Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Read the Fine Print!

Good stuff:

Pedal powered for extra green-ness!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no reason the CPD could not make do with smaller, greener, less expensive, more fuel effeicent cars. the cops in Europe don't drive large cars.

9/23/2014 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is that the commander of 19 in that new car with the fake bake LT on days

9/23/2014 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care about the city's cars. If they don't work, that's on the city. What do alder-semen get? Tell me ill get a new pdt and see if i care. I DON'T CARE! I don't care about why 9.5 and our leaders were so quick to come to an agreement. I do care about taking my family to Jackson park hospital for treatment though. I do care about getting a "pay cut" in order to cover medical. By the way, our vision and dental suck. I also care about what the FOP leaders and their lawyers think. NOT!

9/23/2014 04:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of the Wellness Plan.

9/23/2014 04:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys would be nuts to include the replacement of vehicles in any contract language. The employer supplying you with the necessary tools to do your jobs is not a "benefit" subject to negotiation. You don't see that kind of language in any firefighter contract and I'm guessing any large city police contract either.
You've been warned.
Shame on your negotiating team for even bringing something like this to you.
You'll be sorry

9/23/2014 04:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the vehicle that what's his name drives around the Lincoln Park Zoo in all day writing tourist vehicles Parker's in.

9/23/2014 05:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the hacks that work at the area garages. They are lazy and sub par mechanics. By the way if I get hurt changing the tire on a city owned vehicle at a city owned facility what will it fall under? IOD or medical? I was never trained on how to use any of the tools or mechanical devices used to change the tire. I am not very mechanically inclined you see. I already have a bad back and a slight hernia and my fingernails are very brittle.

9/23/2014 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Daley Rentals" HAHAHAHA. I love that.

9/23/2014 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sneaky

9/23/2014 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The new squads are Divvys.

9/23/2014 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just brilliant! At this rate it won't be that far off when we all are working 10-99.

9/23/2014 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FRIGGIN HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9/23/2014 08:17:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

Only the best for us!

9/23/2014 08:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have driven this thing, its fun, but not fast or confortable. Also, very little in the line of safety. Its just a glorified golf cart.
It would be OK for downtown, beaches, mueseum camplus, airports, etc.

However, it probably better then what fleet can do.

Also, why does the contract have anything to do with cars. That should be a matter for a lawsuit under workplace conditions.
Years ago, the FOP had a guy (Harold Kuntz? ) that the city feared. He actually had them tear down some small building at the old HQ.

9/23/2014 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There is no reason the CPD could not make do with smaller, greener, less expensive, more fuel effeicent cars. the cops in Europe don't drive large cars.

9/23/2014 12:40:00 AM

Pinky-Green Nanny-Statist alert!

Do you actually operate a vehicle on our wretched maintenance deferred surface streets for a tour of duty?

Would YOU trust YOUR life operating the displayed vehicle on a shared roadway with 80k pound tractor-trailers and other assorted large vehicles?

You obviously think Policemen are disposable...

The ruination of this nation is tied in with thinking every bright idea from "Yerp" is practical here.

We bet you think right hand drive is groovy too...

9/23/2014 10:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:40am, Anglophile, Francophile, whatever...

The cops in Europe don't have big cars because very few Europeans can afford to buy large cars. You don't need a crown victoria to catch a ford fiesta. Here, on the other hand genius we do have a lot of cars that are faster than a Fiat 500. We also have a spread out city that it takes much longer to traverse.

If you're getting your ass kicked and seconds count, I hope you get a Toyota Prius responding. Me, I want something with at least 250hp.

9/23/2014 10:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
There is no reason the CPD could not make do with smaller, greener, less expensive, more fuel effeicent cars. the cops in Europe don't drive large cars.

9/23/2014 12:40:00 AM

There must be a reason why there are "charging" stations for electrical cars in the parking lots of new stations.

9/23/2014 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Down every unsafe vehicle they give you.

