shortshanks views his labor force as "Peons" subject to what ever idiocy strikes his fancy. The asshole LIES at the drop of the hat.

All I can say is "DICK" Daley, before Daley" DICKS" you.

4/16/2009 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep calling him on his Bullshit. It's fun to watch the sweat fly off his greasy head while he stutters.

4/16/2009 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city does whatever it wants-- even when they are caught doing something which is in violation of a collective bargaining agreement, they just dead pan and say "oh well" what are you going to do about it ???

4/16/2009 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey will do what you are told to do you fat piece of shit!

4/16/2009 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can garbage men be drunk on or off duty?

4/16/2009 05:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought we were trying to create jobs. Daley is so much out of touch.
They have the City Colleges trying to train people for whatever jobs still exists in this country, and Daley wants to put people out of work. The Democrats just can't figure it out, or they don't care.
People have to work. Then they pay taxes, then they buy things.
Is Keeping Jobs Here Pork Barrel Spending?

4/16/2009 06:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less than two years until the Mayoral election, seems like a long time but it will be here very quickly.

It is time for change in Chicago.

4/16/2009 07:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The unions are finding out that the DemocRatic Party, now the Communist Party, are NO friends of organized labor. The Communists expect you to work for the state for minimum wage, with little to no benefits.


4/16/2009 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's file for arbitration and see if he blinks then. that is the only weapon left in the arsenal of a very few.

File for arbitration and notify the IOC of that fact and copy Daley on everything. See if he is in any more of a hurry then.

Miserable stuttering prick. Here is hoping the stuttering prick watches the 2016 Olympic Games from a jail cell in Oxford Wisconsin.

4/16/2009 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can garbage men be drunk on or off duty?

yes, but it's illegal for them to be drunk and driving a motor vehicle.

4/16/2009 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Daley ever answered a question with a direct answer? I can't recall even one time....he just rambles and stutters on, then goes to the next question. What is wrong with the media in this town? I was a radio reporter in a previous life and would NEVER have settled for the answers he gives. Why don't they keep on him for answers???

God, I wish I had pictures of Daley getting intimate with a barnyard animal!!!

4/16/2009 08:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people left in this wonderfull city will be the Daley crime family and thier private contract employees! Say good bye to most if not all union jobs in the city! OH by the way you stupid morons, just don't worry keep voting and supporting me and my family in all the coming elections! I PROMISE TO SUPPORT YOU!

4/16/2009 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The laborers union is a sorry history of thugs and organized crime financed by the taxpayers. To hell with that union.

4/16/2009 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley is going to privatize garbage men. Soon you will see Waste Management trucks picking up your garbage.

4/16/2009 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember Feb 22, 2011, that is the next mayoral election.

Remember to vote the bum OUT!

The next FOP election will also take place in the spring of 2011. If anyone wants change, start putting together a slate of candidates NOW.

Don't start complaining a month after the election that "we should vote 'dese guys out."

4/16/2009 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helped them out of the budget problem? They gave you 100 jobs back because your members took 1 furlough day and some members were going to take the early retirement package offered. I never saw a number on how many retired but I'd be shocked if, in this economic climate, more than 25 retired, so the city began the hole approx.
$4M in the hole due to this great negotiation. Calm down Lou.

4/16/2009 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck daley! that can be my response to every post

4/16/2009 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People have to work. Then they pay taxes, then they buy things.
Is Keeping Jobs Here Pork Barrel Spending?

This is the future we're headed for. Cheapest, lowest quality possible service provided (security guards replacing cops, garbage men replaced by trucks, etc.) and yet taxes still go up. Where's the extra money going to? Flower pots and giant beans? It would be funny if it weren't true.

4/16/2009 12:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4/16/2009 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley's jobs go to people that can widen his wallet!

And to you Mr. Lou Phillips;

You must be the biggest liar in your union. Your nose is so far up Daley's ass, your becoming a penis.

I'm sure your members are proud of you saving their jobs until a better deal comes along and he fires them all.

This prick is out to privatize every city department.

He is out to destroy each union 1 by 1 until he controls every concept of labor.

4/16/2009 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor has given a contract to Jody but refuses to give us a contract. Jody has a contract which gives him the pay for 2 jobs but he does not even do one well.
The Mayor rewards incompetance, he must know by now the Jody could not lead a troop of girls scouts.
Does anyone know if the Alderpersons get medical for the part time job?????
We could save over $40000000 if we cut the city council by 1/2. In this time of hardship should we not look at reducing expense by cutting aldermen?

4/16/2009 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much Jody was given as a relocation perk when he took the job in Chicago???

4/16/2009 01:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jody has a Contract when do we get ours?? Jody does not care if we ever get one he has his. Will jody get a pension of some sort from the city????

4/16/2009 01:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time for S & S to picket with us the next time.

4/16/2009 02:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looka t todays sun-time he wants to lay off another 1,600+ old volpe is having his strings pulled again! They sign a 10 year agreement then asshole thief daley wants more concessions? Hey daley hope Fitzgerald gets the final nails soon and buries your criminal empire!

