Monday, August 27, 2012

300 Arrests; 100 Guns

McNumbers is playing this one for all it's worth:
  • Chicago police busted street drug sales operations in 10 district across the city over a three-day period ending Saturday, police superintendent Garry McCarthy announced Sunday.

    Police arrested over 300 people and confiscated more than 100 weapons.

    Of those arrested who have been identified, 99 percent were gang members, McCarthy said.

    “Efforts such as this are part and parcel of our broader violence reduction strategy,” McCarthy said.

    “Looking at the guns recovered and keeping in mind that this is just a snapshot of the number of guns Chicago police take off the streets daily, it’s clear these efforts are paying dividends but work remains to be done.”

All this effort and we still have around 40 shot and 7 dead, mostly where the police weren't.

If these 100 guns were actually seized in three days, and the seizures were from people who are currently ineligible to have guns, then well done. But we seem to recall numerous incidents from years past where legally owned guns were taken by certain units and paraded about as "seized" weapons. We also remember guns being taken out of E&RPS that had been taken weeks, even months prior and passed off on photo ops with Shortshanks as the product of recent busts.

We were wondering though - how does this sudden influx of 300 arrests, mostly for dope, jibe with Cook County Board President Preckwinkle's recent assertion that Ronald Reagan deserves a special place in hell for his efforts to enforce drug laws while incarcerating lawbreakers of minority descent? After all, aren't these 300 arrests just an extension of Reagan's War on Drugs begun back in the 1980's?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of 300 arrest and 2 will plea guilty 4 will be time considered serve and 294 will be back on the streets by tuesday after pc crt has been determined and by the end of the month no one will stand trial or actual jail time...another outstanding job by cpd and it will then all fall apart once these animals call S. adams law offices or go in front of a crooked county judge!!!

8/27/2012 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did our watch Anita and Co. drop the ball.

8/27/2012 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Da Bronx BullShitter said...


cc: "Baghad Bob" and Charlie Sheen

8/27/2012 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right baby. Garry is eff-ing up Preckwinkle's plans.


Toni Preckwinkle's plan to shrink the jail population

Posted by Mick Dumke on 12.22.11 at 05:30 PM


“We spend roughly half a billion dollars on the jail every year. Seventy percent of the people are awaiting trial for nonviolent offenses, and the recidivism rate is about 52 percent …”

For decades crafty politicians have been finding creative ways to convince voters that they’re cracking down on crime, mostly by playing on racial fears and locking up black men on drug charges.


She argues that voters don’t just want "toughness"—they want smarts. And she knows they’re tired of being asked to pay more and more for policies with unclear results.

That’s why she’s set a 2012 goal of cutting the daily inmate rolls by at least 1,000, or more than 10 percent. It would save taxpayers $5 million.

“What’s happened is that the financial circumstances are so bad for government at all levels that people are willing to consider options that they never would have considered in the past,” she says. “And frankly the people who are strongest on ‘Let’s get tough on crime’ are often the people who are most tight-fisted when it comes to fiscal policy.

“So you get two kinds of allies: people who see the devastation and the impact in our black and brown neighborhoods, and then the people who think, ‘Why are we wasting all this money in the way we’re dealing with low-level possession and petty crime?’”

Preckwinkle’s jail campaign really began this summer, when she declared that the war on drugs had “failed.” She then pressured Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to get city police to stop making arrests for misdemeanor marijuana possession. There are about 23,000 of these arrests a year, which end up costing the county at least $78 million annually in court and jail expenses.


“Anything that moves toward keeping people out of the jail for low-level drug offenses is a good idea,” Preckwinkle says. “Eighty percent of the people in our jail come from Chicago, so if Chicago changes the way it deals with low-level drug offenses, that’ll have a dramatic impact on our jail population.


8/27/2012 12:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well it appears doctor andrews
prediction holds true
40 shot 7 dead
dr. andrew is qouted as saying
there is your "one in six"
i too am kind of skeptical of these
100 guns
i can believe the 300 arrests for dope
all you have to do to go to chicago and karlov kildare along in there and there people falling over each other to deal
unfortanely you clear one corner
and two more pop up

8/27/2012 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey McCarthy.

