Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rumor - Unit Reps Didn't Vote?

This is a rumor that ought to be addressed by someone - the FOP, the Trustees, the Unit Reps, anyone who went to the meeting. Again, this is a RUMOR. We cannot confirm it but it popped up in our comment section and should be quashed immediately or addressed appropriately.

Can someone verify if this is true or not? Did something change?
  • At the general meeting Dean was asked if the Unit Rep's had voted on the agreement. He said he didn't know. Several Unit Rep's in attendance shouted out that they hadn't. I have now learned from talking to several reps that no vote was taken. Per our By-Laws(Article 5 Section 3 -page 8)the Unit Rep's are to vote on this before the Board of Director's does. That didn't happen. Also there was no quorum at the Board meeting when the directors voted on this. How could this go out for a vote?  
We looked up the By-Laws - here is the pertinent section:
  • Section 3. It shall be a duty of the Unit Representatives to review any negotiated agreement and to vote for or against the adoption of said agreement, this vote shall be advisory only to the Board of Directors to assist the Board of Directors in their decision to recommend the ratification of said collective bargaining agreement to the membership or a return of the negotiated agreement to the bargaining committee for further negotiation. 
We can imagine one scenario where this wouldn't have occurred - the Board would probably have had to vote to waive the Unit Rep review step. It's an advisory step only, but why keep it secret from the Unit Reps? These are supposed to be the go-betweens for the Board and the Officers....Unit Representatives...get it? If the Board skipped this step, there ought to be a very good reason for it. We don't recall anything in the newsletter or on the website.

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    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    o lord.

    9/24/2014 12:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Who cares? Voted yes! I'm buying a new Argo with my retro check and riding off into the swamp with Corporal. Weee!

    9/24/2014 12:32:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What do you expect? It is Chicago Rules, not Union Rules.

    9/24/2014 12:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This is very true. Dean Angelo violated FOP By-Laws. Dean Angelo also violated Federal Laws by his actions.Any other FOP Officials who assisted Dean Angelo in this illegal action are also culpable under Federal Law.Specifically,they violated the Landrum-Griffin Act.

    9/24/2014 12:53:00 AM  
    Blogger I Fart In Your General Direction said...

    "At the general meeting Dean was asked if the Unit Rep's had voted on the agreement. He said he didn't know. Several Unit Rep's in attendance shouted out that they hadn't."

    This is 100% true. Consider it gospel. Look no futher than the minutes from the meeting to confirm.

    Better yet, request a copy of this first-ever VIDEO RECORDED meeting to verify the validity of this claim.

    And do it quick, before the crafty FLOP videographers make it permanently go bye-bye.

    Everyone that is on the fence regarding how to vote for this asinine offer of a contract had better wake the fuck up. That wool that FLOP is slowly pulling over your eyes doubles as a ball gag so our collective ass-fucking goes unheard if Rahm (in collusion with Dean and Co.) gets his way.

    9/24/2014 01:09:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you disagree with the contract OK, but vote based on the merits of it. It is not all about M.D., B.D,, or J.B. Look Dean won outright. This a fair agreement. It is not

    The next election is in two and years. The time to represent your disdain for this contract is then.

    I understand B.D. is pissed no more D5 pay as is Bailey. I get M.D. is pissed about getting launched from the Springfield position, but that is life in the big city boys. Life goes on.

    As far as the Unit Reps. voting I understand, including Donahue's administration that Bd. of Dirs. voted first.

    Also, B.D. never signed the retro letter. That is official B.D. Enjoy your D1 pay!

    9/24/2014 01:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good. Does this mean we can renegotiate and ask for more/ better contract?

    9/24/2014 02:02:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The good reason is that they were concerned it would not pass.
    I was going to vote yes, now I'm not sure.
    What the fuck is going on ?

    9/24/2014 02:08:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If this did if fact not happen and the press get's a hold of it they'll paint the FOP as just as corrupt and incompetent as an alderman.

    9/24/2014 03:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Off Topic:

    If you wanted to purchase a t-shirt in support of Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson, this is the place

    It's verified and legit and not some scammer looking to cash in on the hype. Nice looking shirt for $18 going to a good cause. It could be any of us in his place one day

    That is all

    9/24/2014 05:44:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Another reason to vote No !

    9/24/2014 05:58:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The unit reps really don't care...they still get their dues back.

    9/24/2014 06:00:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What do you expect? It is Chicago Rules, not Union Rules

    How can we have union rules when Chicago Police Have NEVER had a UNION.

    FOP is not, and never was a union. They are a collective bargaining unit. In other words. Dog and Pony show.

    Im sorry but this is what we get for not sticking together. I made other arrangements, Im not stuck here. I feel sorry for most of you that think there is nothing more to life than this fucked up job/city/department.

    I wish you all the best.

    9/24/2014 06:01:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dean Angelo, Sr. + James DeLeo + John Cullerton = Rahm Emanuel

    9/24/2014 06:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Who is Brock Merck?
    Guess he should have been invited to the secret meeting.

    9/24/2014 06:35:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Who cares? Voted yes! I'm buying a new Argo with my retro check and riding off into the swamp with Corporal. Weee!

