Friday, December 17, 2010

What Are They Learning?

Someone really ought to do a study on what a drain the school are on police resources:
  • Thirteen students were arrested at Foreman High Thursday after a tussle over a football outside the school cafeteria escalated into a major fight.

    Foreman was placed on lockdown for the last two periods of the day after the melee erupted shortly after 1 p.m. Teachers were ordered to lock their classroom doors and not let any students out until about 15 minutes after normal dismissal time, teachers said.

    During the fracas at 3235 N. Leclaire, a teacher was “battered” but declined treatment, police said. In addition, a police officer was knocked to the ground trying to break up the fight. He was taken to a local hospital for minor injuries.

Thirteen arrests, countless cars, injured staff and police.

Over a football.

And here's the truly sad part - there aren't even any factory jobs for these dead-enders to look forward to in the future. If you read the post directly below this one, they don't even have a weekend of weed to look forward to. All that's left is for them to breed more misery and drain more from society. Forever.

Oh, and to vote for democrats to take more of our money.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fight didn't break out over a football. It was because a black male student was seen walking through the hall at the school with a latina, and was attacked by a latino male who obviously didn't like it.

12/17/2010 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell is that whack job captain watch commander on 3rd watch in 020? We work an outside unit and brought an arrestee in with a warrant. This woman was female version of Adolph Hitler on PMS. I have never seen a boss treat P.O’s like such shit in my 22 years on the job. Makes Joe Curtin look like pee wee herman. And to think, I was thinking of bidding to this district if they ever have an opening. I would rather go back to IRAC and work a check point. At least I knew who the enemy was. I feel sorry for those people in 020. I’ll light a candle for you. Merry Christmas.

12/17/2010 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucking animals

12/17/2010 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/17/2010 01:59:00 AM  
Anonymous West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

See my post in the "Meeks" thread above for how this type of shit spreads and ultimately winds up where you picked up on it here, SCC.

It's truly amazing, sad and sickening all at the same time, how some people out there still think that savages like this deserve more entitlements and/or that they can be rehabilitated.

I hate this fucking state, and look forward with great anticipation to making a hasty departure from it, in a few short years.

12/17/2010 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that tasers have been invented can anyone explain to me why teachers, bus drivewrs, librarians, parents, etc are not armed with them. I must have missed something.

12/17/2010 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry and Rob do a good job trying to keep those animals under control.That is one fucked up school.They should take a baby furlough at the same time and the w/c should assign Trixie and The Butler to the school.That would be hilarious!

12/17/2010 05:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, over a football. This is what happens when government gives support to the worthless dregs of society. They have incentive to keep doing what they do.

12/17/2010 06:00:00 AM  
Anonymous HATER said...






12/17/2010 07:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC maybe we need to say fuck it let the animals fight,if they kill each other no loss! That is "jungle law" these link card holders,drain on society jags should all be caged! Police officers should never get hurt breaking up a fight,take your time responding only get involved when police are in the mix! We are there to pick up the trash after and bring a shovel via CFD to scoop em up! cps is nothing more than a pos system run by assholes who have no idea how to train animals! Just make sure meeks that gay man stays away from us! Now he wants 50,000 "vouchers" to put these animals in private schools! How does that work I pay tuition and you will have scumbags paying nothing,going to same school? nothing like shitcago,crook county!

12/17/2010 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, in my humble opinion, the worst public schools in Chicago need to try to separate the boys from the girls. Ask any copper, teacher, principal what a majority of the fights are about and they will tell you it's over the opposite sex. Take Marshall high school for example. Make a Marshall for boys and one for girls. Take out the biggest incentive to fight. Then you also have the beneift of being able to have smaller class sizes, which is a huge advantage for teachers and students. It has been proven that kids that go to same sex schools also have higher self esteem and feel less pressure for competition. At this point, what do they have to lose? Things in these schools are only going to get worse and we certainly don't have the mapower to contain all the b.s. (nor should we have to).

12/17/2010 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send these kids back to their neighborhood school. Why let Austin high school pollute the rest of the area with their problem childs?
Perhaps if schools were set up for inside district use only these schools could return to normal? Look at Steinmetz? They got kids coming all the way from 011 to go there?

12/17/2010 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would rather go back to IRAC and work a check point.

I hope this was the result of fat fingers. But "C" is not near "Q" on the keyboard.

12/17/2010 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking of bidding to this district if they ever have an opening. I would rather go back to IRAC and work a check point.

................................... Where is "IRAC"? And , which CPS school did you go to ?? TAFT? No wonder she gave you a hard time.

12/17/2010 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its amazing what most Chicago high schools have become, breeding grounds for violence, gangs, narcotics, and a major drain of police manpower. And to the non-police reader's if you dont believe me stop by Hyde Park H.S., Kelly H.S., Steinmetz H.S., Foreman H.S., Austin H.S. I'm sure my fellow officer can add a lot more to the list!