4/16/2009 06:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The road to tyrany, we must remember, begins with the destruction of the Truth.

Daley is a lying TYRANT asswipe.

4/16/2009 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DA MARE will turn this city into the next detroit.If i lose my job im off to the burbs. mt .greenwood will go to shit,75% CITY WORKERS.

4/16/2009 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lou Phillips=====the actor from La Bamba???

4/16/2009 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TRUTH is coming out about many evil nefarious doings, very shortly.

4/16/2009 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished a conversation with a garbage man over an ice cold lemonade and he is spitting mad that shortshanks is trying to take away all of their holidays.........Did you hear that His Highness is trying to empty the "holiday pot" for the garbage men and women....These people deserve their he will try to take ours....
Hey garbage men unit and march with us next time....

4/16/2009 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor has given a contract to Jody but refuses to give us a contract. Jody has a contract which gives him the pay for 2 jobs but he does not even do one well.
The Mayor rewards incompetance, he must know by now the Jody could not lead a troop of girls scouts.
Does anyone know if the Alderpersons get medical for the part time job?????
We could save over $40000000 if we cut the city council by 1/2. In this time of hardship should we not look at reducing expense by cutting aldermen?


4/16/2009 09:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of at least three US Navy SEALS who could put a serious dent in crime if given the opportunity and a flatbed truck to shoot from.

4/16/2009 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley is going to privatize garbage men. Soon you will see Waste Management trucks picking up your garbage.

Waste Mgmnt picks up the garbage in
my town (not crook county) and the
service is excellant.One truck,one man,they pickup anything you leave on the curb.

Retired.............and loving it.

4/17/2009 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley is going to privatize garbage men. Soon you will see Waste Management trucks picking up your garbage.
An extraordinarily good idea, but it just won't happen.

4/17/2009 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all our fellow city workers:It truly is time to unite,just think,if there is a march in front of city hall and the overflow to the State of ILL. building due to the large turn out with 10,000+ in attendance,city workers do you think the media will be able to hide/whitewash that many disgrantled workers of the city of Chicago from the I.O.C.?and from the whole world.Then hammer the Mayor on the rampant corruption coming from city hall,If we have picketers from all of the unions that will send a message that Mayor mumbles will not/cannot ignore.The citizens will really start coming around to our side. All on scene displaying banners and signs that point out all of the Mayor's shananigans,for example: labor unions concede by agreeing to give backs then the Mayor back doors the labor union by threatening lay offs,S&S agreed to give backs but the Mayor back doored them by proposing layoffs ,etc,etc.The police department: Faulty/inferior equipment,dangerously Mayor enduced low manpower,the ability to "POLICE" taken away,extremely low morale, and last but certainly not the least: no viable contract and a refusal to offer any contract of any kind.With all those city workers and the family of those city workers displaying there displeasure at the way the Mayor and the city do business with it's workers the Mayor's wall of teflon/silence will start to crumble because of all the 20/20 investigations,the CNN reporters showing up to dig into the paper trail/no bid contracts through freedom of infomation law suits,then the local media will have no chioce but to pile on because they will look bad because the national/international news will start to point out that the local media was not doing they're job by point out the obvious curruption that is in plain view and allowed to flourish because the local media was silent therefore allowed it to occur right under their noses. Mayor mumbles would retire due too "ILL HEALTH".then The fed's would have no chioce but too "START" an investigation due too the media's constant involvement in uncovering rampant corruption that was also under their noses. What news agency will not grab at the chance to take down one of the most popular Mayor's in the country and how he obtained that popularity,due to the national media not knowing of his antics and then exposing them for all the world to see. That is why all of the city unions need to start interacting amongst each other to let the whole world see how this tyrant governs the city,which in turn will show how the aldermen cave in to all of his demands and don't hold him accountable for his actions. The city council is just as much to blame for the Mayor's actions as he is himself. We do not know how much power we hold as city workers,we could single out the alderman to be defeated in elections by going into the wards and pick them off one by one because they think they are undefeatable but with thousand's of city workers and their family members going door to door during election time. At the very least the aldermen will be shaking in there collective boots because they know we won't be able to pick them all off but we will be able to get some of them defeated and the scary part is they won't know fore sure who will be effected the most until the following day. That is why I say we should all unite against a common enemy and we can bring the powers that be down to their knees. How about we organize a collective informational picket involving all city workers because no one outside the City knows about what's going on inside the city.

4/17/2009 11:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TRUTH is coming out about many evil nefarious doings, very shortly.

4/16/2009 09:06:00 PM

Do tell.....

4/17/2009 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daley blinks? WTF Bea blinks all the time!

4/18/2009 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Hey will do what you are told to do you fat piece of shit!

4/16/2009 02:32:00 AM

Lou,everybody knows what the deal is.

4/18/2009 07:03:00 PM  

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