Tell us what the other side of the criminal balance sheet looks like.

You claim you arrested 300 people. So What!!

How many people where turned loose from prior arrest over the same three days? In other words what's the net balance of criminals on the streets?

Also, out of the 300 how many were prior offenders and how long was their stay and what good did it do other than provide the mayor and other city officials with a reason to expand their empires and budgets via taxes on the public.

Just busting somebody is not good enough. It doesn't work and to top it all off the mayor and his cohorts wave in thousands more illegal immigrants many of which are a root source of a crime culture. That further helps the politicians that want to play the victims and hero's at the same time.

We're sick of quite frankly.

8/27/2012 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"300 Arrests; 100 Guns"

How many will stick and how many will turn into lawsuits we wonder.

8/27/2012 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 arrests.. ha!

New drug dealers and gang bangers already took their place.

To truly make a difference you need to kick out the section 8 people who harbor and coddle these thugs. Kick them all out and redevelop the area.

Maa baby.. maa baby! !

8/27/2012 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that President Toni Prickwannkle is testing the waters for a run for governor in 2014. She may well regret saying such nasty things about our great President Reagan. He was born in Dixon, Illinois and is very highly thought of downstate.

8/27/2012 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

..and by the way it's not just Preckwinkle..

"The good news, she says, is that all the top officials in the county’s criminal justice constellation—Preckwinkle, Chief Judge Timothy Evans, Sheriff Tom Dart, State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, and court clerk Dorothy Brown—have agreed to work together to reduce the inmate population. They’re starting by trying to keep people away from jail in the first place. For example, the recently passed 2012 county budget includes additional funding for drug treatment and other social services.

“On any given day perhaps 30 or 40 percent of people in the jail are struggling with mental illnesses, and 85 percent of the people in jail get no treatment or no services, so they’re just sitting there,” Preckwinkle says. “We’ve got to get them to supportive housing and help stabilize their lives."

Golly gee whiz Batman did you see that?

"“On any given day perhaps 30 or 40 percent of people in the jail are struggling with mental illnesses, and 85 percent of the people in jail get no treatment or no services.."

Need I remind everyone that Mayor Rahm shut down many of the Cities mental health clinics!!

Oh but that stack of hundred dollar bills that paid for the mental health clinics and that stack of hundred dollar bills that are now being spent to incarcerate the mentally ill are not fungible right?

Time and time again the Mayor is playing a shell game with us all.

But we do have that $55 million dollar World Class Maggie Daley memorial park to look forward to.

Ha, wtf is that going to do for the average Chicagoan's state of well being?


It's about values! Who raised you?

8/27/2012 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of these black politicians that have done nothing but keep their communities down in order to enrich themselves deserve that special place in hell.

Why no peep out of Father Faker or Jesse Jackass on all of this black crime from their youth?

8/27/2012 01:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same type of creative bullshit like before the news conference in 011 a couple months ago when he and his driver put some peoples (& folks) "hands on the wall" and "got in their waistbands" only to find the gun after they allegedly cut them loose...

The fine art of making some funky bullshit look pretty...

"Stankin' like a muthafuckah but lookin' good!"

8/27/2012 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're taking the neighborhoods back one at a time, remember? That whole crime strategy is working out great. Just ask the people on the Mag Mile. Yep. It's sure working out great.

8/27/2012 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, yeah. One of every three arrested had a gun?

We all knew, earlier in the week, McLegendInHisOwnMind had something in the works when the whispers started about him being in a district this weekend.

Was this supposed to be the big, high-profile press op that would save his job? Inflate the numbers, show me as a hero? We've been murder central for a while now, but I'm running the show and oh, what a show it is?

Well, it pretty much fell on deaf ears, Garry. The shooting, the murders, the wilding on the Mag Mile, the gang activity that shut down Oak Street Beach, AGAIN, have all been highlighted, while your little attempt at grandstanding didn't get a whole lot of play at all.

8/27/2012 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah 300 arrests, mostly mcc's. The bosses wave the fish in front of the seals, and in turn the seals clap there flippers.

8/27/2012 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 arrests, how many charged?

X number charged, how many convicted?

X number convicted, how many sentenced to prison?

