Sunday, July 31, 2011

Oh Mope-rah, You Hack

Mary Mitchell, columnist and member of the Slum Times editorial board, weighs in on the recent shooting of a 13-year-old gang banging thug. Predictably, she begins with a non sequitur that has nothing to do with current events in order to "bolster" her argument of a "lack of respect" between the police and members of the black community. She continues by showing off her ignorance:
  • Now we are faced with a police shooting that is national news because a Chicago police officer put eight holes in a 13-year-old boy who was allegedly carrying a BB gun.

    No matter how you see it — whether you believe Jimmell Cannon was unarmed, or whether you believe he toted a BB gun that looked like an AK-47 — the bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times and what was recovered was a BB gun.

An AK-47? Huh? Let's go to the tape!

The recovered weapon

An Avtomat Kalashnikova 47

Nope. Not seeing any resemblance at all. But Mope-rah had to get in her anti-gun credentials though and resorts to exaggeration.
  • I don’t blame the police officer for what happened. After all, six Chicago police officers were killed in the line of duty last year. If a suspect points a gun at a cop, you should expect the cop to start firing.

    But when a 13-year-old boy is shot eight times, and police have to admit it was because he was aiming a BB gun at them, then that seems to be the time to express regret.

Express regret? For what? For following Department Orders? For following the Illinois Statutes? For raising a miniature gang banging piece of crap and future drain on society as a whole? Oh wait, that would be the parent(s) who should be expressing regret in that example. Never mind.

Anyone want to clue us in as to what the police have to express regret for?
  • Instead, on a popular blog, Second City Cop, written by a police officer, the shooting victim is described as a “dumbass kid.” The site also posted a photograph of Jimmell and claimed that he confessed to “shooting out windows at the Piccolo School and a van in the 11th District before he pointed it at an officer.”

    “That dumbass kid is lucky to be breathing in the hospital instead of pushing up daisies at Burr Oak, though that will probably happen soon enough anyway,” the police officer wrote.

Well Mope-rah, that photograph was given to media by the family, and it quite obviously shows Jimmell holding a "blunt" in one hand and throwing up for the vice lord nation with the other hand. The Tribune and other sites ran the photo for hours and hours before someone whispered to them what the item and hand signals were all about, then suddenly, the media developed a bad case of amnesia, cropped the photo and pretended it didn't exist. The trouble was, we saved the original and will continue to use the uncropped photo seeing as how it shows two things - (1) what Jimmell is all about and (2) what hypocrites the media are.

And he's still a dumbass. Thanks for the mention though - any day now, we won't be as insignificant as J-Fled thinks.
  • Obviously, I support the First Amendment, but how is it helpful to have a police officer denigrating the victim of a controversial police shooting, especially when the victim is a juvenile?

    Moreover, when did police get the alleged “confession?”

    Jimmy Porter, Jimmell’s father, claims that police officers “crowded” into his son’s hospital room and questioned him without a parent being present.

Glad you support the First Amendment, so the rest of your sentence will be ignored, since it attempts to infringe on exactly that Amendment. You can publish a column full of lies and half-truths exactly because of the First Amendment. We can call you on it for the same reasons.

As to the alleged confession, we're sure the family's lawyers will attempt to paint anyone except that individual responsible for his own predicament as blameworthy as they always do. Juveniles are handled in a very specific manner, so we highly doubt anyone "crowded" a hospital room as the doctors/nurses might object. As to the circumstances of the questioning, you better brush up on the law lest you appear more ignorant than you already do. Youth Investigators can stand in during questioning for absent parents - you know about absent parents, right?
  • If that happened, it would appear to violate the juvenile’s rights. But more than that, under the circumstances, such aggression seems cruel.

    Police “are trying to make my son out to be a problem child and trying to set it up like he gave them a reason to shoot him eight times,” Porter told me.

    “I don’t know anybody walking around here that would have to be shot eight times to be subdued.”

Question a subject is not "aggression." Grow up Mope-rah. He just broke out thousands of dollars worth of windows within speaking distance of a party being held by his family and pointed a gun at a cop. Where are the questions for them about Jimmell being out at past curfew with a gun? As to "dad," what he "don't know" would probably fill two or three sets of encyclopedias. Mope-rah concludes:
  • But what is really needed is a level of dialogue about this issue that fosters respect.

    Without it, many of the people in neighborhoods most affected by police shootings will see this incident as another stone tossed onto a growing mountain of distrust.

Well, it's kind of hard to "respect" a community that praises the criminal and refuses to accept responsibility for the actions of spawn it has produced and failed to raise within the norms of a civilized society. You work on that and then come back so we can talk, maybe in about thirty of forty years. Jimmell will just about be finishing his sixth or seventh stint in prison about then.



Anonymous ISP Sgt said...

"but how is it helpful to have a police officer denigrating the victim of a controversial police shooting, especially when the victim is a juvenile?"

Here we go again with the offender being referred to as a victim. Now that she has written publicly about this she should have a "conference" with the detectives and states atty.

7/31/2011 12:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if those medical professionals also were aggressive to the young lad? Since he made the same admissions to the doctors and nurses, will MM and Mama attack the people who treated her son, as well?

7/31/2011 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous 016 Days said...

Excellent rebuttal, SCC. As the credo of the Chicago news media goes: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

7/31/2011 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I Love it!! I bet your spouses hate you...They can never win an argument! Cause you sure can't argue these points!

7/31/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a BB gun??? I wonder what Miss Winfrey would think if it was pointed at her? I bet she'd think differently. When it's a gun, and it's pointed at you.... presume it is loaded-- and, the purpose of pointing a weapon at a person is to shoot, no? I wish those that are quick to judge get to look down the barrel of a gun just once. Perhaps they will change their tune.

7/31/2011 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Ms. Mitchell picked the wrong fight to fight on this one. If an individual, ANY individual, even a blue-eyed, pink-ribboned, pigtailed blonde twelve year old girl, points a gun at me, I'm likely to shoot them.

Even an eighty year old black man. Even a ballet teacher.

Gun. Pointed at me. Hmmm... me, or them? Me, or them.

7/31/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous JAFO said...

Published a couple of days ago -
this article is politically accurate instead of being politically correct or politically asinine:

7/31/2011 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would've shot him til he was dead MARY. Then police wouldn't have to question him.

7/31/2011 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this isn't a wake up call to all you Slum Times subscribers {both newspaper and web versions)CANCEL your subscriptions now! Yeah yeah yeah I know you only get the Sunday editions for the ads, blah blah blah. Let the Scum Times and the Tribe-Une corporations go down in a ball of flames. Enough is enough already.

7/31/2011 12:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mary why don't you talk about that incident at the airport with your kid a few years ago?

7/31/2011 12:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he gave them a reason to shoot him eight times,” Porter told me.

8x's?? i've got 17 rounds in my weapon and i guaranty had it been me i would've unloaded it----- 17 times !!!!!!

7/31/2011 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's no wonder you guys are losing the war out there when you have people like Mary Mitchell who is a supposedly educated "rational" woman totally ignoring reality and playing right into the victimization mindset. I can't see how anyone can criticize the police in this situation. The kid played with fire and got burned. He's lucky to be alive. Only in the ghetto can someone get shot 8 times and survive. The city better not pay him a dime.

7/31/2011 12:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regret the little shit didn't expire, so the taxpayers will continue to pay for his worthless existence.

7/31/2011 01:00:00 AM  
Blogger Bemused stare said...

Don't be so cruel, he "didn't do nuffins." Just ask his mammy.

7/31/2011 01:14:00 AM  
Blogger It's McTwitter! said...

Mary Mitchell could have done a service to the community by saying the same thing Walter "Skippy" Jacobson said about police shootings. Instead, she prints a load of crap that part of the problem of the liberal control over the media: Enabling people not to take responsibility for their actions because a newspaper columnist tells them its okay.

I have liberal friends and they love reading this blog. It's unamous from my liberal friends: Mary Mitchell is nuts. Her column defies common sense.

Any Sun-Times staffer want tell the blog some "Mary Mitchell is nuts!" stories?