    9/24/2014 12:32:00 AM

    "Argo-fuck yourself"

    9/24/2014 06:41:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    sneakey ol dean in bed with rham

    9/24/2014 06:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Holy shit Dean must be worried I got an email this morning explaining more of the contract. He's using scare tactics also.

    9/24/2014 06:48:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I agree.. This quickly needs to be addressed.
    Either it happened that way or it didn't.
    If Unit Reps didn't vote then FOP has some serious credibility issues.

    9/24/2014 06:55:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Everyone needs to email Dean and ask him if it's true. That should make up your final decision.

    9/24/2014 06:57:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Exactly what kind of disability is Dean getting. The man seems to be pretty damn active. Get him a desk job and let him answer phones. When he answers I'm letting him know I'm a NO vote.

    9/24/2014 07:00:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The reps didn't vote, but I did.

    I voted NO!

    9/24/2014 07:01:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Arbitrator will fuck us as history shows.The union agreed to this contract and arbitration will not benefit us at this point.We will lose 4% raise from July 2012 through June 2013,that is a lot of money to give up on a pipe dream that the economy is good.The US (GDP) grew by only 1.9 percent in 2013 per Forbes.VOTE YES. Economy is only good for the top 1% not us.


    9/24/2014 07:07:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey SCC it's obvious you don't want this contract passed. Move on to yout next political agenda.
    P.S. I'm not on the board of directors or a unit rep.

    9/24/2014 07:14:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Please vote NO!!

    9/24/2014 07:16:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    if i want the contract to go to the arbitrator do i vote yes or no on the ballot. this is confusing me. i know the FOP website had a passage on there about this, but it has since been taken down. thanks

    9/24/2014 07:29:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The problem with arbitration. The arbitrator is the Judge. The city sends there lawyer .the F.O.P. Is our lawyer. The F.O.P. Agrees with the city!

    9/24/2014 07:37:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OT....on Monday 9/29 10 o'clock 2. Please watch

    9/24/2014 07:47:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How did this guy ever get voted into office? I knew him twenty something years ago, he was full of it then and I guess he has not changed.

    9/24/2014 07:49:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Typical do as I say not as I do bullsh*t. Vote NO. The selected arbitrator will be under an electron microscope.

    9/24/2014 07:55:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    This is a bad contract

    I didn't get the tier hospital list in the ballot packet.

    How am I suppose to vote on something I know nothing about?

    I wouldn't buy a damn TV without getting the facts. Why would I vote on something I know nothing about?

    VOTE NO!!

    9/24/2014 08:15:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Rules? This is chicago baby we don't follow rules

    9/24/2014 08:20:00 AM  
    Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

    Angelo is up to some bad shit. Watch out.

    9/24/2014 08:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This mf wants this contract to pass so are we to know that the "no" ballots are being tossed out at fop. Who safeguards the count?

    9/24/2014 08:31:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We did not vote. We asked at the end of the reps meeting, Dean Sr said, do we have to?

    9/24/2014 08:45:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    voted pretty much everyone i know did as well.

    9/24/2014 08:52:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    voted yes , 5 years on , straight days in a nice slow district
    little extra cash to use while shopping on duty

    9/24/2014 09:04:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am a Unit Rep and was at the Unit Rep's meeting. There was never a vote on this tentative agreement with the city. No matter who is in office, I want them to do well. However, not abiding by the by-laws is a major concern. Add to the fact that Dean says he doesn't remember if the Unit Rep's voted on this issue. Reminds me of Daley and his ability to forget the facts at the most inopportune time. This is not good.

    9/24/2014 09:54:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Look at who you elected as president. He was part of the contract negotiation team and chairman of the trustees who gave the city a percentage of our salaries for healthcare. His contract negotiating team signed a temporary agreement with the city to ensure that this would happen. When the contract went out to the membership for a vote 80% of the membership rejected it sending it to arbitration primarily because of the percentage being attached to our paychecks for healthcare. We were stunned when the arbitrator told us that a temporary agreement had been signed and he could not even consider the fact that we agreed with the city to pay a percentage of our salary for our healthcare and he could not reopen or even consider changing the healthcare agreement. The following election the entire FOP board was voted out of office for the 1st time in the history of Lodge 7 all incumbents were swept from office Dean included. We truly are our own wost enemy.

    9/24/2014 09:59:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    One word:Retro. I voted yes. We stand to benefit the rest of our career. Can you say compounding? Do not waste one more year and go to arbitration to get less.RAHM will have a ball telling the public about GREEDY police ,it will be his greatest marketing tool.VOTE YES YES YES

    9/24/2014 10:12:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm new can we impeach our president? If not can it be placed in the by-laws for future presidents?

    9/24/2014 10:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dean's newsletter is insulting to the very police officers he represents. If you are an informed voice, Dean now writes in a belittling fashion towards you.

    Sad but true.
    Yes Dean, some police officers have skill sets you begrudge and belittle.