X number sentenced to prison, for how long?

And so fucking what.

There's plenty more where they come from.


8/27/2012 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...

8/27/2012 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "newz" is starting to get out:
August 26, 2012
Chicago needs Wyatt Earp
Rick Moran

The last few days have seen an astonishing explosion of violence in the city of Chicago.

Two nights ago, 4 were killed and 15 wounded in a spree where 13 of those victims were shot in just 1/2 an hour.

Last night, one was killed and 16 wounded in another spasm of violence. So far this August, there have been 50 homicides in the city, 15 more than occurred in August, 2011.

This website gives the gory details. Hundreds have been wounded in addition to the record number of homicides.

Meanwhile, police arrested 20 "juveniles" for "rowdy" behavior along the Magnificent Mile. Kids were pushing pedestrians, darting in and out of traffic as police pursued the gang up and down Michigan avenue.

The city is being rocked by lawlessness. Simply put, the streets are unsafe anywhere. There have been a lot of theories about why the sudden outbreak of violence is occurring. Blame is being assigned to Mayor Emanuel or the economic situation that has meant far fewer jobs for young men.

It hardly matters. The question is, what should be done about it?

If Chicago is going to act like a wild west town, they need a wild west solution; Wyatt Earp. Or at least someone with his hard headed, single mindedness (if not his tactics in keeping the peace which could be quite brutal).

Earp and his brother enforced the law. It really is that simple sometimes. New York liberals went ballistic when Mayor Rudy Guiliani began to arrest graffiti "artists," turnstile jumpers, vandals, and other petty criminals, enforcing laws that had rarely been enforced under previous mayors. It appeared to work. The message that the law would be enforced -- along with federal prison guidelines that took violent criminals off the streets for longer periods of time -- drove New York's crime rate down significantly.

Might something like that work in Chicago? Rahmbo better try something quickly. Chicago is turning into a shooting gallery and citizens are living in fear that the next outbreak of violence may target them or their loved ones.

Read more:

8/27/2012 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of 300 arrest and 2 will plea guilty 4 will be time considered serve and 294 will be back on the streets by tuesday after pc crt has been determined and by the end of the month no one will stand trial or actual jail time...another outstanding job by cpd and it will then all fall apart once these animals call S. adams law offices or go in front of a crooked county judge!!!

Ain't that the true. IL criminal justice system is a joke and criminals don't get any jail time that's why they think it's a joke to get locked up. I just lock folks up as an inconvenience.

8/27/2012 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I saw this on the news, I immediately thought there was no f*cking way there were 100 guns seized in 3 days. Looked like a photo op to me.

Because if 100 guns were recovered 'off the street', that means police probably had to go through a whole bunch more people than that to come up with that number.

If there were search warrants I could see it, but 'off the street'? And what were the majority of charges? If these were all buy/busts, they'll get thrown out of court, so what's the point?

8/27/2012 04:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300, wasn't that the name of a movie maybe mcdumbass thinks that is an inspiration to all. And as far as the 100 guns, how many were weapon turn in's. Can someone that worked for these three days reveal the real numbers.

8/27/2012 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone in the media wanted to report the real story, they should follow the 300 arrests:

Anonymous said...
300 arrests, how many charged?

X number charged, how many convicted?

X number convicted, how many sentenced to prison?

X number sentenced to prison, for how long?

And so fucking what.

8/27/2012 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need I remind everyone that Mayor Rahm shut down many of the Cities mental health clinics!!

Oh but that stack of hundred dollar bills that paid for the mental health clinics and that stack of hundred dollar bills that are now being spent to incarcerate the mentally ill are not fungible right?

Instead of spending $55M on a bullshit park for a crooked, thieving politician's wife, why not spend it on mental health clinics?

Where are the protesters now? They should be outraged--well, at least the homeless mentals will have a nice park to sleep in!

8/27/2012 05:11:00 AM  
Anonymous The Moral Comapss said...

What's the homicide clearance rate? Oh, right. It's not about the homicides. It's about the drug arrests.

8/27/2012 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between Dope and Drugs in the minds eye of most PO's.

I'll write a dope ticket. But if you're holding're heading into the station.

8/27/2012 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job!!