7/31/2011 01:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7/31/2011 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're coming after SCC like he's got something on somebody, and actually he's got something on Mope-rah and all these hacks.

7/31/2011 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real heart of the story is nowhere does she ever blame the parents or shithead kid. Enough said.

7/31/2011 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you SCC!! How dare you point out the truth!!

7/31/2011 01:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mitchell is a hate mongering idiot. Without her job at the scum times, she would be nobody, and standing in line at the handout counter with the people she loves to defend in her public forum. If it wasn't for the scum times which gives her license to spew her ridiculous hypotheses, she would be hanging out with old "Shakey" in 011, entertaining traffic and pedestrians alike, while dancing around with her dreads and traditional robes.

7/31/2011 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell looks over her shoulder when she throws out her garbage or walks the dog like everyone else in the ghetto. Who does she call when creeps are near her home, car, or work place. Ghost Busters? She gets paid to write her shit column every day so the Sun Times can look unbiased. Nice work if you can get it.

7/31/2011 01:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is amazing that the community has huge problems and ask for help from the police but then blame the police for doing their job. U can't fix the problem if the community doesn't agree with criminals going to jail. They hate the police because they lock up their mother, father, bother, sister, criminals, drug dealers etc. When people like Mary m grew up in the projects as she claims, one would think she could help the community but if she disagreed no one would listens because that doesn't sell.
The black community listen to these clowns and
it sells paper. Cop shows only sells in Hollywood.
Blue Hill Ave

7/31/2011 01:36:00 AM  
Blogger MadAmerican said...

My god you took her to the woodshed! Amen scc!

7/31/2011 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mope, you filthy animal, how many police shootings have you been involved in? What the hell do you know about how many gunshot wounds it takes to subdue an assailiant?

Cmon you Mope, stop being such a prankster.

7/31/2011 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Martin Luther King . . . said...

What was it that Martin Luther King said?

He looked forward to the day when people were judged by the quality of their actions and not the color of their skin?

Mitchell needs to brush up on her MLK, because clearly, it is the quality of their actions (how children are raised in black communities) that is drawing the ire here, and not the color of their skin. It is highly disturbing that the only photo the family had of their thug son to give to the media is one of said thug son flashing gang signs.

But really, what cop working the ghetto has not seen photos like this on an almost daily basis going into their homes during "routine" calls for service.

It's just pathetic.

And Mitchell, by not addressing the real problems of the African-American community, is enabling them to continue doing what they do.

7/31/2011 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moprah, Moprah, you are an ass to the nth degree !

The garbage you spew speaks for itself. It seems that "little Tyrone" only has the local gang to look up to for advice on how to live his life. One shot or eight, matters not ! I'm betting shorty will not be outside acting the fool for quite a while. He just learned an important lesson. Stupidity & trying to be a bad ass have consequences !!!!!!!!

7/31/2011 01:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, probably a good idea you remain anonymous. Exposing the truth about these assholes is pissing alot of people off. Alot of these idiots wanna put you down. Hell, we might have to get you your own bodyguard detail:)

7/31/2011 01:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The african proverb or whatever states:" It takes a village to raise a child".

It's so sad that most of our african villages are inhabited by IDIOTS .

Moprah, move into one of these neighborhoods & show these folks how it's done !!!

I didn't think so !! You're all Mouth & no action & haven't got a clue !!!!!!!!!!!!!

7/31/2011 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its this type of reporting in this city that makes us want to lay down like DOGS!!!! Seriously? Why should we do anything anymore. We give them our money so they can drink in the corner. We give them our money so they can live a good life while we all get treated like shit. This "bird" is for you MOPE-RAH.

7/31/2011 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should thank Mary m and the papers for the free advertisement for people to turn to for the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts and no one care to hear it, especially the reporters and the politicians. Cops need to stop talking to the media after they do some heroic news worthy event so they don't get to say ,look we tell good police stories. The politicians want keep there job so they can keep spending tax payers dollars on dead end social programs to keep getting elected. All the work obama did on the southside and he is a millionaire and the southside still has drug problems, gang problems, social problems, crime, lack of responsible parents, but no let's blame the teachers, police, and the government that the community keeps voting and re-electing. One thing they all have in common is they are all rich.

Blue Hill

7/31/2011 02:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's ask Mitchell how helpful is it to denigrate police, instead of her twisting that around. And how about the citizens showing respect, I treat the good citizens like they treat me and the rest get treated according to how they act.

7/31/2011 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is of that community. I don't think she grasps the big picture.

7/31/2011 02:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do newspapers still employ fact checkers?


Jimmel got shot because he was running around at 11pm with a BB gun that looked like a real handgun.

As for MM talking about the 8 times the kid got shot it takes all of about 1-2 seconds to fire off 8 rounds out of a semi automatic weapon. Actually that may be exaggerating the actual time it took for the rounds to leave the weapon.

I don't know anything about the shooting besides what I've seen here and in the media, but given the accuracy of the fire we either have a cop who is one hell of a good shot and/or he was using a rifle.

Mitchell makes it sound like the shooting occurred over minutes as the officer fired one round, waited a few seconds and then fired another.

That isn't how it works. As I said this shooting likely lasted mere seconds.

Mitchell had a column the other day where she interviewed a retired black Chicago cop.

It was generally a good column that made some valid points.

It ended with these four paragraphs:(Howard is Terrence Howard retired CPD)

(But too many young people try to flee on foot or in a car when police approach, and cops have less than a split second to decide whether someone is pointing a gun or holding a cell phone.

“That is not the time to think about the media, lawsuits, rules and regulations,” Howard said.

Young African Americans are not at war with the police. The criminals are. We have to make sure everyone knows the difference.

If we don’t, the bad guys will rule our streets and our souls.)

7/31/2011 02:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People became cops because they thought they could make a difference but that has now changed due to liberals, politicians, race baiting rev (Jesse jackson, al sharpton, fr phegher to name a few). Cops want to do there best and just enough to get the job done so they can go home to be with their family.

I feel like the bolg is now like fox news, the local media is now looking to the blog for the truth. Funny how the media can spin the facts to sell their papers in Chicago. What has anyone in 002,003,004,005,007,011, and 015 done to change or improve their community. Let's just take a look at what is socially acceptable in those areas ;
I'm his mother he can stay out late as long as he's with me
There ain't nothing wrong with standing outside drinking on the public at all hours of the night
There ain't nothing wrong with me driving with open alcohol or drinking and driving
There ain't nothing wrong with playing my music loud at any time of day
There ain't nothing wrong with playing dice
There ain't nothing wrong with having sex with a 13 yr old she looked 18
There ain't nothing wrong with smoking weed
There ain't nothing wrong with getting paid to babysit my baby
There ain't nothing wrong with taking ssi, link or anything the government gives free
This list could go on and on but the politicians and media will never tell the truth. If u do they will label u a racist. I mean micsuptid called blacks and Hispanics " black and brown. I have never considered my self brown.

Middle class and wealthy blacks should stand up and say enough of this race baiting and enough is enough when it comes to there is no opportunity out there and say that is a lie! What makes me so special I'm black I made it.
The community doesn't need successful blacks to come back and stand on the corner drinking and smoking weed.
Oh and u no how the media would close the door and spin this as racist rather then say hey we live hear it's our problem we need to fix it.

Blue Hill Ave

7/31/2011 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny shit! good fukn job!!!!! get this on the air! hold our own press conference to show what we feel about this shit.
That community uses up soooo many city services....

7/31/2011 03:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the sanctuary city culture that we are creating.


Pellet fired from BB gun hits KABC's Leanne Suter; teens arrested

KABC-TV Channel 7 reporter Leanne Suter was injured after being struck with a pellet from a BB gun Saturday while doing a live weather report in Fontana, but she was not seriously injured, authorities said.

Two teenagers were arrested in connection with the shooting, Fontana police said. Suter was taken to a hospital after being hit in the hand with a BB round, said Lt. Mark Weissmann. She was standing on Summit Avenue near the 15 Freeway when she was shot about 6 p.m., Weissmann said.