12/17/2010 10:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EVERY day theres a HUGE drain of Manpower at dismissal time..figure at least an hour before, because you don't want to get tied up on something that will interfere with your post @ Foreman.and then after dismissal, with arrests, name checks, escorts etc.The same with 025th, they have to be on alert, in case the honor students escape into their District.........And if you ever talked to the Principal, you could learn alot!.she's more versed in gang colors, salutes,initiations etc....She makes Joe Medz. look like a gaylord wannabe!..Great education system.and ENGLISH is NOT spoken there, by choice...that causes alot of friction from one "no-speak", to another no-speak of different heritage,.they all think the others are making fun of them and the honor students jump in whenever they want..and the school still "hosts" a dance,thats more like "MadCity"..Stay SAFE and Thanks for ALL you do!!

12/17/2010 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the injured officer is doing better.

chicago school system is just a place for these animals to hang out all day and plan how to cause holy hell in the neighborhoods and waste police officers time on bs rather than going to school and learn something. they all should be locked up with their own kind for a very long time then maybe we can clean up chicago after daily and j-fled are gone!

have a great weekend and stay safe!

12/17/2010 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a job anymore. I know i'll quit school and get social security fooooh lifffe!

12/17/2010 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12/17/2010 01:01:00 AM

How long were you on the Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee?

12/17/2010 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to Zone 12 around dismissal time for Michelle Clark and Austin High school. It's a daily occurrence to have students rioting in the street. It's just a matter of time before we have another Fenger HS incident happens with this little fucks acting like savages. Seriously, tune in and listen.

12/17/2010 01:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it was a reallly nice football.

12/17/2010 01:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "consensus" candidate will be Carole Measley-Brain, as she has nothing to lose from any embarassing information that might come out during the campaign. And she's got a snowball's-chance-in-Hell of winning. Just the way it's designed...

Meeks is just trying the ol' extortion BS, just as he did when he threatened to run against Blago for governor.

The next Supe will be another outsider, but a police chief from elsewhere. Crime is down, lawsuit settlements down, beefs down. They want to keep it that way.

12/17/2010 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Now that tasers have been invented can anyone explain to me why teachers, bus drivewrs, librarians, parents, etc are not armed with them. I must have missed something.

12/17/2010 04:35:00 AM"

1. lawsuits

2. lack of the balls, brains and/or common sense necessary to not use them when it's not lawfully justified

3. the ComEd bill for recharging would be enormous

4. did i mention lawsuits?

12/17/2010 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was in HS there was a riot in the lunchroom over a damn rice crispy treat. After that incident boys and girls were seated on seperate sides of the lunchroom. The sad part was that the entire 13th district had to respond to this mess, and was told to advise of flying chairs.

12/17/2010 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...there aren't even any factory jobs for these dead-enders to look forward to in the future. All that's left is for them to breed more misery and drain more from society. Forever." -- SCC

This is, what, the fourth or fifth state-raised generation by now?

The flood of eager, work-cheap-for-cash illegal aliens guarantees that the savages battling each other and the police every school day will remain on the bottom of the heap -- graduating as they entered, preliterate and nearly preverbal.

Most of the males will be street criminals, caught in the revolving door in and out of prison. The few that are able to contain their aggression enough to be just barely employable will find jobs as TSA screeners, "security guards," unnecessary clerks behind desks, and in other positions that will unaccountably give them power over others who are far more intelligent than they are.

Among my favorites are the "medical transport" van drivers, some of whom I've seen sit with both hands clutching the wheel, staring sullenly ahead and offering no assistance whatsoever, as an elderly patient struggles for fifteen minutes to hoist her heavy oxygen tank up onto that high floor and then somehow climb in after it.

One poor woman I know has had as many as FIVE obese, argumentative "home health aides" sent to her residence at the same time! Talk about generating billing for Medicare...

We've all seen the half-dozen TMAs hanging on the corner downtown, laughing, slapping their knees, and passing the time of day. Same deal.

The parasites who manage these operations are climbing over each other, struggling to suck out the last few dollars left over from the productive manufacturing-based economy of the 1950s. The proliferation of these "sit around and talk s__t" jobs heralds the death of our society.

12/17/2010 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell is that whack job captain watch commander on 3rd watch in 020?... This woman was female version of Adolph Hitler on PMS. I have never seen a boss treat P.O’s like such shit in my 22 years on the job.

I had the pleasure of interacting with this "person" a couple of weeks ago. What a pieace of shit! I feel for the 3rd watchers in 020. As with you, I watched her treat the desk personnel like dogshit. Also like you, I'd given thought to transferring there, though I'd heard 20 had asshole bosses. No fuckin way, bro!

12/17/2010 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Fed-Up Taxpayer said...

Most of the males will be street criminals, caught in the revolving door in and out of prison. The few that are able to contain their aggression enough to be just barely employable will find jobs as TSA screeners, "security guards," unnecessary clerks behind desks, and in other positions that will unaccountably give them power over others who are far more intelligent than they are..........
12/17/2010 02:58:00 PM

Wow - your assessment is dead on.