8/27/2012 05:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute Garry, I thought the enforcement of gun and drug laws was " INSTITUTIONAL RACISM". Remember your St Sabina speech??

8/27/2012 05:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am calling BULLSHIT on this whole thing. No way did they make 300 arrest and get 300 guns. NOT A CHANCE IN HELL...

8/27/2012 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So my first question is just how fast is the SA going to release these perps back out onto the street?

8/27/2012 06:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 arrested? my guess is that most of the 300 arrested had tiny amounts of pot, probably not really dealing at all. just low level users. maybe selling a little on the side to pay for their own dope.

it seems unlikely that 300 small time dopers would have 100 guns between them. my guess is some seriously inflated numbers.

8/27/2012 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever you thought of SOS they did 100 guns, or close to that, each period.

What are the saturation and GEU teams doing, dime bags?

8/27/2012 06:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw McCarthy on the morning news and had a flashback to Irwin Corey aka Professor Backwards. He was spitting out numbers and "facts" just like him. If Ed Sullivan was still around he'd be all set.

8/27/2012 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. PrickWrinkle will have a fit when she finds out how many minorities were comprised in that 300.
As for the recovered weaponry, bet that the majority included guns that were "Found and Turn-Ins".
Baghdad Bob who be proud of GMac's accomplishments.
We are winning !

8/27/2012 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If only the Mayflower would have docked in Canada we wouldn't have these social problems caused by the racist pilgrims. On the other hand we also wouldn't have hockey either. Oh well.

8/27/2012 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a part of this bullshit we arrested hypes but personally did recover 4 heaters

8/27/2012 08:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those were ALL the guns recovered CITYWIDE over the 3 days.

Don't forget that massive sweeps / crackdowns on particular drug markets can destabilize those markets and CAUSE more violence as the gangs jockey for position in the new hierarchy.

What a load of poop.

And I have to agree with previous postes, What's with the long sleeve shirt and tie? It's not more professional looking - he's out of uniform! The military and every other police department wear short sleeve uniform shirts in the summer. Why's he so special? My guess is that it's tats.

8/27/2012 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't he say somthing like this is his new system of crime prevention that all city,s will be using in the future
face it Chicago Cops could do this everyday and they would just get out in a day or two
the alphabit cops are after motorcycle clubs (better press) spending MILLIONS goig after them spending years and most cases are lost. Alphabit feds are scared to go after BLACK GANGS don't want to be racist ya know

8/27/2012 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it 300 guns or 300 "weapons"? Big difference.

8/27/2012 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is will only work if they actually get convicted and serve time.

And this needs to be done every day, not just 3 days.

Not sure where the 100 guns came from. It was mostly dope arrest...

8/27/2012 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember in the old days when gun busts like this were done the bosses would have coppers lay out their own guns and other guns around the station on the table to boost the number of guns seen in the news photo.

8/27/2012 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Along with the drugs and guns.......get rid of the GRAFFITI!

8/27/2012 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does someone who is selling drugs need drug treatment?

8/27/2012 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all stems from small amounts of marijuana, a little bit of prostitution from consenting adults, and a small amount of theft. It's all non violent.


Prekwinkle you and your type are evil. Vice begets evil. The machine is evil and you are part of the machine. I bet one billion dollars that all, yes I said all would test positive for drugs in their system and have a tattoo on their body.


8/27/2012 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous 9 dead, not 7 said...

well it appears doctor andrews
prediction holds true
40 shot 7 dead


actually, your wrong. 7 were not killed this weekend. Two more who were shot friday and saturday night died this morning... So the weekend total is 9 dead.. not 7. that one had to hurt Gmac to see first thing this morning....

8/27/2012 10:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weapons doesn't always mean guns...or even knives...

8/27/2012 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We also remember guns being taken out of E&RPS that had been taken weeks, even months prior and passed off on photo ops with Shortshanks as the product of recent busts."

I was starting to recognize some of that stuff "on the table." Not working at it, either. Just glancing at the TV here and there.

8/27/2012 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

preckwinkle is an idiot. i would love to hear what she has to say on this.

8/27/2012 11:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...people who see the devastation and the impact in our black and brown neighborhoods..."