Two boys, ages 16 and 17, was taken into custody on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, he said. Their names were not released.

“We are fully cooperating with police in their investigation,” KABC-TV President and General Manager Arnold J. Kleiner said in a statement. “Our crews and reporters are very conscious of good safety practices and take proper precautions when on assignment. They could not have anticipated that someone would decide to target them in this way.”

According to KABC's website, Suter has worked as a reporter at the station since 2003. Before that, she worked for five years at KCAL-TV Los Angeles.

7/31/2011 04:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The young thug quite definitely is a victim. He is a victim of the culture of thuggery in the ghetto. He is a victim of bad parenting. He is a victim of racial politics that places blame for the dysfunctions of his community on everyone except the dysfunctional.

If now is the time to assign blame for this unfortunate event then let’s recognize that the Sun Times as an enabler of racism and thuggery is responsible for a lot of it.

7/31/2011 04:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

•But what is really needed is a level of dialogue about this issue that fosters respect.

WTF kind of statement is THAT? Exactly why should I respect gang-banging pieces of shit who carry guns, who've been sucking at the public tit since they were conceived?

Next time someone points a gun at me, I will be sure to shout: "I respect you!" Pow. Pow. Pow.

That fucking broad is clueless. She's as bad as the reverends I saw on TV saying we are a bunch of scaredy-cats who shoot people because we are cowards.

I am going to call NBC on Monday to find out what happened to that story. It was enough to make you puke.

How about Moperah and the revs showing US a little respect?

7/31/2011 05:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written. Sums up the entire social issue of the gang family. Well done.

7/31/2011 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Community that makes enemies with the police had better learn to make friends with its criminals.

7/31/2011 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Dead on target SCC!

This article reads like a junior high book report done the night before it's due out of sheer desperation to skate by with a D instead of the well deserved F.

This article is the equivalent of dog shit... No redeeming commercial value and unfit as fertilizer.

Nothing but half-truths, omissions, slippery semantics, tortured/slanted logic and strained credulity.

mary mitchell will do ANYTHING to not point the finger of blame at her reader base.

Not only is this an anti-Police hit piece, but also an indicator of people who absolutely refuse to exercise civility and responsibility for their actions.

Stop acting like a bunch of damn fools!

It is NEVER OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE to point/brandish/shoot weapons at The Police no matter how you feel that society as a whole is not addressing your concerns or how you think you're entitled to get a free pass just because you think you feel oppressed.

These communities are oppressing themselves but refuse to take ownership of that fact.

They want to be special and set aside while feeling free and easy to reject everything that upright and civilized people stand for.

Note their embrace of a lifestyle of willful ignorance, violence and disrespect while the cry for somebody to "care." (translation: spend the children and grandchildren of those who practice responsibility into poverty to prop up a life style of entitlement and easy excuses)

A complete and total hack job from a tight-head heifer.

She's not even worthy of a shine-box... Just a big puck of kiwi and a rag in her back pocket.

Can't we drive this used bowel rag of a paper into oblivion fast enough?

7/31/2011 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C.H.I.C.A.G.O. --> Careless Hopeless Ignorant Cesspool And Godforsaken Ochlocracy

7/31/2011 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job! Gave her both barrels. Gotta love ya SCC!

7/31/2011 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great slap down..Keep up the good work

Old retired guy.

7/31/2011 07:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"[T]he bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times and what was recovered was a BB gun." Gee . . . if that hadn't been a BB gun, how many rounds do you think could have come out of it in less than 3 seconds? Maybe a tad bit more than 8? "[S]uch aggression seems cruel." Aggression? Aggression? As in pointing a weapon at someone? If there is any room for distrust here, it doesn't lie with poor little Jimmel and the rest of the community. And, if the kid was named Sean O'Toole and had red hair and freckles, you can bet that she wouldn't even have covered the story. I think what she is really trying to say is that since certain behavioral patterns are the norm and acceptable to certain segments of society, the same have to be accepted by all other segments of society. I'm not buying it. Or the Scum Times.

7/31/2011 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why I carry a .45 auto with nice big 220 grain JHP rounds. Little jibbity would not soon live through two of those in the chest and one in his mug.

7/31/2011 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "juvenile" admits that he shot out how many windows? Are BB guns permitted in Chicago? Out after curfew? Let's see, the father & mother should definitely get billed for the windows; the father & mother should definitely get arrested for endangering a "juvenile" and fined; the father & mother are the responsible caretaker's of this individual who knowingly points a "GUN" and suffers the consequences of this action - bill his parent's for all the bullets that were lost; and lastly, make his parent's responsible for all the actions of their son and give them a long sentencing to reflect on their own stupidty along with "Mary the idiot" Mitchell!!!! Justice has been SERVED!!!

7/31/2011 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didnt mary write a few weeks back that she has her grandchild sent to an all white school because she wanted him to get a good education? Really? She didnt want her grandson to go to school with some gang sign throwin, blunt smoking, window breaking 13 yr old 7th grader?

7/31/2011 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Mary needs to run over to Cleveland to help those poor utes as they crank rounds at each other during a "unity rally"

How long before Bud billikin parade again>

7/31/2011 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should put up the picture of that kid with a lnk to the post about him for a few weeks just to piss moperah off. You would think that since these kids are meal tickets for these people they would take care of them a little better. Sadly though sometimes they are worth more dead in the end when they sue. I can't believe he was shot 8 times and is alive yet it sometimes only takes one bullet to kill a cop. That is what people need to understand - that a suspect must be shot until he is dead or at least unable to shoot back. It's not shoot to wound when someone points a gun at you. I guarantee if citizens could carry moperah would of shot him more times if he confronted her in the same manner or even in a polite way while holding a gun.

7/31/2011 08:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell, is not a columnist! She is nothing more than a race baiter. Just like the kid up north running from who knows what, because it wasn't the Popo? On a stolen bike with a stolen back pack, runs right into the back third side of a bus? Then flees the scene on foot. Some how it turns into the Bus drivers fault & the popo's fault because this dumb ass juvenile is hurt. No Shit! Mom. None of this could be your kids fault for stealing things and not paying attention to where he is going. Mom and Mary GFY!

7/31/2011 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great rebuttal, thankyou for spreading the truth.

7/31/2011 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right, if I pointed my finger at Oprah, with out even a booger on it, I'd be locked up and sent away by a liberal judge.

7/31/2011 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


paraphrased from Spartacus

7/31/2011 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous said...

From not a cop, just an overburdened taxpayer:
Why is it when a law abiding taxPAYER wishes to own a weapon for protection, the likes of daley, alvarez and obama want to confiscate the citizen's home and financial assets, job and incarcerate the AMERICAN CITIZEN?
But when a ghetto rat or illegal alien taxTAKER uses an illegal weapon to commit a crime and threaten murder of a police officer (didn't this used to be a crime?), the conversation changes to find fault with the police?
--- Mike the city worker

7/31/2011 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never did Mope-rah address the fact that the kid was a self proclaimed gang-banger.
Even when he does admit having a replica firearm and shooting out windows of a school just prior to pointing it at the responding police, it's the fault of the police that they overheard this admission.
Mope-rah never addressed why the kid wasn't supervised by a responsible adult while out past curfew.
Never brought out is the fact that closing in on 80% of the (irresponsible) African American Chicago-land community is a one parent household.
I'll buy a Sun-Times newspaper only when I personally read Mope-rah say, "Momma, that thing down there is called a vagina. It's not a clown car, so knock it off unless you and your husband can love, support, nurture, educate and control your own children."
And, if ever asked what I'm going to do with all the money I save by not buying that rag, my reply would be... "I'm goin' to Dinney Whorl!"

7/31/2011 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This "growing mountain of distrust" has been fueled by the likes of Mope-rah and her ilk. These are the people that keep telling the problem people in society that it is not their fault.

How about you tell them to take responsibility for their actions. Tell Them to get a job. Tell them to clean up the hood and stop acting like, and emulating criminals. Tell them to sober up and join civilized society.