12/17/2010 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was in school, the nuns just hit us when we acted up and threatened to call our parents. You prayed they didn't call home. A whack from a num was better than a whack from the old man.

12/17/2010 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be the HS my nieces would go to if they hadn't qualified for Northside.

Lesson to all the youngsters out there: study hard so you don't have to attend the shittier high schools in your neighborhood.

12/17/2010 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dont think these people,.... (animals are too nice to call shitheads like these kids so we have to use the term people until i can think of a better term) really care about their chances of getting a legitimate job, they plan on living off the government because they think they are entitled to since they are a minority and what i have heard, mostly blacks were involved they think the country treated their ancestors bad so they are owed respect and what ever else they want. hopefully felony review approved felony charges on all of them and the shitbird asa that gets assigned to the case tries them as adults so they can get maxium prison sentences.

stay safe out there my brothers and enjoy the weekend if possible.

12/17/2010 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it is a rumor, but i have heard that there was another incident at another cps high school this afternoon.... this time schurz i think. I sure hope there wasnt but i dont doubt it actually happened. hope there were no injuries to any of our responding officers if there was another incident.

12/17/2010 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats going on with the lunch situation in 017?

12/17/2010 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next Supe will be another outsider

No it won't.

12/17/2010 07:48:00 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Yeap 020 sucks, you think the 3rd watch commander sucks wait until you deal with "blue meanie" Moy, she's the works. She can't talk to people, she screams. Especially with military people she doesn't like someone and sends people to write-up those...have watched it done, its BS...saying that for military duty they "affected manpower." In the past lawsuits have been filed because of "blue meanie" against the city and yet she got promoted. These people lack a clue. So, don't bid, it sucks. Those ladies have no idea how to lead, too much ego

12/17/2010 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the situation at most of the CPS high schools is hopeless....meaning, there is no solution, period!, teachers, educators, politicians, get used to saying it..

12/17/2010 11:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should erect wrought iron fencing around all public schools,with gates,when the animals arrive they are let off the prison (school)bus sent inside,after back on the bus with a cage on it also and dropped off back in the jungle that would be "change we could believe in"!

12/18/2010 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dont think these people,.... (animals are too nice to call shitheads like these kids so we have to use the term people until i can think of a better term) really care about their chances of getting a legitimate job, they plan on living off the government because they think they are entitled to since they are a minority and what i have heard, mostly blacks were involved they think the country treated their ancestors bad so they are owed respect and what ever else they want. hopefully felony review approved felony charges on all of them and the shitbird asa that gets assigned to the case tries them as adults so they can get maxium prison sentences.

stay safe out there my brothers and enjoy the weekend if possible.

Hello there GENIUS, black and latino students were involved in the fight. You can see all the offenders involved via Iclear if you don't believe me.

12/18/2010 02:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a CPS employee in 020 and the post here if you can believe it is an under statement. These honor students have well concieved and almost tactical plans in place to sell dope and guns and the rest. It is a great injustice that the officers that respond to the schools have simply become a free ride home for these degenerates. Much respect for all you do. Thank you all for at least trying to keep us safe.I will hope that you can at the very least gain some support from your next leader. God bless.

12/18/2010 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back Penny to the school patrol, she was everywhere but mostly not in the schools

12/19/2010 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the slow 019 district had a "basketball game incident" last week at Hamlin park (Belmont and Damen area). All f/1 and m/1 running around in packs attacking each other and causing general mayhem. Why should the police babysit these animals who don't live any where near the district so they can play "basketball" and destroy A good neighborhood. Thanks to the 023 district that helped out in getting these "honor roll students" moving on their way.

12/19/2010 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that lady Moy is an embarrasment to female officers. The way she is all over the men, single or married just all over them. She has no social skills and screams like a hysterical mad woman. She is a very weird person when anyone interacts with her, a weirdo. I swear that lady is bipolar and if she doesn't like you she goes after you like a hateful high schooler, no class what-so-ever. But like always the department keeps promoting goofy people like her.

12/19/2010 06:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers were ordered to lock their classroom doors and not let any students out until about 15 minutes after normal dismissal time, teachers said.
I wonder how long it is going to take someone to sue for unlawful imprisonment.

12/19/2010 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yeah, that lady Moy is an embarrasment to female officers. The way she is all over the men, single or married just all over them. She has no social skills and screams like a hysterical mad woman. She is a very weird person when anyone interacts with her, a weirdo. I swear that lady is bipolar and if she doesn't like you she goes after you like a hateful high schooler, no class what-so-ever. But like always the department keeps promoting goofy people like her.

12/19/2010 06:56:00 PM"

so, she turned you down, huh?


12/20/2010 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hello there GENIUS, black and latino students were involved in the fight. You can see all the offenders involved via Iclear if you don't believe me.

12/18/2010 02:38:00 PM"

well now, that makes it all better then, doesn't it?

12/20/2010 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not even. Don't want her at all, don't want to have nightmares. She's a witch. Nasty person to have as company.

12/20/2010 08:03:00 PM  

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