Friday, February 18, 2011

Butcher English Much?

  • Mayor Daley on Thursday denounced as an anti-Semitic “disgrace” a union leader’s reference to Rahm Emanuel as a “Wall Street Judas” with “bags of silver” who sold out union workers when he helped muscle NAFTA through Congress.

    The remarks were made by a union leader who has endorsed Gery Chico, Daley’s former chief of staff and one-time president of the school, park district and City Colleges board.

The term "Judas" has entered the common lexicon as anyone who betrays. Slaughterhouses used to have a "Judas goat" that would lead the nervous animals coming to market down the slaughter chute, emerging safely at the other end while its compatriots were shunted to the killing floor. So now goats are anti-Semitic?

The term more than adequately defines Rahm as one who has taken money from organized labor institutions and has now promised to gut pensions and contractual promises made to the very people he expects to blindly support him.

All Shortshanks does is expose his complete ignorance of history and his willingness to lower the tenor of the debate by any means possible. Of course, Daley comes by it honestly as attendees of the 1968 Democratic National Convention will recall Daley the Elder screaming at Senator Abe Ribicoff from the floor of the event.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should they have called home a "Quisling" instead? Wait, that might make Norwegian-Americans angry. Or maybe piss off the Nazi-Americans. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

2/18/2011 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

Wow1. Daley's playing the anti-Semitic card on this? Maybe those poll numbers aren't so great after all. This is nothing but a desperate ploy by Daley to ensure Rahm won't have to deal with a runoff.

2/18/2011 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Flashback... 1968 Democratic Convention:

Shortshanks is a 6.75 day a week whore who manages to pull up the raggedy waist band of what used to be some drawers prior to the the big hallelujah hoe holler on Sunday morning before going back to sucking dick...

Remember Daley father & son (RJD & RMD) giving (if memory serves correctly) Abraham Ribicoff(?) an ear full of "jew motherfucker" and other assorted Bridgeport flavored invectives?

Something he said greatly displeased the original king of crime and the vile, stuttering ass-clown prince consort of Chicago.

Yes SCC... Crime King Shorty has shown his ass as in all the little people can kiss it for daring to interfere with the coronation of the dark lord, Darth Half-a-Digit as mayor.

They're saying this election is too important to them to trust to the people...

Why do we bother even railing against these fools?

The people of Chicago are ready to march us and our families off to modern day Stalags because they're full of resentment because they didn't stand in the line we stood in.

We reckon they'll be hunting us down on the streets and hailing the shit heads and their enablers as conquering heroes next.

We've never seen such wild-eyed hatred and begrudging another man what he rightfully earned.

A master stroke of a propaganda coup by local media and Daley Inc. to exploit hard times to turn people against The Police.

2/18/2011 01:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its not just Shortshanks, it was Raham too.

I guess if you dont have anything else to play, play the "RACE CARD".

Yep, I'm stopping you 'cause you're BLACK, any other stupid questions?

I guess we have to get rid of all the "WWJD" stuff, Jesus was a Jew too.

2/18/2011 01:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Richard Daley on Thursday blasted the two airlines seeking to slow the expansion of O'Hare International Airport for lacking the vision to understand the future of their own industry.

OMG I can't stop laughing at that sentence. This prick can't help himself, can he?

2/18/2011 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Pt. II:

If not for the smallest modicum of pride that is left, it could be said The Police are dangerously close to not giving a fuck and REALLY going into deep survival mode due to the constant villification.

The Public will howl, curse and name call. They will forget that The Police weren't the ones who broke it and this is way beyond The Police to fix it.

They scream for "someone" to do "something."

2/18/2011 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shanks will be an idiot till the day he dies.

2/18/2011 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

noun \ˈjü-dəs\
Definition of JUDAS

1 a : the apostle who in the Gospel accounts betrayed Jesus

b : a son of James and one of the twelve apostles

2 : traitor; especially : one who betrays under the guise of friendship

Says nothing about jews or any anti-jewish or anti-semetic connotations whatsoever.

We all know what a low life scum and pus filled bag of shit daley is and he never disappoints.

2/18/2011 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's probably because Daley can't spell Judas.



---not a cop

2/18/2011 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S-Shorty and history!?!?

What is his history?

If he didn't have daddy in his history...

If he didn't blow the Burne, Washington election...