You have a soap box, but you waste it telling them that civilized society is doing them wrong. What a waste, Mope-rah. What a waste.

7/31/2011 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is really disturbing with all these race baiters is that they are actually selling out the very people they claim to want to help.

And they know it.

7/31/2011 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, BB guns are dangerous!

ABC7 reporter Leanne Suter struck by BB gun fire in Fontana (CA)

7/31/2011 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell
How about having a 13 year old point a gun in your face, and you tell us whether its a bb gun or a real gun.

When some dumbass decides to point a gun at the police we don't say "hey wait a minute, let me see if that's a real gun or just a bb gun. We respond.

This is'nt PLAY, this is the real deal, and confronted with that situation, I'd have done the same thing. I'm going home to my family at the end of my tour.

You hang out there and figure out if it's a bb gun or not.

7/31/2011 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that the police should be sorry about is that they did not kill this asshole.

And as far as mary mitchell goes, fuck her.

7/31/2011 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They still don't get it do they? It's easier to blame Police for your social problems. Until they need the Police.

And it is only going to get worse. And the media plays right into this crap. Until they need the Police.

If you don't like the Police, Illinois Laws,United States Laws, then please feel free to move out. And start your own lawless nations. Don't worry-we won't come to visit you ASSHOLES!!!!

7/31/2011 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this wasn't brain dead liberal Chicago, no would pay any attention to her.

7/31/2011 09:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does anyone one know where Mope-rah lives? Englewood? Garfield Park?? Roseland??? Some how i doubt it. I bet she has a condo on the north shore. She is a wannabe.

7/31/2011 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Dave Haynes said...

I happened across this story from California on the Drudge Report. A reporter was shot by some kid with a BB gun. Look at the difference in coverage. Reporter shot by BB gun.

7/31/2011 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little shitbird is an OFFENDER, not a VICTIM, you dumb bitch!

7/31/2011 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. You want to know what is even scary? Watch when we do have a legit police shooting and the white shirts sell the officer involved in the shooting down the river.

You think it can't happen?

7/31/2011 09:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's controversial about it? Shithead had a gun, got shot by the police.

A gun that's powerful enough to shoot out windows!

7/31/2011 09:56:00 AM  
Anonymous The Situation said...

Off Topic but someone please give McSup a clue that if he is going to wear our uniform he should do it correctly. The working police are required to wear short sleeve shirts now and will be written up by an inspector if out of uniform.

7/30/2011 10:12:00 PM

Cut the Sup some slack. Back in Jersey he woke up after a two day bender with Snookie's phone number tattooed on his forearm.

I'd wear long sleeves all the time too.

7/31/2011 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary, you too would have shot at the person pointing the "gun" at you until the threat had ended.

7/31/2011 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remenber several yrs ago she was car jacked in Maywood. Chase was on and 25 grabbed the offenders. The watch com in 25 asked A5 to do the lineups since she and. MPD were at A5. We did the lineups and they were ngative. The bitch then does an article and says when the dics opended the curtain she was afraid all she would c r young black males. Guess what dummy those r the animales who jacked u. She also said the only black face she saw at A5 was the janitor pushing a garbage can. True story and no charges filed so the animals were back on the street

7/31/2011 10:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, is Mary so fucking stupid to understand that, aside from her ignorance of different types of guns, police shootings do not occur in other areas of the city because the crime isn't there, it's in the black neighborhoods? Is she really that stupid?
I haven't read a Chicago paper in years, thank God.
Would be funny if the next time she is on Chicago Tonight one of the panelists calls her out on her gun ignorance. Hee.

--No Cop Here

7/31/2011 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell was way off the mark here. This respect she is talking about needs to begin in the home. Had this so-called victim been taught to respect authority figures, he would have stopped & dropped the gun and would not have been shot.

People should not have children if they are not going to actually raise them well. By that, I mean teaching them respect--to respect others and themselves.

The police were doing what they were taught to do, their job. If people don't realize by now that pointing a gun at the cops gets you shot, than they get what they deserve. Kudos to the CPD for doing their job!!

This article should have been aimed at the so-called parents. Why was their 13 year old brat out past curfew, shooting out windows of a school---i.e. destroying public property? Was the little monster mad because he was a 13 year old 6th grader? Most children at 13 are in 8th grade. Education & respect needs to begin in the home because if they are not taught there, the end result is bad. We've all seen it happen.

Kudos to SCC & the CPD. Please for the sake of everyone, keep doing your job and stay safe!

7/31/2011 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone angry? Stand back and let them self attack. Don't put your precious life in danger and let them kill each other. That is what they do. Don't be mad, don't be offended because what we are dealing with as a whole can't be reasoned with, because if they could we wouldn't have 500 murders a year in this city.

7/31/2011 10:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mope Rah, I'll take that BB gun and you stand against the wall. I get to shoot you with it. I'm probably going to aim for your face. After I'm done, I want you to write anther column about the little BB gun that can't do any damage.

Then I want you to explain why the little angel has a blunt in one hand and is throwing a gang sign with the other and tell me if that is what stands for responsible parenting in the ghetto culture you defend.

You are a race baiting piece of filthy shit and the reason so many criminals roam the streets with no fear of punishment.

Now go get your fucking shine box.

7/31/2011 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


even here in italy my family cant believe the crap we put up with. to them we are mad to have such a job.

see you guys soon. fighting westside.

7/31/2011 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post. The media's portrayal of gun toting and pointing kids as innocents drives me mad. The "journalist" who wrote this crap writes as if a police officer shot a kid fishing with his friends. A police officer shot a kid who was pointing and shooting A WEAPON. That is what the police are supposed to do ass clown.

Every day I'm grateful that men and women are willing to put on uniforms and patrol my city's streets. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm sorry the media distorts the truth to create false controversy.

7/31/2011 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell panders to the subscription base of the Sun-Times. The uneducated who want to read stories that support their perceptions, not report the truth. It's pathetic and gross.

I call myself a liberal, but believe me, this false writing doesn't represent a liberal perspective.

7/31/2011 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Mary Mitchell who not very long ago was irate when some Gangbangers put graffiti on her garage door? Was she PISSED! Now it was PERSONAL. Yes Mary there are little Thugs out there who like to destroy your property, enter your home and take your nice things, maybe beat or rape you if your home, or maybe kill you. We, and our families, are all potential victims. There are Thugs in every race so nobody is picking on little Black youths. Wake up Ms. Mitchell and see this little criminal for what he is.

7/31/2011 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary M is a racist. The sun times is racist for allowing her to speak a bunch of bullshit. The parents are idiots for allowing him to have any kind of gun and allowing him to run around at that time of night. The full photo of the kid says it all.

7/31/2011 11:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good rebuttal SCC!

7/31/2011 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The STK proposed tax saving ordinance. In the event that an on duty law enforcement personnel were to shot and kill an armed criminal in self defense or the defense of others then that officer and family should receive round trip all expense paid trip to Disney World. Travel time and Disney time also paid. This would save the city millions in fees of all kinds and strengthen moral with the CPD and their families.
Just a thought from a tax payer that enjoys this blog.
Being that my money is misspent in so many other ways, I Could really get behind a program that eliminated the potential drain on my tax coffers and encouraged officers to be trigger happy.

7/31/2011 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Mope-rah I dare you to go another round with SCC on this incident,you know you read it you dumbass and its time to put up or stick your head back up your ass.My guess is we heard the last from you on this issue.

7/31/2011 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, you MUST send this post to the Lying Times as an "editorial response." Five bucks says they lack the stones to publish it...

7/31/2011 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical lib,,,,doesn't know what she is talking about, but wants to appear smart........big difference between an beretta 92 series and a FUCKING RIFLE. To some of the gun grabbers out there, it doenst seem to matter if they lack even have the remotest idea of what something is.

Let's not forget she had her Jaguar stolen from her home in Maywood a few years back. The cops found it and she refused to sign a complaint, even when CTTV was offered instead of PSMV as she "didn't want to be responsible for another black man to be in the justice system". She was proud of herself for that, even though it meant the offender was able to victimize another person-most likely another black.

the only reason she seems to be employed is that the STNG doesn't want a lawsuit on it's hands if they tried to launch her.