    9/24/2014 10:30:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    National Labor Relations Board

    1959 Landrum-Griffin Act

    During the middle and late 1950's, the labor movement was under intense Congressional scrutiny for corruption, racketeering, and other misconduct. By 1959, Congress concluded that further reforms were needed to address gaps in both the Wagner Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. In the fall of 1959, President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law the new Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum- Griffin Act) that amended Taft-Hartley so that:

    9/24/2014 10:42:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Not a rumor!!

    9/24/2014 10:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Deans just like Obama, he doesn't want to talk to Congress, and doesn't think he needs to follow the rules and talk to congress first. Bengazi, Fast and furious, Obamacare, and now Angelogate.

    9/24/2014 10:50:00 AM  
    Anonymous Bad Deal said...

    Vote no. They can go back and renegotiate. If no agreement is reached then they can go to an arbitrator.

    9/24/2014 10:52:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    SCC you rock. The FOP emperor is no different that the last FOP emperor and the one before that and the one before that.
    Is Dean related to Rahm? They're both short.

    9/24/2014 10:53:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When was the last time we had a contract that didn't go to arbitration? Not an excuse but something to think about. And if there was someone of authority in the union that knew of this why did they not speak the fuck up ahead of time? Is this going to be the next big scandal like the letter that Sheilds was told to send. Seems like the union officials are fighting with one another. I'm just sick of the in-fighting that's been going on. Tired of the cry babies not getting along and as a result the truth being twisted to the point you don't know who to believe any more

    9/24/2014 10:56:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Welcome, to the fourth term of, Dollar Bill Nolan. Disability Dean, is a one termer, after this debacle.

    9/24/2014 11:20:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mike Shields is right after all. Another corrupt contract.

    9/24/2014 11:27:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    And keep it secret from the membership at large. The old we know what is best for you just accept it and move on. No beefing you have your chance to vote, dont ignore the facts and situation.

    9/24/2014 12:06:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So much propaganda, what is the truth? Mike Shields "miss me yet" has got to be smug knowing he was exposing all of this corruption! Why is Dean not thrown out? We need to march on fop hall, we pay the 6 figure salaries, we own that building, something to think about! Dean having his kid in with him, typical city demoratic way! Nepotism? No he must be the smartest kid!

    9/24/2014 12:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If you take a look at what this contract does with regard to duty availibilty, it is divise and is the same thing done to the United auto workers. The new hires get a lower wage scale then existing workers and will never achieve the same scale. This was done to us with wage compression, they took a 3 pct @ 30 yr raise off the scale meaning that wage step will never be paid. Yes you get early out at 75 pct but it is of a lesser wage. This will come to bite the younger members in the butt as the next move will be less or no insurance at retirement.

    9/24/2014 12:15:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That's what you get when you let a bunch of retirees run your union and sell your contract. Its time to separate the retiree and active membership. Its the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room that no one wants to many retirees on the board period. Shame on the active people that allow this!!!!

    9/24/2014 12:34:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can begin to see the Dean team ending like the Nolan team

    9/24/2014 12:39:00 PM  
    Blogger jcat said...

    Well the Unit Reps in 008 and 003 confirmed with me that no vote was ever taken.
    You say you see how they could have gotten around that however the board of directors CANNOT take a vote that clearly circumvents the Constitution even on such things as advisory issues. They are there for a reason and the process is supposed to be followed per the Constitution. If anyone DOESN'T have an issue with this then you should get your head out of the sand because it only opens the door for further abuses.
    One such abuse that has occurred and will be addressed next week is the By Law changes that were presented and voted on at the last meeting. I drafted 3 changes, had proper signatures and they were presented to Greg Bella and stamped received on Apr 7th. Yet NONE were put up for a vote. WHY? well when I emailed Dean, he stated the commitee determined they were not worded properly and effectively tossed in the garbage can. Nobody contacted me by phone, mail or in person even though they had several opportunities to do so and let me know changes needed to be made if they were to be voted on. They simply decided they didnt like them and to hell with the process they would just ignore them and come up with the bullshit reason of wording. NOWHERE in the Constitution does it state about proper wording. It only states the process of proper signatures,filing dates and that any proposal cannot violate local,state or national lodge rules already in effect.
    These are clear examples of a lodge that thinks no different then past adminstrations who can do what they want and how they want never being held accountable. IT HAS TO STOP!

    John Catanzara 008

    9/24/2014 12:53:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    You have to wonder why Rahm (Moneysnatchus Horribilus) was almost giddy with joy about the regime change at fop and the strange vibe of a new era of "quiet cooperation" that the new regime at fop was giving off.

    The curtain at fop is slowly lifting if not unraveling...

    Instead of a professional production, we're getting a bunch of supposed adults running around on stage screaming "Eeek! Don't look cuz we're nakey! Vote yes!"

    This contract is the equivalent of somebody taking a crap in a darkened vestibule thinking its funny only to have the lights come on and the door open...

    You have your own eyes, the benefit of illumination and your own sense of right and wrong to reach the conclusion that what you have in front of you is simply an outrage... Will quiet cooperation work on the offending ass you see exposed in front of you or do you and your size 12's do what is absolutely necessary?