--Toni Preckwinkle

--8/27/2012 12:23:00 AM

Don't you just love the passive tense?

"The devastation" is traveling millions of miles across space, woo-OOO-ooo, and "impacting black and brown neighborhoods."

Is it coming from that big landfill on Mars or something?

8/27/2012 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

given the chance put the motherfuckers in the ground~

8/27/2012 11:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago needs Wyatt Earp

Rick Moran

August 26, 2012

"If Chicago is going to act like a wild west town, they [sic] need a wild west solution; Wyatt Earp. Or at least someone with his hard headed, single mindedness (if not his tactics in keeping the peace which could be quite brutal)."

--8/27/2012 04:07:00 AM

Make everything alright, but don't hurt anyone.

Harmless, silly-ass tripletalk based on TV fantasies.

It's a living.

8/27/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of 300 arrest and 2 will plea guilty 4 will be time considered serve and 294 will be back on the streets by tuesday after pc crt has been determined and by the end of the month no one will stand trial or actual jail time...another outstanding job by cpd and it will then all fall apart once these animals call S. adams law offices or go in front of a crooked county judge!!!

Ain't that the true. IL criminal justice system is a joke and criminals don't get any jail time that's why they think it's a joke to get locked up. I just lock folks up as an inconvenience.

8/27/2012 04:28:00 AM
That's crook county. In champaign county you get the chair for stealing a pie from the window sill

8/27/2012 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100 guns divided by 23 districts = not very much but it sounds good in the press

8/27/2012 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preckwinkle? Isn't that that man who runs the county board? Great arrests if true.

8/27/2012 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of those arrested who have been identified, 99 percent were gang members," McCarthy said.

Shocking, just shocking. ;)

8/27/2012 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Cook County

300 In = 300 Out, just in time for the weekend!

8/27/2012 01:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen those guns in other photo ops.

8/27/2012 01:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our understanding within the "pea-on" Patrol Division is district Tact teams received NO credit for the arrests they made during the 3 day operation. All credit went to gang, narcotic and fugitive units. If it is a fact, once again the patrol division gets screwed.

8/27/2012 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Anonymous said...
Our understanding within the "pea-on" Patrol Division is district Tact teams received NO credit for the arrests they made during the 3 day operation. All credit went to gang, narcotic and fugitive units. If it is a fact, once again the patrol division gets screwed.

8/27/2012 02:39:00 PM

Who gives a flying fuck who "got credit"?! This ain't a college term paper where you need the grade to pass the class. This is real life where arrest and case report "plagiarism" will get you "failed" in fired, imprisoned or financially fucked...or a little bit of each or all.

Was your paycheck gonna be bigger for every arrest report that your name was supposed to appear on? NO.

Were they gonna promote you because of your stellar arrest abilities that went into sandbagging a bunch of hypes and low level, end user dope fiends? NO

It never ceases to amaze me: people tripping over one another to put their own neck in the guillotine for this thankless fucking job. People like you are the poster boys for taking it in the ass and saying "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"

What they actually did by leaving your sniveling ass off the paper is save you the future headaches associated with civil litigation when one of the assholes arrested, wrongfully or not, decides to sue every swinging dick on that paper.

Now go find those nice officers that hurt your feelings because they left you out of "Arresting Officer" Box #12 and tell them "Thank You", Hair Gel.

P.S. I believe your little play on words should've read "pee on".

8/27/2012 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the way home, I listened to that shill Roe Can. He was doing such a good job spinning the shooting range on the south side. He was trying to tell the listeners that it was the legal gun buyers fault. Because Scared Sam is going to sell his only gun to Ray Ray.

8/27/2012 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the hell can you do 300 of the worst without turning up all kinds of warrants, parole violations, etc. You'd think IDOC would be running buses up here to take a lot of them back.

8/27/2012 03:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: In regards to the numbers/stats. When 5 people are killed in Afghanistan, it is reported that 5 troops were killed. Why can't it be the same here? Why are they lumped together causing lower numbers. Who doesn't know how to count? Jesus H.

8/27/2012 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where are the protesters now?"

--8/27/2012 05:11:00 AM

Marching and chanting and waving signs in Andy Thayer's mind -- for all eternity.