7/31/2011 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember. all the facts you produce...are just your opinions. their opinions are the facts. you have to understand bad wiring.

7/31/2011 11:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical...that's why I do nothing proactive. If the "black community" doesn't want me in there neighborhood then it's not a problem. "They" can kill each other all day, it seems that's one thing "they" are good at.

7/31/2011 11:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a BB gun??? I wonder what Miss Winfrey

This is not Oprah. This is MOPErah, aka Mary Mitchell. :)

7/31/2011 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yeah SCC, you truly handed that race baiting piece of shit her lunch!
Hey Mary, where was that respect when 2 the two jagoffs murdered two people at 82nd and Cottage Grove and then engaged the police in a gun battle?
Is that the respect you speak of? The reason the shootings continue to happen is because these people follow no laws, and are not held to any standard within society period!
How or why would any self respecting policeman come to respect a class of people who do nothing but pillage our government for free services, food, healthcare, insurance, housing and countless other ammenities all while paying no taxes and serving no beneficial purpose to our communities or country.
Your ignorance when it comes to police related issues let alone shootings is as glaring as the racism you spew daily in your column.
Imagine if a caucasian reporter chimed in daily about the overwhelming percentage of african americans incarcerated compared to whites or the disparity between crimes commited by african americans and whites. Would that reporter still be employed?
Nothing pisses a cop off more than being told how to do his job by someone who knows shit about being a cop, i.e. YOU.
When that gang bangin little shit chose to point his weapon in the direction of a policeman, all bets were off MARY!
If the difference between me going home and seeing my family and not going home , comes down to shooting someone 8 times, you can bet your race baiting ass that person is getting shot as many times as it takes to dispatch the threat!
LEARN THE LAW AND STAY THE FUCK OUT OF CPD BUSINESS! You worry about pulling the daily race card and we will worry about the policework.

7/31/2011 12:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"J,why did you shoot the little girl?" well she's out walking the streets at night in the neighborhood holding a quantium physics book ..shes up to no good" MEN IN BLACK.

on a personal note we the police will always be wrong in the publics eyes look at the kids shows whos the heroes firemen and who will lock up your momma daddy brother and kill you for no reason? yep..COPS LIFM

7/31/2011 12:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've a great article idea for Mope-rah. How about a where are they now segment? Go back to when she started writing about these honor roll students and find out what they are doing now. Follow-up stories rock, Mary. Back your talk. See how any became doctors and lawyers and prove your point.

7/31/2011 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the most profound statement that I heard found Martin Luther King....." NOTHING IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN SINCERE IGNORANCE AND CONSCIENTIOUS STUPIDITY"
Mary Mitchell you are that ignorance.......your everyday 13 year old gun carrying thud is the prototype for stupidity........

7/31/2011 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SSC you have to post this!!!!!

7/31/2011 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen SCC! Your article couldn't have shed light on this incident any better. Let these reporters walk a day in your shoes or do a ride along so they can see what it's all about. On second thought, that will never happen. These reporters and "reverends" will always have a one sided view of the whole situation. The fact of the matter is that these "kids" are simply out of control with no supervision, no guidance and I don't care what Tony Preckwinkle says but they will still end up clogging the system no matter what you try and change. They're way of life will simply only change for the worse. I'm going to do what it takes to come home to my family every day, BB gun or not, I'm not going to stand there and guess what it is!

7/31/2011 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing intelligent has ever followed the word's " I heard on the Ho-pra show " or " I read in Mitchell's column ". They are just pabulum dispenser's for those not capable of critical thinking.

7/31/2011 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can promise you with all i have that i will EMPTY every round i can get to if one of these animals dares,DARES points anything resembling a gun at me.1 or 8 or 16 you ignorant bitch,it does not matter.I wish i could somehow express how much hatred i have for the sub human cancer that is this community and the filth like Mitchell and these MB "revurunds".If you only knew!

7/31/2011 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest issue is not about First Amendment rights to speak what one feels, but about the issue that anyone young or old feels a need to walk around with any type of gun. Let's asked ourselves Mary Mitchell, "what is a 13 year old doing with a bb gun?" No child at any age should be walking around with a gun. Guns are used as a last resort and solely invented for the purpose of causing great bodily harm if not death. What was he thinking while carrying around ithis bb gun, if not to use it for it's intended purpose? Obviously he wasn't planting flowers with a gun! Shouldn't his parents have raised him with a
solid knowledge that guns are deadly weapons, and
considering his neighborhood, I'm certain he's been an
eye witness to the devastation they cause. Shame on his parents, shame on this young MAN, because he definitely knows better, and shame on you Mary Mitchell for condoning his behavior. If you were on my side as a journalist or an upstanding African-American woman, I'd choose another side to be on.

7/31/2011 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I regret that the little piece of shit is still wasting air.

not a cop.

7/31/2011 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mope why dont you come and take a walk on the wild side so you can see how yo peoples behave on a typical sat or friday night. i bet you would stop talking shit. til then at least ill know that when you sit down you are about to piss on my parade.

7/31/2011 01:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again reading this bitch's column made my blood boil.
What she fails to realize is that in a deadly force situation training and self preservation kick in. Both urge the officer to fire until the threat has been neutralized.
How many shots should be fired in such a situation Mary?
The answer is as different as each scenario.
The "poor youth" as she portrays him was clearly asking for big trouble when he pointed the weapon at pursuing officers. The fact that it was a replica BB gun is really immaterial. In a split second life and death situation it's impossible for an officer to determine whether the weapon is real or not.
She's clearly trying to turn this situation into something it's not. Then again her entire existence as a columnist is based on fanning racial flames and not letting the truth get in the way.
Shame on you Mary Mitchell and shame on you Sun Times.

7/31/2011 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MopeRah can just grab a mop and bucket and clean my bathroom. That's all she'll be able to do when that yellow journalism rag goes under.

7/31/2011 02:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11pm and that "toy" gun looks real. Cops don't shoot to disarm or hurt in real life, they do that in the movies. Sad either way, but you can't blame the cops if the story holds up as it appears to be doing.

7/31/2011 02:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

armed citizen says: Mary Mitchell promotes problems in the black community as much as any liberal or liberal politician or reverend. As a result, she earns a living pretending to be a problem solver and voice for the black community. She and the aforementioned make careers for themselves denegrating the black man and his family. The result is a community social structure today in complete chaos with no hope of ever returning to anything other than poverty, ignorance and dependency. She and people like her make me sick. I always like to have encounters with the black middle class and I hope they hang together because it is tough for everyone, but especially tough for them thanks to the social engineers like Mitchell, Jackson, Pfleger, Sharpton and all the other race pimps. We are giving her too much attention her.

7/31/2011 02:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw McStupe at Officer Flisk's garage dedication.

He didn't look that short--maybe 5'10" or so.

I expected him to be tinier than the tiny dancer.

7/31/2011 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've read SCC for years and I have to say, I think this was the best post yet. Mary Mitchell didn't know/won't know what hit her when she reads/read this... Because you know she's coming back to read the response. I expect this is the last time she tries to call you out.

7/31/2011 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...








7/31/2011 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what you're saying is Mope-rah is PRO GANG and ANTI-LAW ENFORCEMENT? Sure looks that way to me. How does she keep her job???

7/31/2011 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She got what she wanted didn't she?

Made the Chicago mayor and the police super dance like puppets on a west side march against violence to show respect.

7/31/2011 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put SCC! MM will always be a @itch! cant wait till the scum times colapses with her fat ass in it!

7/31/2011 04:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it when common sense and street smarts so utterly destroys twisted entitlement logic.

7/31/2011 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous 016 District Section 8 said...

A big "fuck you" to Moperah

7/31/2011 05:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No matter how you see it — whether you believe Jimmell Cannon was unarmed, or whether you believe he toted a BB gun that looked like an AK-47 — the bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times and what was recovered was a BB gun."