    Tighten your chin-strap and send this artfully crafted, intentionally vague and open to interpretation word salad that is scripted wholly in the city's favor to arbitration for a true finding of who the parties were that though in good conscience or bad, that this flaming deuce of a proposal was fit to present to Policemen.

    9/24/2014 01:24:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If CPD needs new and/or better cop cars, maybe they need to get a hundred or so surplus MRAPs from the military. Those vehicles are sturdy, weather proof and GI proof. If the GIs can't tear them up, I doubt that cops can. They are also bullet proof.

    9/24/2014 01:37:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What the hell is going on with FOP?

    9/24/2014 01:54:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm voting NO. This is not a good contract.

    9/24/2014 02:32:00 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    There was a quorum of Active members of the Board Of Directors and the voted to recommend the contract.

    9/24/2014 02:38:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Went to the FOP's website, and their video is not even functioning properly. Used 2 different computers, and tried a dozen times. Can FOP do 1 thing right? They can't even hire a webmaster who actually knows how to properly post a video. After a minute, the video just pauses and doesn't play. OR- is this an intentional mistake? Everything about the contract and its deal smells funny from first minute. 24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up. Quit pretending that Chicago Police Officers are only worth 1% or 2% a year. Its like we have to settle for status quo and get on our knees, pray, and kiss the feet of Dean and Rahm. I don't think so!!!!! Wake up guys, CPD police officers are worth much more than 1 or 2 percent!!!!! In Boston, the Arbitrator favored their cops and won big. But pu$$ies here want to be negative nancys and keep telling us we aren't worth a decent raise or contract.

    9/24/2014 03:04:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    30,000 city employees are in the tier system and everyone is happy with it. Not a LEO but a city worker.

    9/24/2014 03:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    if i want the contract to go to the arbitrator do i vote yes or no on the ballot. this is confusing me. i know the FOP website had a passage on there about this, but it has since been taken down. thanks

    9/24/2014 07:29:

    Vote no. That means it goes to arbitrarition.

    9/24/2014 03:53:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Watch out! They're everywhere and watching you!!

    9/24/2014 03:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Only a fool makes life changing decisions after reading the bathroom wall. Confucious

    9/24/2014 03:55:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Get over it Billy you lost. Oh and you lost because you didnt send the letter

    9/24/2014 03:57:00 PM  
    Anonymous My 2 Cents said...

    Voted yes, and shame on you if you put all of your eggs into the pension basket. A decent financial advisor would have told you 25 years ago not to depend solely on a pension or deferred comp which is also controlled by the city. Like it or not pensions are under heavy attack in this country.

    9/24/2014 04:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Seems like everyone in 003 is voting yes! And what's the deal with that video that everyone in 003 has been talking about?

    9/24/2014 04:20:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    I am a Unit Rep and was at the Unit Rep's meeting. There was never a vote on this tentative agreement with the city. No matter who is in office, I want them to do well. However, not abiding by the by-laws is a major concern. Add to the fact that Dean says he doesn't remember if the Unit Rep's voted on this issue. Reminds me of Daley and his ability to forget the facts at the most inopportune time. This is not good.

    9/24/2014 09:54:00 AM

    I agree. The "I don't know" BS is insulting and sounds like a chicago politician. I still have to vote YES because in the end I think we will lose a lot in arbitration and the contract isn't that bad. I don't trust pro-city arbitrators.

    9/24/2014 04:28:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...

    Went to the FOP's website, and their video is not even functioning properly. Used 2 different computers, and tried a dozen times. Can FOP do 1 thing right? They can't even hire a webmaster who actually knows how to properly post a video. After a minute, the video just pauses and doesn't play. OR- is this an intentional mistake? Everything about the contract and its deal smells funny from first minute. 24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up. Quit pretending that Chicago Police Officers are only worth 1% or 2% a year. Its like we have to settle for status quo and get on our knees, pray, and kiss the feet of Dean and Rahm. I don't think so!!!!! Wake up guys, CPD police officers are worth much more than 1 or 2 percent!!!!! In Boston, the Arbitrator favored their cops and won big. But pu$$ies here want to be negative nancys and keep telling us we aren't worth a decent raise or contract.

    9/24/2014 03:04:00 PM

    You cannot compare us to BPD. I remember that they got that raise because they needed to be matched with fire fighters. Plus it is a different city. We are not going to get that arbitrator. We are also living in the great corrupt city of Chicago.

    9/24/2014 04:45:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dean is not one to follow "Procedure". He also has the majority of the Board to vote his way when he is brought up on charges. Carlos C. where are you? He is the only one with balls to bring charges. I voted for him!

    9/24/2014 04:56:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    As far as vote voted yes we will get no better! Just watched channel 7 I team report at 5, they had a follow up story showing the mayors guys again speeding In school zones and ripping through red lights guess the mayor will have openings on detail, commander thompson can I call you or will you be replaced also? Another embarrassment rahm?