9/23/2014 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Get rid of the hacks that work at the area garages. They are lazy and sub par mechanics. By the way if I get hurt changing the tire on a city owned vehicle at a city owned facility what will it fall under? IOD or medical? I was never trained on how to use any of the tools or mechanical devices used to change the tire. I am not very mechanically inclined you see. I already have a bad back and a slight hernia and my fingernails are very brittle.

9/23/2014 05:58:00 AM
Agreed we have "parts changers" at best not certified mechanics. For example Ford offered a "plug and play" police package, for its vehicles, this consists of all equipment installed properly at the factory with all wiring properly "plugged" together. Look at the wiring in our vehicles the hillbillies political idiots that work on them butcher the wiring, causing many electronic malfunctions. How about moving the main computer from where it belongs to lower in the footwell so it fills with water and snow and malfunctions brilliant. Now they want Ford to warranty this vehicle and Ford is saying no!

You take vehicle in for simple item and what happens, something else breaks, not counting the grease on the door handles steering wheel and all over the body!

9/23/2014 12:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" the cops in Europe don't drive large cars."
The cops in Europe don't patrol as large a district - have you seen the "urban district" of, say Paris? It could fit into the Loop.

9/23/2014 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You guys would be nuts to include the replacement of vehicles in any contract language. The employer supplying you with the necessary tools to do your jobs is not a "benefit" subject to negotiation. You don't see that kind of language in any firefighter contract and I'm guessing any large city police contract either.
You've been warned.
Shame on your negotiating team for even bringing something like this to you.
You'll be sorry"

This gem from a guy on the red truck brigade, the same union (CFD) that caved in to he city and agred to 2% for medical at 55 when the CPD has had 55 and out with 0% for the last 5 years. Your jagoff union, as well as the CPD Sergeants union, fucked over every other union in the city. Go grab a hose and play with it, asshat!

9/23/2014 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9/23/2014 @ 05:58:00 AM
Let's not blame the mechanics at the Area Garages for our problems. The Police beat these cars and then we expect them to be repaired quickly. Maybe if we were more concerned with doing the job that we hired on for, rather then crying about how to change a tire on a squad car; we might be able to bring the pride back to this department.

9/23/2014 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that the urban youths get onto the green bandwagon and shoot at each other with eco-friendly bullets as well.

9/23/2014 01:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

on a serious note. Great article written by David Sirota "Rahm Emanuel cuts public pensions, diverts money to benefit campaign donors." It explains exactly how TIF s are his slush fund. Google it . It tells exactly whats going on. Every voter should read this article It's exactly right on the money.

9/23/2014 01:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off, the subject, but HOW ABOUT THEM BEARS!!!!! An NFL locomotive chugging on down the track. Take that Jets.

9/23/2014 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in the hell does providing new vehicles become a Contract issue? Take it out of negotiating and give us a wage that would be higher than a city plumber or a member of Rahms PR staff.
Voting NO.
Taxes & Medical (and the cost of living) going up and the city Wage offer is useless and insulting.
Voting NO to Rahm 2015 also.

9/23/2014 02:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of the hacks that work at the area garages. They are lazy and sub par mechanics. By the way if I get hurt changing the tire on a city owned vehicle at a city owned facility what will it fall under? IOD or medical? I was never trained on how to use any of the tools or mechanical devices used to change the tire. I am not very mechanically inclined you see. I already have a bad back and a slight hernia and my fingernails are very brittle.


Sounds more like YOU should be gotten rid of, bad back, hernia, brittle nails and all! Can't change a flat tire?? Glad you're not my partner!

9/23/2014 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There is no reason the CPD could not make do with smaller, greener, less expensive, more fuel effeicent [sic] cars. the cops in Europe don't drive large cars."

-- 9/23/2014 12:40:00 AM

We could re-arm with their now-discarded .32 pocket pistols, too. (Ball ammo only.)


9/23/2014 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was fucking great! a lot of countries use really nice Toyota camrys.