That's exactly right.

Are you done now?

7/31/2011 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"KABC-TV Channel 7 reporter Leanne Suter was injured after being struck with a pellet from a BB gun Suter was taken to a hospital after being hit in the hand with a BB round...

"Two boys, ages 16 and 17, was taken into custody on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon..."

--7/31/2011 04:02:00 AM

It's a "BB gun" if you point it at a policeman.

It's a "deadly weapon" if you point it at a reporter.

We got it now. Thanks.

7/31/2011 05:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When a cop is shot, and the offender gets away, what does she say?

I can think of kinds of things she might think and say to herself and in private. But I shouldn't waste my time and thought on her.

Stay safe, don't be a target for her or on the street.

7/31/2011 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck Crookago, and fuck the media. Good job officers, stay safe and God bless the men and women in blue. Thank you!!!

7/31/2011 06:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can that fricking bitch be charged for inciting yet more violence against the police? Speedy recovery to the officer shot.

7/31/2011 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is of that community. I don't think she grasps the big picture.

7/31/2011 02:28:00 AM

No she is not. Just like Jessie Jackson does not speak for All Black people. I am Black/African American and have over 30 years on the job and I have jolt of culture shock when dealing with those who have no socially redeeming skills or moral fiber. But I must say those who want to put "all" of us in the same category as these assholes, you're as bad as they are.

7/31/2011 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WRT: "...many of the people in neighborhoods most affected by police shootings will see this incident as another stone tossed onto a growing mountain of distrust"


And just look who is tossing the stones attempting to create that mountain of distrust?

You question if there was a gun. Question if there was a confession. Question police procedures. Question the judgement of the officer that fired the shots. Question the facts. Question the photographs and question the evidence -- all by my interpretation of your article.

That's a lot of questions!

Trying to create the mistrust yourself within your community and then assigning blame to some anonymous blogger that allegedly works for the CPD.

This is not an official city blog as far as I know.

Why isn't that fact questioned by you too one might ask?

You take information for granted when it fits an agenda and that makes me question your logic and agenda.

Some would consider that to be profiling.

You're profiling the police as people that shouldn't be trusted just as some profile others that live in the ghetto should not be trusted.

I'd say that if a juvenile got shot eight times and it upsets you so, that maybe you should consider building trust instead of tearing it apart.

Try finding the truth, finding answers instead of creating endless questions and fear.

It's my opinion that you're building the atmosphere that will encourage the exact same behavior in another juvenile ultimately ending with more violence. Therefore consider the blood on your hands as you stoke the mistrust instead of reporting the facts.

7/31/2011 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC-This post is a great example of why I've read your blog daily for the past 5 3/4 years. And why I now always question so-called "news" coming from Chicago media and the likes of Mope-rah. I've thanked you in the past for your exceptional writing and I'll say it again- we're so very lucky to have your sense of reality and truth and ethics in reporting to make up for the sinkhole cesspool of news reporting here in Chicago. We love you, SCC! Keep it up!!

from downtown citizen

7/31/2011 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang! shot 8 times & still alive; his family should be in church thanking G-d instead of whining to the press.

7/31/2011 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time someone points a gun at me, I will be sure to shout: "I respect you!" Pow. Pow. Pow.

Forget shouting, just shoot the asshole, I'd suggest a .45. It's an accepted fact that a 9mm or .40 may or may not expand on impact it's also a proven fact that a .45 will not shrink.

Not a cop.


7/31/2011 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why didn't Moperah post the whole picture?

Why didn't she address the picture?

Nothing to say about the kid displaying a blunt and throwing gang signs?

Nothing about the parents who provided this picture to the media?

The parents should be charged with child-neglect.

7/31/2011 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Let's see...

How many Police Officers injured over the years by the tax absorbing, catered to constituents who make up mope-rah's loyal fan base?


How many Police Officers killed and crippled for life by the non-contributing, tax-absorbing, catered to constituents who make up mope-rah's loyal fan base?

*more crickets*

How many Police officers have gotten sick and died as a result of being exposed to all manner of hazards and ghastly pathogens while trying to check the madness that is native to the catered to constituents who make up mope-rah's loyal fan base?

*a rat scurrying, empty flamin' hots bag blowing down the street, glass breaking, a far-off gunshot, a dog sniffs, squats, takes a shit and runs away*

We wonder what mope-rah or any of the other open and notorious Police Haters blessed with soap-boxes and agendas have to say about the inordinate amount of time, blood, sweat, tears, grief and aggravation invested by Policemen contributing to the care and concerns of the catered to constituents who make up her loyal fan base?

They should be made to publicly bow their stinking heads in shame and gratitude... Preferrably in fornt of the Honored Star Case at HQ.

"y'all paid to die for us..."

Shut up with that ignorant-assed noise...

They're free and easy to talk shit from the sidelines while Policemen rise up, strap up and risk it all patrolling these responsibility abdicating mutts in these forsaken even by Almighty God zones of impunity.

If these joyful haters (mope-rah, faker, hatch, jackson, meeks etc)found out at 2300hr they had to assemble and patrol a post at midnight instead of talking shit about how they think The Police aren't kissing the community's collective ass hard enough; the joyful haters would have to be poked from under their beds at bayonet point.

We'd sooner excuse a whore bent over to wash her panties in a rain puddle in front of a kindergarten class than excuse the excesses of local media in their drive to cast The Police as the enemy.

Fuck it...

Pull the Police out of these festering shit-holes and send in alderfool beale's wet dream "Cocked-Hat Security & Public Safety Customer Service Agents."

Pick them from amongst the community since the community hates The Police so much.

The community should be happy. No more evil Po-leece shooting the never-ending shit out of 13 year olds pointing/brandishing replica/real firearms and the captive, second class citizen tax payers will get the real Police service they expect and pay taxes for.

mope-rah needs a purgative and a colonic she's so deeply and desperately full of shit.

7/31/2011 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

They're deathly afraid because they had fun turning their backs on The Police...

Interesting things happen when The Police start to circle the wagons by turning THEIR BACKS on certain areas of this city.

"wah! y'all don't care about us!"

Boo-fuckin'-Hoo... You don't care about yourselves or anybody else for that matter.

Eat. Sleep. Shit. Fuck. Fight. Rapidly and recklessly replicating and getting paid by the government so they don't "get mad" and turn on the democratic party and your rev'run & alderfool overseers.

Rhett Butler said it well...

7/31/2011 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old saying of "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" has been changed to " It Takes an Idiot to Wreck a Village". When is Black America going to wake up?

7/31/2011 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Shit Times DELETED 5 legit posts that referenced SCC's response. Welcome to the USSR!

7/31/2011 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dang! shot 8 times & still alive; his family should be in church thanking G-d instead of whining to the press.

7/31/2011 07:32:00 PM

they smelled money

7/31/2011 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's always regrettable when it's necessary to bring the hammer down. Regrettable but necessary.

SCC is dead on. What's with the parents?

7/31/2011 09:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 745am.....try the 185 grain rounds, very hot hot, great knockdown power

7/31/2011 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will she comment on the Police officer who was shot by some thug on 43rd and La Salle. My guess is no she won't. She is nothing more than a Race Bator like Jessie and Meeks and even Pledger. Will the good reverend protest in front of the Thugs house. My guess again is no. The media must put an end to giving the above listed race bators their 15 minutes of fame and begin reporting the truth or society as we know it will cease to exist.

7/31/2011 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous P.O. Randy Stevens, Dist. 018 said...

We are about to enter a new zeitgeist, a new era known as the Age of Personal Responsibility. It will be an emerging reality, in the next few years as our current, degenerate culture implodes upon itself from the heavy weight of its own evil and outright stupidity. Mary Mitchell, and virtually every big "personality" in the news media is an aging dinosaur of an useless and corrupt mind-set of lies and deception. Worry not, readers, when the s@#$ hits the fan and current society collapses, Mary Mitchell and her fellow, phoney bunch of "reporters" with zero-integrity will not only be out of a job, they will be at the total mercy of the thugs and criminals that they have coddled and encouraged to pursue their evil ways. Yes, "karma is a b$%^&," and it is coming to Mary and her friends very soon, as we live to see the 3rd installment, "Escape From Chicago" starring Kurt Russell, or perhaps, starring our real hero, SCC!

