Wednesday, November 14, 2012

CeaseFire Useless 5 Years Ago

The State of Illinois had an auditor look into CeaseFire's claims.  Guess what they found?
  • The scoop in Tuesday's Chicago Sun-Times by police reporter Frank Main about the effectiveness of CeaseFire isn't the first time such questions have been raised about the group.

    Five years ago, Illinois' top auditor questioned what exactly taxpayers were getting in return for millions of dollars in state funds that were invested with CeaseFire.

    A 2007 report by Auditor General William Holland scrutinized $13 million in state spending on CeaseFIre and concluded no state standards existed to measure the group's anti-violence work.

    On Tuesday, Main reported that after more than three months into a $1 million contract with the city, a ranking police source said the anti-violence group has "no significant success stories." The group disputed that claim, insisting it had made a dent in crime in the areas covered by the city's new anti-violence pilot program.
We're going to take issue with the Sun Times calling this a "scoop" seeing as how nothing has changed in the five years since Auditor William Holland found there were no measurable standards after Illinois burned through $13 million taxpayer dollars.

But that didn't stop Rahm from shoveling another million their way with no reporting standards nor it would seem, expectations of results.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is sooo hard to understand about this???

This was nothing more than the Democrats paying off the ghetto dwellers to get their asses out of bed on election day and vote for Obama.

Plain and simple!

11/14/2012 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...$13 million in state spending on CeaseFire..."

Is it me, or did Doc Slutkin take down his Wikipedia bio last December and redirect searches to the "CeaseFire" page?

11/14/2012 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous xcop7903 said...

Well, Deceasedfire, along with father wanabee, certainly dazzled Pruneface Sawyer and abc a while ago. Pathetic, stupid MSM.

11/14/2012 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank, you and your crew just basically gave yourselves up?


11/14/2012 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So $14 million into Doc Slutkin's coffers so far, just from his Illinois franchise?

WBBM still running that idiot story, "the police department needs time to get on board here."

Nothing to get on board of. CF made it very clear that "we do not cooperate" before they took the money.

Oh, now they're going to have to confabulate about their alleged activities behind closed doors at CompStat meetings. Christ.

Some coppers who were chasing Fort's government-subsidized Blackstone Rangers around in 1967 are gone away to the Big Fishing Shack by now, but Fort's daughter Ameena Matthews is still raking it in, part of the second generation of grant-appliers and "community activists" in silly getups.

Any city government that would hand a stack cash money to a banger over some stupid sticker would hand them a million for another bullshit "program."


People were all upset about "Felony Franks," a place where guys actually worked for their living, produced something quantifiable across the counter.

Leave the poor hot dog stand alone. Look at this racket.

11/14/2012 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Record levels of dead gang bangers seems like a 'success story' to me.

11/14/2012 05:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen all of you naysayers, "its for the kids."

11/14/2012 06:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mayor sweetlips doesn't care, it's not HIS $,his motivation was purely "grandstanding"as pointed out on this blog and DSLC/truenews the streetlightmarksman did one smart move by not joining in
to them a "million" is nothing, as long as it not THEIR $
as pointed out this scam been running for a long times now and more and more will be brought to light as the pieces fall into place

11/14/2012 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$13 million dollars given to a bunch of thugs and gang bangers at cease fire??? Wtf was the state thinking?? No wonder Illinois is broke. How about hiring more police with that money??

I am glad I'm moving to Pennsylvania. Away from this mismanaged state.

11/14/2012 06:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that the city's motto should read "fuck me now and fuck me later."

11/14/2012 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep telling the truth scc, I promise one day all the ugly truths will prevail. They will fall may take years, look how long it took for JJJ, but EVERYTHING in the dark will come to light. NOTHING is what it seems, I remember the day I realized this and took off my rose colored glasses, couldn't believe the real truth of our world, but I am confident that it will all come out. Stand apart and stand alone, thats my motto, because the mass majority is BULLONEY!!! Just a citizen who likes your blog (although I ignore the dumb racist rants that periodically pop up)

11/14/2012 06:43:00 AM  
Blogger Somewhere Nowhere said...

Maybe the $1M given to CeaseFire wasn't for stemming the violence but to be used for campaigning costs.

11/14/2012 06:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ceasefire works closely with unit 116, the DOC. Let ask Sgt Eddie Winters what they have accomplished. Yes, its true most of that useless information we have been getting from the DOC comes from ceasefire.

11/14/2012 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they sure Jesse Jackson isn't running "Cease Fire"...?? Sure looks like "extortion" which is Jesse Jackson's style....!!

11/14/2012 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't the government learn anything from their support of jeff fort and the blackstone rangers aka el rukns---

11/14/2012 09:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's andy shaw to demand an audit of cease fire and find out how every penny was spent .
ballerina boy is generous with other peoples money , just like every democrat in illinois .

11/14/2012 10:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You missed the point. It's not a stop violence group. That's the cover they use to get money for left wing political activities, such as gun control, etc. Members of Ceasefire are left wing activists for hire. Rahm is just paying them for their real work.

11/14/2012 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm needs to make sure his future campaign workers are well taken care of.

11/14/2012 10:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rham is an asshole as we all know.Question is can we impeach him for say recless conduct or some other means,by the fact that he knew ceasefire was useless yet he still gave them taxpayer monies to do as they pleased?