...and now you know the meaning of "insane."

8/27/2012 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

300 guns my FN ass,,,,total BS!!!! Just like they did for all of the weapons turn ins.....put the same guns on the table for all of the press conferences!!! Daley would insist all,those BS weapons be put on the table for the media to see. The media falls for it every time!!!

8/27/2012 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironically, the Earps were in a group of corrupt cops and politicians that were mostly fighting another group of corrupt cops and politicians.

8/27/2012 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those guns look the same from the last couple news conferences....I think someone has a news conference gun box under their desk

8/27/2012 07:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC,
Why are the lame stream media and the Scum Times focused on suburban gun shops after the Home Boy did his interview about how the gangs get their guns ? Oh yea nad the shop 8 blocks from the city is on the hook for " crime guns" again really. Funny the one they singled out gets protested and illegally I might add yet wasn't one of the ones that got smashed and grabbed and follows the law, but Rahmstein is focused on? Hey assface Mayor the Gun Shops got nothing to do with your problem. Hire more Cops get some real management stop the Revrun's rule and take care of the taxpayers. Yea I know a wet dream bt Fuck 9.5 and his Bitch McTreading my job and future.... So and finally no comment on your favorite group of voters last night Rahmbullshiter, ya know the ones slapping the tourists and taxpayers taking over you prime real estate up there in city...

Again FUCK YOU I'll go eat and spend anywhere but where you have influence like Will County and Indiana and points North...

8/27/2012 07:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do people keep posting about 300 guns being recovered? Did you even read the title?

I think McCarthy is making every other post on this site. 300 for 300 is McMagnet's dream.

8/27/2012 10:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something doesn't add up, it looks like they got more guns this weekend than they do on New Years. 300 guns and 300 arrests. It seems so convenient that everyone had one gun. They probably did a warrant on a gun collector and got 250 or so. The 300 arrests were probably for everything under the sun. City wide we probably average 100 arrests a day. Something smells fishy.

8/27/2012 10:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they got just 300 every week that's 15,600 guns. The numbers don't add up. Or this is the wild wild west.

Sup just make it a MILLION!

8/27/2012 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That means a whole lot of Officers in court. I work in 009 and I'll bet we didn't even get 3 guns. One a day. I call BS.

8/27/2012 10:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is a picture in the paper of all the siezed guns in a basket. right ontop of the pile of guns is a 44 magnum. I have first hand knowledge that gun was recovered earlier in the week on the south side in a completely unrelated incident. Maybe you should check into it by looking at the cage reports and seeing how many 44 magnums were recovered in the city in the past two weeks. only one, and it had nothing to do with this operation. it was covered 4 days prior by a beat car.... smoke and mirrors.

8/27/2012 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wounder if there were any laws broken or people's rights violated to get these so called guns. How many strong armed to do a weapons turn in? Why not put the photos of these guys up like they do prostitution arrests. More questions than answers with this whole thing.

8/27/2012 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One hundred guns isn't shit. Regular weekend that's less than four guns per district.

We need more Police !
Stop the violence !
We need more Police !
Stop the violence !

8/27/2012 11:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many arrests and guns are normal for a three day period? What is the baseline for a summer weekend? Sounds like more stat manipulation from start to finish, as noted above and for a variety of reasons.

8/27/2012 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like with New Jersey getting rid of their police force at least we will not be as bad as them...however, Chicago still sucks! no one fucken cares!

8/28/2012 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a little drop in an overflowing, bloody bucket.

8/28/2012 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who turned the hand-crank on this bullshit?

300 Arrests?
100 Guns?

Every third asshole had a gun?


You won't find odds like that on the most money making-est tips in the city!



Assholes run... Assholes fight... Assholes turn guns on Coppers.

Assholes ARE creatures of habit.

How come there weren't multiple Police shootings/reports of multiple incidents of hand to hand combat with these 300 assholes with 100 guns between them?

Damn if this isn't some manufactured, Pravda-esque nonsense.

McDesperation goes to pull a rabbit out of his hat and produces a handful of shit...

The rabbit runs away laughing at his ass...

This is a manufactured distraction.

8/28/2012 04:20:00 PM  

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