His history is of screwing the middle-class to get our money for his scantuary city and his flower pots.

History is written by those who survive a conflict.

2/18/2011 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always associated Judas with Christianity not Judaism.

2/18/2011 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that guy from local 150 knows that rahm will try to bust all the unions,we will be next after them!

2/18/2011 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh, where iz' my $50,000, huh?
I spoke, so where da' money?
Richard the Last

2/18/2011 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They scream for "someone" to do "something."

2/18/2011 01:29:00 AM

I volunteer.


2/18/2011 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowledge of history, grammer and the English language? Ha! When the Jesuits were legit they kept this cretins ass out of St. Ignatius, were his brothers both attended high school, and he was relegated to the netherworld of DeLaSalle.

2/18/2011 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous An Old Sergeant said...

Remember Daley father & son (RJD & RMD) giving (if memory serves correctly) Abraham Ribicoff(?) an ear full of "jew motherfucker" and other assorted Bridgeport flavored invectives?=====================

Alas, Box Chevy Phantom, RJD later claimed he never cursed the good senator. Daley claimed he simply called Ribicoff a "Jewish faker." This, of course, is to distinguish the senator from a Polish faker, an Italian faker, or dare I say it, even an Irish faker.

2/18/2011 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Law and Order said...

Amen, SCC, Amen.

2/18/2011 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Law and Order said...

". . . Or maybe piss off the Nazi-Americans. Six of one, half dozen of the other."

Haha! I never heard of that hyphenated-American before. Thanks for the laugh.
Would "Benedict Arnold" have pissed off "American-Americans" ?

2/18/2011 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The police are not here to create disorder, they are here to preserve disorder." RJD 1968 dere!

2/18/2011 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anti-Semetic my ass. When I hear the name "Judas" as most people do I think "TRAITOR" NOT Jew. This little prick will ruin an already ruined and bankrupt city thanks to da mare.

2/18/2011 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should be concerned about where Rahm got the employee database for Rahm to send his letter.

2/18/2011 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I like Chico for mayor, I was a little disgusted during the course of last night's debate when he disclosed that he would be taking counsel from that fucking little puke Luis Gutierrez . He just lost my vote with that piece of pandering.

2/18/2011 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Alas...RJD later claimed he never cursed the good senator. Daley claimed he simply called Ribicoff a "Jewish faker." This, of course, is to distinguish the senator from a Polish faker, an Italian faker, or dare I say it, even an Irish faker."

--2/18/2011 09:41:00 AM

...and certainly not a mother faker.

I can see Da Mare roaring now, all red in the face, his jowls shaking...

Daley Junior is just a yabble-babbling, sweating, laughable third-rate second fiddle to his old man.


2/18/2011 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anti cement truck? Whose is anti cement truck? I'm not anti cement truck, I love cement and I love trucks. I had a whole scandal centered around trucks, I love them and I love them more when they carry cement. Oh you mean anti semetic, what does that mean?

Mayor Richard M. Daley of Cheekago

2/18/2011 06:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Richard Daley on Thursday blasted the two airlines seeking to slow the expansion of O'Hare International Airport for lacking the vision to understand the future of their own industry.

I hear his first 50K speaking engagement is with the top airline carriers....not.

2/18/2011 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the world only knew what this rotten little prick has done to this city. There's no doubt no doubt downtown looks great. But what about the rest of it? The fiscal mismanagement. The pension mismanagemnet. The nepotism. The only reason he's not running for re-election is there is nothing left to steal.

It makes me want to fucking gag when I think that some group will give this mumbling idiot fifty G' for a speech or that he could teach a class somewhere.
When he went to DeLaSalle he needed a driver to get there and back so he wouldn't get lost or hit by a car on 35th street.

Rumor had it that Tom Hynes the old State Senate President had two laws licenses and one of them says "Richard M Daley" on it. The Illinois State Bar Exam was pretty difficult to pass even if your old man was the mayor.

I can't believe he'd accuse Sweeney of anit-semitism over this remark much less bring his family who he regards as so off limits into a mayoral race that he is supposedly neutral about.

And now they want to send Rahm after us. Whatever the average guy on the street has left, they must have figured out a way to steal. Maybe by going after the pension system it's easier than a Hired Truck Scam or the HDO of the 1990's. Must be some great commissions from Wall Street waiting to be had. Wish I knew somebody on that team or had a kid with a golden rolodex like Rahm had.