    9/24/2014 05:06:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Went to the FOP's website, and their video is not even functioning properly. Used 2 different computers, and tried a dozen times. Can FOP do 1 thing right? They can't even hire a webmaster who actually knows how to properly post a video. After a minute, the video just pauses and doesn't play. OR- is this an intentional mistake? Everything about the contract and its deal smells funny from first minute. 24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up. Quit pretending that Chicago Police Officers are only worth 1% or 2% a year. Its like we have to settle for status quo and get on our knees, pray, and kiss the feet of Dean and Rahm. I don't think so!!!!! Wake up guys, CPD police officers are worth much more than 1 or 2 percent!!!!! In Boston, the Arbitrator favored their cops and won big. But pu$$ies here want to be negative nancys and keep telling us we aren't worth a decent raise or contract.

    9/24/2014 03:04:00 PM
    Boston's cost of living is? Thought so! Move to Boston we are not getting more we are not Boston asshat!

    9/24/2014 05:07:00 PM  
    Anonymous Kevin said...

    Voted Yes, hopped on a Divvy bike and mailed the ballot, while singing Go Cubs Go. I'm gonna use my sweet retro check to buy season tickets. 2015 is the year!

    9/24/2014 05:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mike Shields "miss me yet"

    No, No and No!

    9/24/2014 05:13:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My mom told me to vote no.
    S.S. 701

    9/24/2014 05:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I emailed Dean Angelo about the situation of the reps not voting. He in a timely manner responded with this and informed me I could share it with whoever I wanted to. He wasn't sarcastic and I thought he was professional in his response. I'm not taking sides but I am posting his response. As follows:
    The unit reps met the day after we finished w/the city. We were at the Hall for several hours. During the course of the unit rep meeting a consensus was reached to support moving forward to ratification. According to the Constitution, the unit reps are advisory to the Board and have no authority to impact wether or not the contract is submitted to the membership for consideration. Ultimately the negotiation committee and active board members unanimously approved that the tentative agreement be mailed to the members for consideration.

    Immediately thereafter the FOP have been conducting open sessions and town halls to share the information and answer questions on what the real language is and to dispel the rumors.

    9/24/2014 05:35:00 PM  
    Anonymous Nancy Pelosi said...

    Hang in there Dean. Just because they are cops does not mean they can think or read. Well, most of them anyway. Just shove it down their throats then tell them it's going to be really, really good. Just like Obamacare. What ever you do, don't let them see it until after they accept it. That's how I did it!

    9/24/2014 05:46:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    When this gets voted down and we get screwed by an arbitrator we will have plenty of people to blame. Dean Sr and Jr. Mike Shields and Bill Dougherty. Mark Donahue the lawyers, the blog, did I forget anyone. I'm sure we will name more when we are crying.

    9/24/2014 05:59:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    All the contract meetings I went to in the past as a unit rep were informative in nature. We never voted.

    Big deal. It doesn't count so who cares? Making something out of nothing. Move on.

    9/24/2014 06:03:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    listen when flop compressed the salary schedule they gave up the 30 year step raise , it was suggested to keep 30 year step raise and ask for an extra 1% raise for every year over 30 up to 35 years which would have been a nice salary increase and incentive to hang around a few more years . Again the young police officer got shafted and the 30+ officer received an extra 3% . Never give up any benefit . FOP also endorsed the attorney general with hope of receiving 80% pension , never happened .

    9/24/2014 06:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous P.O. Randy Stevens, 018th District said...

    Anonymous said....
    "24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up. Quit pretending that Chicago Police Officers are only worth 1% or 2% a year."

    Dear Friend:
    I did look it up. Due to a past Boston Police contract involving incentives for getting college education, Boston Police ended up, over the years, earning about $15,000 per year LESS than Boston Fire, so the huge raise they got was to bring them up to par with the firefighters. That was a unique situation that doesn't apply to Chicago.

    9/24/2014 06:24:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    If you take a look at what this contract does with regard to duty availability, it is divise and is the same thing done to the United auto workers. The new hires get a lower wage scale then existing workers and will never achieve the same scale. This was done to us with wage compression, they took a 3 pct @ 30 yr raise off the scale meaning that wage step will never be paid. Yes you get early out at 75 pct but it is of a lesser wage. This will come to bite the younger members in the butt as the next move will be less or no insurance at retirement.

    9/24/2014 12:15:00 PM

    Not true.

    You are wrong and are passing mistruths.

    Wage compression was just that. 30 year (Step 11) became the 25 year step (Step 10), 25 year (Step 10) became the 20 year and so on down to Step 8 which became the former Step 9.

    Step 11 was then eliminated as the maximum pay grade, but only because it was then called Step 10. Get it? The highest wage formerly paid at 30 years was then paid at 25 years instead.

    Those officers who were already at Step 11 were given 3.5% raises. So were officers who were in a pay grade not compressed. (Step 7 and lower) Those officers not compressed also received a 2% raise on Jan 1, 2007.

    The old 30 year rate went away and police already at that rate got a flat raise but only those officers who were already at Step 11, 30 year, were given that 3.5%. When they retired their salary rate retired with them. That is when those not very schooled in reading and comprehension began screaming "We got cheated, fucking FOP, fucking city."