7/31/2011 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is going to pick up the tab for Little Jimmells medical bills? Thats right...look in the mirror chumps!

7/31/2011 11:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to fix her ass? CANCEL YOUR SLIME TIMES subscription and DO NOT but one at the store ever! Make her get a REAL job.

7/31/2011 11:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, SCC, I think the reference to the AK was to show two extremes: unarmed, or seemingly heavily armed. She's still an idiot, but I think you missed her point.

7/31/2011 11:18:00 PM  
Anonymous crookcountyjustice said...

Let's see, the father & mother should definitely get billed for the windows; the father & mother should definitely get arrested for endangering a "juvenile" and fined; the father & mother are the responsible caretaker's of this individual who knowingly points a "GUN" and suffers the consequences of this action - bill his parent's for all the bullets that were lost; and lastly, make his parent's responsible for all the actions of their son and give them a long sentencing to reflect on their own stupidty along with "Mary the idiot" Mitchell!!!! Justice has been SERVED!!!

7/31/2011 07:53:00 AM

LOL. Father...LOL.


8/01/2011 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic but someone please give McSup a clue that if he is going to wear our uniform he should do it correctly. The working police are required to wear short sleeve shirts now and will be written up by an inspector if out of uniform.


Jesus, shut the fuck up already. Stand in front of me for 30 seconds and I'll bet I can find five uniform violations. "The supe wore a long sleeve shirt"! Convene a grand jury over it will you, you cheese eating whiney jagoff? Go write another cracked windshield or broken tail light will ya? Leave this other stuff to us grownups.

8/01/2011 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Forget shouting, just shoot the asshole, I'd suggest a .45. It's an accepted fact that a 9mm or .40 may or may not expand on impact it's also a proven fact that a .45 will not shrink. "

---Absolutely wrong!!

8/01/2011 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times..."

Waitwaitwait. Hold on a second. Everyone's repeating that as though it were gospel.

How many of the eight shots fired actually struck the offender?

8/01/2011 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BB gun looked real, the little mutt pointed it at a police officer. The police officer responded to neutralize the threat.

Sounds 100% legitimate to me.

Mary Mitchell is a nut job, blinded by her own biases.

Not a cop, just a grateful citizen.

8/01/2011 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think the reference to the AK was to show two extremes: unarmed, or seemingly heavily armed. She's still an idiot, but I think you missed her point."

--7/31/2011 11:18:00 PM

Neither "extreme" ever existed.

"Seemingly heavily armed." Huh? There was no AK-47 rifle, except in someone's overheated imagination.

The woman had no point, just a bunch of self-generated emotional sphagetti about what some hypothetical people somewhere might hypothetically "think" or "feel."

What matters is what actually happened on the street. Kid pointed a gun at the police and got shot for it.

Not the first time. Won't be the last.

The police always have real guns.

8/01/2011 02:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baseless, meaningless, idiotic statement of the year --

“I don’t know anybody walking around here that would have to be shot eight times to be subdued.”

I will let this gem stand by itself.

8/01/2011 03:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when I was working a side gig at 85th and Parnell(Stone Terrace Section 8 Estates) I had a call for kids loitering. When we got there I saw that one of the rocket scientists was "printing" under his shirt. When asked what that was he replied "just muh gun" He was bounced,slammed and cuffed.The gun looked exactly like the Beretta I had to the back of his head. There was NO difference between that BB gun and a real one in resemblance.
And Im NOT gonna let one of them hurt me. He was arrested and one of the tac sgts in 006 came to the scene saw the "gun" and told me he encountered a kid with one earlier in the day. So yes the officer was COMPLETELY right in lighting that little son of a bitch up.

8/01/2011 03:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mope-rah, You Blow!! The truth hurts, but hey you wouldn't know the truth from a hole in the ground. You're nothing but a racist instigator.

I saved about 500 bucks over the last 2.5 yrs or more by not buying the rag this racist beotch writes for. But I think after reading this thread I'll sacrifice a buck and pick up a paper so I can wipe my ass with her face.

Once again this proves the vulturistic media feeds off the truth provided by SCC.

Great thread!! Keep up the good work.

A Loyal Reader

8/01/2011 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job SCC...this mitchell *woman* is really a slob.

8/01/2011 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uh, SCC, I think the reference to the AK was to show two extremes: unarmed, or seemingly heavily armed. She's still an idiot, but I think you missed her point.

7/31/2011 11:18:00 PM


The only point Moprah has is at the top of her head !!!!

8/01/2011 05:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most rewarding thing about your rebuttal SCC, is that once again, it proves you are a better writer than most, if not all, of those on the staff of either of our rag papers! You are definitely a better writer than Ms. Mopehead.

Your writing ability is phenomenal SCC--not to mention you have a 'reality-based' point of view!

I sure hope you write a book someday. I'd be first in line to buy it.

It's really too bad you have to keep your identity(s) hidden, because you really should have bylines on your writing somewhere that's worthy of having you.

You missed your calling.

Keep up the good work.

8/01/2011 05:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Uh, SCC, I think the reference to the AK was to show two extremes: unarmed, or seemingly heavily armed. She's still an idiot, but I think you missed her point.

7/31/2011 11:18:00 PM


The only point Moprah has is at the top of her head !!!!

8/01/2011 05:40:00 AM

You mean from her DUNCE CAP?

8/01/2011 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my unregisterd AK-47 ! It keeps Mary Mitchell in Maywood !

8/01/2011 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the 185 grain 45 round is so "very,hot,hot" than why not a 180 grain 40 S&W? More rounds in a smaller gun.

8/01/2011 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off Topic but someone please give McSup a clue that if he is going to wear our uniform he should do it correctly. The working police are required to wear short sleeve shirts now and will be written up by an inspector if out of uniform.


When was the last time you saw a inspector on the street? Guys like you must be miserable to work with. Bitch and moan everyday. I work with officers like you who make comments about everyone and everything. HHe earned the right to wear a uniform. Now son, go back to your basement apt and watch your police TV programs.

8/01/2011 09:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, SCC, I think the reference to the AK was to show two extremes: unarmed, or seemingly heavily armed. She's still an idiot, but I think you missed her point.

7/31/2011 11:18:00 PM

think again.

8/01/2011 10:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once and Future Soldier

[and yes I've been to the rodeo]

0. I am sorry but recognize Law, Order, and keeping the Peace are denied you by the Powers that Be.

1. Tell the merchants affected by this nonsense [$$$] the story of the C.C.C (Chicago Crime Commission for those who don't know). Asian F.O.B merchants I think you will find quite amenable. Also ruthless in defending their interests.

2. Inform them you have tied hands and more people want you in jail then they want the thugz in jail.

3. Verbally sanction, then look the other way. Perhaps structure the battlefield to look a certain way.

If this bothers you, this is how we really won with the "Surge" in Iraq.
Remember to have lots of photo ops playing ball and passing out candy to the kids. Remember - your not just the Good Guys. You're the nice guys.

And the reason we tossed candy from the HUMVEES was to get crowds of kids swarming around the HUMVEES. The theory being they're less likely then to blow us up.

Because we're the nice guys.

8/01/2011 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is Black America going to wake up?

7/31/2011 08:51:00 PM

when are Americans of African ancestry going to stand up?

8/01/2011 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhett Butler said it well...

7/31/2011 08:49:00 PM

Frankly, moprah, We don't give a damn.

8/01/2011 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times..."

Waitwaitwait. Hold on a second. Everyone's repeating that as though it were gospel.

How many of the eight shots fired actually struck the offender?

8/01/2011 02:34:00 AM

No, YOU waitwaitwait. He pointed a gun at a police officer.

Once he did that, I don't care HOW MANY times he was hit, once or eight. As long as the threat was negated.