Glad I'm retired and hoping that the pension lasts.

2/19/2011 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I like Chico for mayor, I was a little disgusted during the course of last night's debate when he disclosed that he would be taking counsel from that fucking little puke Luis Gutierrez . He just lost my vote with that piece of pandering.

2/18/2011 04:58:00 PM

how could he lose what he never had?

2/19/2011 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."Law and Order said...
". . . Or maybe piss off the Nazi-Americans. Six of one, half dozen of the other."

Haha! I never heard of that hyphenated-American before. Thanks for the laugh.
Would "Benedict Arnold" have pissed off "American-Americans" ?

2/18/2011 09:52:00 AM..."

It would be "Tory-Americans" or "Loyalist-Americans", those loyal to the British Crown during the Revolution.

Benedict Arnold died in obscurity and poverty in London on June 14, 1801. It seems the Brits employ traitors, but despise them.

2/19/2011 01:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or maybe piss off the Nazi-Americans."

--2/18/2011 12:38:00 AM

Ja, ve haff not been za same hier zince Delikatessen Mayer betrayed us und moved out to Vheeling.

Still, I haff potato zoup und black bread enough for za storm hier.

"Would 'Benedict Arnold' have pissed off 'American-Americans?'"...It seems the Brits employ traitors, but despise them.

--2/19/2011 01:52:00 AM

You leaf him alone. He vass a goot man. Mitoudt him, ve vould not haff der Eggs Benedict.

2/19/2011 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shanks will be an idiot till the day he dies.

WRONG!!! Your submission has the connotation that after he dies there will a transformation in him and he will be enlightened. This asshole motherfucker will be an idiot for ETERNITY.

2/19/2011 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The police are not here to create disorder, they are here to preserve disorder." RJD 1968

After a press conference by Hoghead, his press secretary, Col. Jack Reilly said the following: "Don't write what he says, write what he means."

When any of the Daleys speak, they about as much sense as a Maya Angelou poem.

2/19/2011 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I no boo-shair za Ainglees too mucho.

(Dumpster lid opens with a creak, bangs against the wall behind. Head and shoulders of a man emerge.)

"Ha! Ma nam ss Rigoberto. Heyoo are ewat Channa Elaa n Tsicao."

(There! He did it. Smiles. Teeth missing. Cue up music, station logo.)

2/19/2011 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anti cement truck? Whose is anti cement truck? I'm not anti cement truck, I love cement and I love trucks. --2/18/2011 06:39:00 PM

Anti-Cement (an-ti ce-mENt), def.

1. One who hates contractors

2. One who is hated by contractors

2/19/2011 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only reason [Daley's] not running for re-election is there is nothing left to steal."

--2/19/2011 12:13:00 AM

Just heard on WBBM radio now -- he is a in a big tearing hurry to "rectify the delay" and "keep his promise to the people of Chicago" by de-policing better areas. The revs were on TV again yesterday demanding this.

Another going-away present.

It is past time that a guard was placed on this man, to screen his phone conversations and merely humor him until he physically hands over the keys and leaves -- before he calls out the bulldozers at midnight to "X" out the runways at O'Hare or something...

2/19/2011 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God only knows what this crazy little fuck will sell. I for one would like to have the Maxwell St. closed until he is out of office. Everytime he mentions it I have chest pains.

2/20/2011 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"anti-cement truck" hahahahahahahahaha because it's irony is so true

2/20/2011 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fact now that I think about it every taxpayer in the city needs to physically attach themselves to a piece of important city-owned (that means we a taxpayers jointly own it) a bridge, an airport (these are on the endangered species list), any lucrative contract must be PHYSICALLY possessed by a citizen, an overpass, an attractive piece of park art, the Picasso, park benches, OMG, can you see where I'm going. With everything he's already sold it wouldn't have had to been so bad but the guy couldn't make a deal with four packs of cards. Now Vyrdolyak? could have made those feals with much different outcomes. Like him or not there's a dealmaker.

2/20/2011 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the fake perks of him ceding his throne to that other guy. Don't be ridiculous! These speeches will only be heard by foreign students during English Speaking 101.

2/22/2011 04:05:00 AM  

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