    No one was cheated. The 30 year rate became the 25 year rate. It didn't go away as a subterfuge, It was Wage compression. Why is this so difficult to understand? Coppers have been wrongly claiming they were cheated since that contract went into effect.

    Look it up, it is in the contract dated July 1, 2003
    to June 30, 2007. Article 26, Wages.

    9/24/2014 06:32:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Everyone I talked to is voting yes. I'm starting to think the same 5 people on here keep saying vote no.

    9/24/2014 07:11:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just noticed on the secrecy ballot envelope and the return envelope, they have a number in the lower left corner. The numbers are the same on both envelopes. My number is 228 on the envelopes are they the same on all the envelopes, like a manufacture number or something like that. Just curious.

    9/24/2014 07:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    One word:Retro. I voted yes. We stand to benefit the rest of our career. Can you say compounding? Do not waste one more year and go to arbitration to get less.RAHM will have a ball telling the public about GREEDY police ,it will be his greatest marketing tool.VOTE YES YES YES

    The rest of your career as a patrolman you softball. Your retro is a small matter compared to what you will pay for an out of network hospital. Rahm and merit sergeant Ade tried to sell the sergeants a line of shit too and myself and eighty percent of the sergeants told Ade to stick it in his ear. And the arbitrator sided with us as well. Worry about he 30% sergeant promotions-and that raise-that go to knuckle draggers instead of the highest scorers. Your retro will be small recompense to be a short sided sellout.

    9/24/2014 07:19:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm not sure if most people understand what is going on here. Whether the unit reps vote or not it is only an "advisory" vote for the FOP to either approve or disapprove the contract. They can do whatever they want even if the vote was no. Read the damn by laws. And all you guys voting based on rumors and what this guy or that guy said is total bullshit. Read the damn contract and stop listening to people that know even less than you do. And here is a little tid bit. Everyone is harping about the tier 1 and tier 2 thing and how they don't have a list and all that. Here's a clue. If you have a ppo in network and out of network hospitals and providers change all the time. The tier 1 and tier 2 system will be different every year. So just becasue Christ hospital is on there or not that doesn't mean it won't be next year. Providers come and go based on negotiations with BCBS and whether they wanna be there or not. Stop being hung up on stuff you don't get. And if anyone thinks an arbitrator will give you more youre fucking dreaming. You're getting a 6% raise right of the top plus retro for the first year minus the overtime that year. That's about 125 dollars per paycheck. The college tuition is for grad school which I would think doesn't apply to 90% of blue shirts. I'm not planning on going to grad school and I guess if you are and it's such a big sticking point for you then vote no but be informed before you make a decision. That is all. It's like arguing with my 8 year old who just knows better than me all the time but won't listen to a goddamn thing ever!!!!!

    9/24/2014 07:37:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Spin, Dean!! Spin, spin, spin!!!!!

    Is it safe to assume you'll post another ignorant, condescending article on the FLOP website trying to explain "what really happened" Dean?

    Dean, you've been caught in more than a few lies now since this whole marathon of trying to cram the contract down the throats at the grunts in the blue shirts.

    Are you clowns that are still hung up on the retro issue starting to see the bigger picture YET?

    Vote NO on this contract and vote Dean OUT next election.

    9/24/2014 07:39:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Hey SCC it's obvious you don't want this contract passed. Move on to yout next political agenda.
    P.S. I'm not on the board of directors or a unit rep.

    9/24/2014 07:14:00 AM
    Seriously? SCC has made a point of saying he is only providing info. If I ran a blog? Headline would be "if you vote yes you are an idiot". You should be grateful that he is as neutral as he is. AND provides a sounding board for the rest of us.

    9/24/2014 07:46:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    voted yes , 5 years on , straight days in a nice slow district
    little extra cash to use while shopping on duty

    9/24/2014 09:04:00 AM

    Enjoy your 1a 1b furlo. You truly deserve it.

    9/24/2014 07:48:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Command changes Friday.

    9/24/2014 07:52:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We elected a union President who was NOT aware that furlough days were converted to hours when we went to the 4-2 schedule. What the hell is wrong with our membership?

    9/24/2014 07:56:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    voted yes , 5 years on , straight days in a nice slow district
    little extra cash to use while shopping on duty

    9/24/2014 09:04:00 AM

    Good luck getting days in a nice slow district with 5 minutes, er 5 years, on the job.
    Hope you can suppress the gag reflex.

    9/24/2014 08:01:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Did Rahm give Dean the cuff links that Mikey gave Rahm?

    This is a joke and a disgrace. It usually takes longer than a few short months for the FOP to climb completely into bed with the city.

    9/24/2014 08:05:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up.

    Just because some arbitrator gave the Boston police such a raise, doesn't mean the same will happen here. The reality is, the arbitrator is going to look at Chicago, not Boston, to make his decision. He's going to look at the fact that our sergeants got 8% and our firefighters got 11%. He's not going to look at those two figures and decide to give us more than those two unions got combined. It's just not going to happen.

    I'm not saying this contract is great, hell it's not even good. But it's the best we're going to get, especially since Shields and the last regime dropped the ball.