9/23/2014 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

European police may not have huge cars, but they sure do have fast cars. Lots of BMW's and even Mercedes.

9/23/2014 05:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

05:58 get your facts right. The ford SUV problem is a FORD problem! They put wires under the floor. Not fleet. The fords are plug n play but VERY expensive to use their stuff. And the foot and ass smell n food and newspapers don't come standard or from ford or get installed by fleet.

9/23/2014 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


The new squads are Divvys.

9/23/2014 07:25:00 AM

Nope. They're pedi-cabs. BWAH HA HA!

9/23/2014 09:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
" the cops in Europe don't drive large cars."
The cops in Europe don't patrol as large a district - have you seen the "urban district" of, say Paris? It could fit into the Loop.

9/23/2014 12:17:00 PM

Maybe Paris Illinois.

9/23/2014 09:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One bad azz police cruiser. Does it have a nitro switch?

9/23/2014 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
12:40am, Anglophile, Francophile, whatever...

The cops in Europe don't have big cars because very few Europeans can afford to buy large cars. You don't need a crown victoria to catch a ford fiesta. Here, on the other hand genius we do have a lot of cars that are faster than a Fiat 500. We also have a spread out city that it takes much longer to traverse.

If you're getting your ass kicked and seconds count, I hope you get a Toyota Prius responding. Me, I want something with at least 250hp.

9/23/2014 10:24:00 AM

Ridiculous 'logic'. Ever been to Europe? Notice how many Mercedes, Volvos, BMWs are on the road? They're not economy cars and the police are not driving cars with lawnmower engines, either.

9/23/2014 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you're getting your ass kicked and seconds count, I hope you get a Toyota Prius responding. Me, I want something with at least 250hp.

9/23/2014 10:24:00 AM

Safe is fast...

I've seen coppers pulled from wrecks, myself included.

What we need are more hires, not more horse power.

9/24/2014 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the cops in Europe don't drive large cars."

9/23/2014 12:40:00 AM

Yeah, right.


9/24/2014 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People who can flip and burn the real thing -- hell, who can run a red and knock a big heavy pumper on its side -- are gonna stay on the front steps with they Steel Reserve laughing their a__ off, let the chilluns run out and kick this ladybug right over.


I guess it's the modern-day equivalent of a Cushman. Hardly room to paint "POLICE" on it...and embarassing enough as it is...

9/24/2014 02:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You guys would be nuts to include the replacement of vehicles in any contract language. The employer supplying you with the necessary tools to do your jobs is not a "benefit" subject to negotiation. You don't see that kind of language in any firefighter contract and I'm guessing any large city police contract either.
You've been warned.
Shame on your negotiating team for even bringing something like this to you.
You'll be sorry"

This gem from a guy on the red truck brigade, the same union (CFD) that caved in to he city and agred to 2% for medical at 55 when the CPD has had 55 and out with 0% for the last 5 years. Your jagoff union, as well as the CPD Sergeants union, fucked over every other union in the city. Go grab a hose and play with it, asshat!

Thanks for reminding us at the end of your rant that it was the Sgt's that set the PRECEDENT for the increased medial contribution.
You do know what a precedent is, right?
Maybe when the stations need new office furniture or even office supplies or toilet paper you can help the city by treating that as a "benefit" in future contracts too.

9/24/2014 03:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perfect fit for the ballerino and his tiny balls.

9/24/2014 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever been to Europe...

Yeah, enough to fill a passport. I love traveling there but find it humorous that there are people that think the Europeans got their shit together. Seventy years removed from WWII which capped off 1000yrs of unrelenting warfare and probably close to 100 million deaths, but we Yanks have a propensity for violence.

Been there enough and driven there enough to also realize that the vast majority of those Mercedes, BMWs and Volvos carry smaller engines than their counterparts sold here. You buy an E-Class Mercedes there, 2.0L 4cyl, here minimum 3.2L V6 to 5.0L V8. My Ford Fairmont of yesteryear could beat that!

9/24/2014 01:36:00 PM  

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