8/01/2011 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off Topic but someone please give McSup a clue that if he is going to wear our uniform he should do it correctly. The working police are required to wear short sleeve shirts now and will be written up by an inspector if out of uniform.


Jesus, shut the fuck up already. Stand in front of me for 30 seconds and I'll bet I can find five uniform violations. "The supe wore a long sleeve shirt"! Convene a grand jury over it will you, you cheese eating whiney jagoff? Go write another cracked windshield or broken tail light will ya? Leave this other stuff to us grownups.

8/01/2011 12:56:00 AM

Save your breath brother. Some people are so fucking retarded they focus on stupid shit like who is wearing cargo shorts, long sleeves, black vest covers, and closing districts despite the fact that it benefits nobody,instead of the guy fucking him in the ass. He has witnessed what short attention spans some people on the job have and now he and Rahm will exploit it. What these slugs dont realize is Gerry is slowly kicking all your crutches from underneath them. He is going to make the individual police officer more accountable and they will have no one to blame except themselves. Being that they are whining bitches they will in turn blame Rahm and Gerry. They will make us look even shittier to the public and you can expect one more contract with no raise. Eventually the police will make less money than any other city job.

8/01/2011 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has no one questioed why a 13 year old boy was out at 11:00 P,M with a BB Gun? Where were his parents?

8/01/2011 01:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Old Mary Mitchell coming home and finding this Little Thug shooting out her windows with a BB gun. All Hell would break loose. By the time Mary got done with him he would wish he was shot 8 times by the police. Everything is personal folks!

8/01/2011 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off Topic but someone please give McSup a clue that if he is going to wear our uniform he should do it correctly. The working police are required to wear short sleeve shirts now and will be written up by an inspector if out of uniform.

Jesus, shut the fuck up already. Stand in front of me for 30 seconds and I'll bet I can find five uniform violations. "The supe wore a long sleeve shirt"! Convene a grand jury over it will you, you cheese eating whiney jagoff? Go write another cracked windshield or broken tail light will ya? Leave this other stuff to us grownups.
8/01/2011 12:56:00 AM
Ummm, I don't believe that the short sleeve shirt is now, or ever has been a required item. I believe that the term is optional. The long sleeve shirt can always be worn.

8/01/2011 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Mitchell is the most racist columist at the sun times with a chip on her shoulder for the police. Nothing new about what she has got to say.

8/01/2011 03:11:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So the little dumbass brought a toy to a gunfight. It's what we used to refer to as "evolution in action" but it appears he is still in the gene pool. Maybe in the shallow end, but figure in a few years there'll be several more from his breeding stock.

8/01/2011 03:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big picture here is that Mary Mitchell wrote that article to appeal to the lowest common denominator contingent that thinks the kid who got shot is a future pillar for the community. To call the parent(s) to task would be too much like correct and Ms. Mitchell would thus loose her membership card to the black community. Had that kid been inside, he never would have been involved in any kind of shooting, period. And why he needed any kind of weapon or semblance of a weapon is beyond me -- and all reason of sanity.

8/01/2011 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Googled 'BB guns' and was ASTOUNDED at the array of BB guns and air rifles that are Walmart no less, for under $60. They advertise them as 'looking like the real thing.'

Now what is the point of that?

Those 'toy' guns looked scary as hell to me. They'd definitely cause an average citizen a high degree of alarm.

The 'bb guns' and 'replica guns' I saw online look more like guns than my own guns! (Revolver police).

In fact, I don't know why more of these aren't out on the street--oh yeah, because the shitheads actually really want to kill people...

If they outlawed spray paint in the city, they ought to outlaw these 'toys'. Then we won't have to listen to the libs' bullshit.

BB gun my ass. Weapon. End of story.

8/01/2011 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has no one questioed why a 13 year old boy was out at 11:00 P,M with a BB Gun? Where were his parents?

8/01/2011 01:34:00 PM

You are obviously unacquainted with the Chicago black community of the south and west sides.

You are applying a standard to a community where the standard is predominantly not expected, accepted, embraced, fostered, utilized or nurtured.

And, there is no village to raise a child. It does not exist and, most likely, never will. Plus, any misguided, well-intentioned person of another culture that intercedes and tries to help or construct a village is despised as an interloper by the very community they are trying to help. The best ever heard was, "Cracker, go home. You caint fix this shit!"

8/01/2011 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has no one questioed why a 13 year old boy was out at 11:00 P,M with a BB Gun? Where were his parents?

8/01/2011 01:34:00 PM

This is the very question , the 'boy' (a criminal not a victim) has been axin for 13 yrs. Were my parents?!

8/01/2011 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres an idea, make this Aug 13th the first annual " Mary Mitchell Day" to celebrate the lifestyle she advocates. Since the police ARE the problem they should not be near any large gatherings of African-Americanss and have a day of inner-contemplation and not leave their homes, so as to not disrupt her " Nubian Nirvana". Screw her, stay home and see what happens at Bud Billiken. We are portrayed by her as uncaring, racists who wreck her concept of a " Black Utopia". Send a message, you know what to do.

8/01/2011 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.....

Cicero PD

8/01/2011 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the bottom line is a police officer shot a 13-year-old boy eight times..."

"Waitwaitwait. Hold on a second. Everyone's repeating that as though it were gospel.

"How many of the eight shots fired actually struck the offender?"

--8/01/2011 02:34:00 AM

"No, YOU waitwaitwait. He pointed a gun at a police officer.

"Once he did that, I don't care HOW MANY times he was hit, once or eight. As long as the threat was negated."

--8/01/2011 12:28:00 PM

Easy. I'm down with ya. I'm just interested to know because the perpetrator's odds of survival would seem to be pretty low with eight good expanding slugs in him. I suspect it may have been fewer hits, only because we're not hearing anything about A. dead B. "in critical condition," anything like that.

Anyone have the good info?

I don't like the revs, that whole crowd repeating "shot him eight times" if it isn't so, trying to make it sound like murder.

Helps to know, too, because facts about each incident can tell you if the tools and training are doing the job, or can be improved on.

Maybe the accurate way to put it is "fired multiple shots at the offender, striking him [fill in number of times] in the [fill in body part]."

Happens plenty. As you say, the man in those shoes at that moment fired until he perceived that the threat was negated. Then he went home to his family OK. No argument from me.

August now, official Dog Days. Hot and sticky out there -- are those 90-ounce malt liquor cans they're making now? Great big things. Crews walkin' down the street heads tilted back, tossing the empties over the fence...clang!

God bless and stay safe.

8/01/2011 09:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If they outlawed spray paint in the city..."

--8/01/2011 04:01:00 PM

Yeah, you'll notice that all the grafitti is gone now.


8/01/2011 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fuckin awesome.

8/02/2011 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a CPS high school teacher, I have to say that your critical analysis and counter-argument to Mitchell's flawed claims are better than anything my students read in class. CPS wants to promote "critical thought and inquiry" as long as white men and established institutions are being criticized. We're still teaching "I Know Why The Caged Bird Can't Sing" and "To Kill A Mockingbird," as though those texts are still relevant. A reading suggestion: "I Know Why The Caged Bird Cannot Read" by Francine Prose. If my classroom computers work this year, we will read and learn from this post.

8/02/2011 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well written especially the ending(very Jacobsen esqe!)
Had a kid in 006 that was hiding in a dark hallway smoking a blunt.Approached him,put him on the wall and searched him. Found a black metallic BB gun that looked EXACTLY like the Sig I was Carrying. It took everything I had to keep from beating that kid senseless. The kid was laughing all the way to the back of the car. Like it was a joke or something. Had he pointed that at me yes OF COURSE I would have fired. Who here wouldnt?

10/24/2011 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you haven't noticed if it was a white kid that got shot there would have been no news reports about that except to say that an offender with a gun was shot by police. that would have been the end of the story, but because it was a black kid and especially a black male the news media goes nuts.... the police shot a kid with a bb gun.... EXCUSE ME it is dark and that toy pistol sure looks real to me. he deserved getting lit up and should not be alive sucking our air.

2/19/2013 07:18:00 AM  

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