    Arbitrators have not been our friends where the past two contracts were concerned. What makes everyone think they're going to take care of us this time?

    9/24/2014 08:29:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Remember, this is a vote for the contract yes or no not a vote of confidence for Dean. Read the contract and see if it is something that benefits the entire membership versus what may be lost in arbitration. Then place your vote. Regardless of who is in there now, 5 years or 10 years from now the contract is the contract. Either you can live with it or you can't.

    9/24/2014 08:30:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    9/24/2014 07:07:00 AM

    Where did you go to school? Because your math absolutely sucks. Where are you getting such a figure? The average retro check for a copper with 10 years on is going to be about $4000.00 before taxes. Please tell us all how you came up with $11,000.00!

    9/24/2014 08:33:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    There was a quorum of Active members of the Board Of Directors and the voted to recommend the contract.

    9/24/2014 02:38:00 PM

    I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a "Quorum" of the Board is a majority of the Board. There can be no "quorum" of active officers because the majority of the FOP board is made of of retirees. You are talking about a quorum of a group that is always going to be less than a real quorum. This is wrong. I hear the lawyers are sharpening their knives on this one.

    9/24/2014 08:57:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Went to the meeting. Voting yes

    9/24/2014 08:58:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was a unit rep under the City-wide tenure. Never once did we vote on a contract.

    9/24/2014 09:15:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Be very careful of John Catanzara from 008. He wants to be the next president of fop. He has never stopped campaigning from the election. I have to take anything he says with a grain of salt.

    Of Course if he will swear of future runs for office than he might gain some street creds.

    9/24/2014 09:18:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    People in the private sector are not seeing raises. So we will not get sympathy from the public.

    The arbitrator will most definitely put us in the wellness program. If this contract is ratified we will still revist that issue. Not a good contract, but not horrible.

    Big problem is people assume everything is a corrupt. Maybe so, but start planning beyond the present.

    Same people bitching about the tutuition issue are the same people procasterating about doing it.

    It's just a job. Just like any other. Management thinks of management only.

    9/24/2014 09:22:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Was able to watch the videos at work on work computers on lunch. Part of the problem is they have them in RealPlayer format - so if you don't have that installed, they might not play. As far as competent webmasters, look only as far as the 'credits' on the videos. They are "copywrited" videos, not "copyrighted" as they should be.

    9/24/2014 10:00:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    For a retired guy, Bill Nolan is sure spending a lot of time at FOP. Advising Dean Angelo on how to be even more dishonest?

    9/24/2014 10:19:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    voted yes , 5 years on , straight days in a nice slow district
    little extra cash to use while shopping on duty

    9/24/2014 09:04:00 AM

    You'll never get any older and retire,right?


    9/24/2014 10:20:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm Voting NO!!! Also Voting against all who are currently in Union Office......

    9/24/2014 10:21:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You have to vote for it so you can see how bad it is,sound familiar?

    9/24/2014 10:31:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hope all the vote' are all done on the legit. Some people will end up in the shit house doing a favor for the high ranks of the FOP.
    FOP was good for the first contract and then went to shit !! Much $$$ went South. An audit is still warranted.
    The FOP has been used by the top guys as an ATM.
    None of the Top guys had to get a retirement job after they left the FOP.

    9/24/2014 11:12:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If we vote NO and this goes to arbitration, who do you think will be at the hearing?....Not me, or you, or anyone of the rank and file who think think this is a bad contract. The FOP representatives and their attorny's will be there who think this is a good contract and not only will we lose $$$ in retro, but everything else will pretty much remain the same whether you like it or not....VOTE YES!!!

    9/24/2014 11:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey look, 60 million dollars just came out of thin air to build this unnamed school

    9/24/2014 11:35:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No more FOP let's get the teamsters.

    9/24/2014 11:57:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Went to the FOP's website, and their video is not even functioning properly. Used 2 different computers, and tried a dozen times. Can FOP do 1 thing right? They can't even hire a webmaster who actually knows how to properly post a video. After a minute, the video just pauses and doesn't play. OR- is this an intentional mistake? Everything about the contract and its deal smells funny from first minute. 24.5% Pay raise for 6 years contract BOSTON POLICE. Look it up. Quit pretending that Chicago Police Officers are only worth 1% or 2% a year. Its like we have to settle for status quo and get on our knees, pray, and kiss the feet of Dean and Rahm. I don't think so!!!!! Wake up guys, CPD police officers are worth much more than 1 or 2 percent!!!!! In Boston, the Arbitrator favored their cops and won big. But pu$$ies here want to be negative nancys and keep telling us we aren't worth a decent raise or contract.

    To everybody who keeps using the Boston excuse and says "LOOK IT UP!!!!!" my question is, have you looked it up? Because i did, and in the first result on google this is what i found. If you read a whopping 3 sentences in, here is what it says. "The award calls for 13.5 percent in raises and includes additional money for longevity benefits, bonuses for officers with college degrees, and other perks that bring the total increase to more than 25 percent." Also if you read even further in the article, it says this "In 2009, the state eliminated nearly all of its funding for the Quinn Bill to help close a budget gap, and many police officers saw their salaries fall" and further on "According to the city, it increased its offer to 15.2 percent to make up for some of the money officers lost when the state cut the Quinn Bill."