11/14/2012 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So $14 million into Doc Slutkin's coffers so far, just from his Illinois franchise?

WBBM still running that idiot story, "the police department needs time to get on board here."

Nothing to get on board of. CF made it very clear that "we do not cooperate" before they took the money.

Oh, now they're going to have to confabulate about their alleged activities behind closed doors at CompStat meetings. Christ.

Some coppers who were chasing Fort's government-subsidized Blackstone Rangers around in 1967 are gone away to the Big Fishing Shack by now, but Fort's daughter Ameena Matthews is still raking it in, part of the second generation of grant-appliers and "community activists" in silly getups.

Any city government that would hand a stack cash money to a banger over some stupid sticker would hand them a million for another bullshit "program."


People were all upset about "Felony Franks," a place where guys actually worked for their living, produced something quantifiable across the counter.

Leave the poor hot dog stand alone. Look at this racket.

11/14/2012 01:39:00 AM

What is she raking in? She's a rank and file field worker in Ceasefire and her husband runs a storefront mosque or something. She could make actual money by living off her father's name with books and speaking engagements at college campuses. Bob Fioretti was the voice against Felony Franks and he's white. Don't forget they employed black ex cons. There were black supporters of that hot dog stand.

11/14/2012 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean, they stopped that one shooting last week. Oh, you want specifics... We can't give you those, we're not snitches you know.

11/14/2012 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The media, the public, and the city should take a real hard look at Eddye Whitney. As one of Ceasefire's finer employees, this savage pistol whipped and robbed a 52 year old asian women inside her garage up in the 020th District. When he was done savagely beating her, he then attempted to kidnap her by stuffing her in the trunk of her own vehicle parked in her garage. Thank God neighbors intervened, at which time he pointed the gun at them, and made good his escape. The victim was hurt pretty bad, and is emotionally permanently damaged.

It appears the savage got locked up on Aug. 15, 2011 by some alert coppers up in the 020th District. The savage was already on parole for multiple felony convictions, including numerous violent offenses (one against an elderly person). And yet the savage was still walking around the streets of Chicago hurting innocent people. The ASA is supposedly pushing for a natural life sentence. I believe the case is up in Skokie. Taxpayers should be outraged by the city giving this criminal group $1 million dollars. The media should really be covering this story about Ceasefire. These Ceasefire thugs should NEVER be allowed in any CPD facilities, let alone CPD headquarters. When the hell is America going to wake up about these assholes?!?!?! And where is ABC 7, Chuck Goudie, or CBS Channel 2, Pam Zeckman, to cover this story about Ceasefire?

11/14/2012 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im surprised the idiot police dept. hasn't given CF access to our databases, etc. That's how stupid the upper echelon (sp?) is.

11/14/2012 06:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What is [Ameena Matthews] raking in? She's a rank and file field worker in Ceasefire..."

--11/14/2012 12:58:00 PM

You're right. Poor Ameena. She deserves your tax money.

The whole bunch of them do.

$14 million and counting just in Illinois.

11/14/2012 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Eddie Winters from unit #116, what do you have to say about ceasefire doing absolutely nothing. Maybe you should stop pretending that your getting things accomplished when you spend wasteful hours talking on your cell phone. Your buddies from the ghetto have done nothing to reduce crime maybe they can still campaign for you like they did every other election that you lost.

11/14/2012 08:07:00 PM  
Anonymous son of cpd said...

Holy shit!!!!!!

Check that one out.

11/14/2012 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least Gmac knew they were getting hood winked by these criminals. Rahm got fooled again! I always thought Rahm was a little smarter than that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

11/14/2012 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you must understand is that this is Saul Alinsky style community organizing with a good dose of Karl Marx thrown in. The results produced are irrelevant.

What this program is all about is redistributing money from the oppressors (whites, taxpayers, police) to the oppressed (minorities, gang bangers, criminals)

Of course in reality the REAL oppressors are the criminals, thugs and societal parasites. But in warped the Leftist worldview this is how they see things

11/14/2012 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CF? = Cease Fire or
Chicago Fucked

11/15/2012 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your tax dollars hard at work. HAHAHAHAHA ! IDIOTS.

11/15/2012 11:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a wife and mom of kids in a really decent, good, public school in Chicago and wife of an officer.

Found out we could lose our funding in our community for our preK programs.

It sickens me when I know this mayor spent a crap load of money on bicycle lanes in Chicago as well as Ceasefire. It is disgusting how this mayor touts we are broke yet continues to feed into organizations like Ceasefire. And why the heck would he really give a care about the kids in our schools? His are in private school.

I am not at all surprised by the, "Chicago Way," of dealing with things just disgusted. Funding is there for our officers as well as our schools if it wouldn't be misappropriated to street gangs via Ceasefire.


11/15/2012 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"These Ceasefire thugs should NEVER be allowed in any CPD facilities, let alone CPD headquarters. When the hell is America going to wake up about these assholes?!?!?! And where is ABC 7, Chuck Goudie, or CBS Channel 2, Pam Zeckman, to cover this story about Ceasefire?"

11/14/2012 03:28:00 PM

..and where is Dr. Gary Slutkin to step up to the plate and take questions here? It's his organization.

11/15/2012 09:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another entitlement with a different name, plain and simple.

11/16/2012 12:01:00 AM  

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