    The officers lost money from contract lapses and a loss of funding in this bill. The officer got 13.5 percent base salary over 6 years. we got 11 percent over 5. Too many coppers jump on the "well i heard" wagon and then call everyone else idiots for not falling for the rumors. Yes our contract is not perfect, but a lot of things like the raises are just plain conspiracy theories. This entire research took me a whopping 5 minutes, before you start commenting and bashing people, please know what you are talking about.

    9/25/2014 12:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous My 2 Cents said...

    Hey SCC!

    You forgot to approve my comment earlier... oh no you didn't you left it out because you don't approve of it. I'm a cop, not a plant, or politician. Like my comment or not, pensions are going to be a thing of the past. The first chance I get to opt out of the pension I'm taking it. My money better serves me in other places. Take care and be safe out there.

    9/25/2014 12:44:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Catanzara's only told the truth. The union is pushing this turd down your throat with the retro retro retro carrott on the whipping stick. Short term thinkers will vote yes. The city is playing the long game changing benefits to tier plan, adding pension wording to contract, wellness plan, changing the duty availability pay to 5 years on. Once the doors open they keep getting wider. These losses are long term moves. sLook closely at what you are losing against the singular gain of 4%. Cars are the cities problem not the union. Furlough by watch benefits the city not having to balance furloughs in the summer, another city problem, not a union problem. Go to city Dr. or Hospital or pay through the nose is next. Wellness plan will be mandatory participation giving the city medical records they shouldn't get. (blood work ect.) City is playing Chess Dean is sacrificing po's as pawns for 4%.

    9/25/2014 07:18:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Was able to watch the videos at work on work computers on lunch. Part of the problem is they have them in RealPlayer format - so if you don't have that installed, they might not play. As far as competent webmasters, look only as far as the 'credits' on the videos. They are "copywrited" videos, not "copyrighted" as they should be.

    9/24/2014 10:00:00 PM

    FOP = dog & pony show. What a bunch of goofs.

    9/25/2014 07:26:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My 2 Cents said...
    Voted yes, and shame on you if you put all of your eggs into the pension basket. A decent financial advisor would have told you 25 years ago not to depend solely on a pension or deferred comp which is also controlled by the city. Like it or not pensions are under heavy attack in this country.

    9/24/2014 04:12:00 PM
    Elitist fuck. I hope your life doesn't take the turns mine did.

    9/25/2014 07:46:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    if i want the contract to go to the arbitrator do i vote yes or no on the ballot. this is confusing me. i know the FOP website had a passage on there about this, but it has since been taken down. thanks

    9/24/2014 07:29:

    I hope you're kidding.

    9/25/2014 08:13:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    FOP should be in full blown damage control over this.
    Maybe Dean can borrow some of Rahm's spinners .... since Dean and Rahm are becoming thick as thieves.

    9/25/2014 08:27:00 AM  
    Blogger John Northen said...

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    9/25/2014 08:33:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Do those numbers on the ballot envelopes refer to the mailing list, thereby tracking how you voted?

    9/25/2014 09:21:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No more FOP let's get the teamsters.

    9/24/2014 11:57:00 PM
    STFU about the teamsters already! They are a truckers union. I want to be represented by a police union. If you want to be represented by a truckers union, go be a trucker. Former Teamster 705 & 714.
    Signed, G I

    9/25/2014 09:25:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    For a retired guy, Bill Nolan is sure spending a lot of time at FOP. Advising Dean Angelo on how to be even more dishonest?

    9/24/2014 10:19:00 PM

    Bill Nolan is now the Immediate Past President. Again. Shields was tossed out and was not in consideration for the position. Mark Donahue is on the outs anyway and won a trustee spot so they somehow went further down and named Nolan to that position. It carries a vote on the board and a $stipend.

    By the way, the reason given for the defeat of that by-law requiring the elected FOP leaders to work in the office (per Dean Angelo) was that it would be too difficult to get rid of bad ones. I brought up that didn't stop anyone from dumping the FOP President in record time. No good answer for that. Somehow the President can be flushed but not the field reps. Now, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat...

    9/25/2014 10:12:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey look, 60 million dollars just came out of thin air to build this unnamed school

    9/24/2014 11:35:00 PM

    Not possible. The city is broke.
    It's 'broke' all right, just not financially.)

    9/25/2014 11:41:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    No more FOP let's get the teamsters.

    35 years too late

    9/25/2014 11:50:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Do those numbers on the ballot envelopes refer to the mailing list, thereby tracking how you voted?

    9/25/2014 09:21:00 AM

    Absolutely not. FOP hired a mind reader and a clarvoyant. They look at your name on the outside of the envelope,rub it against their head and tell the FOP how you voted. The FOP records this and will take action against you later.

    9/25/2014 06:49:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If we could get Dan and Mike Shields, Paul Gieger, Mark Donahue, Bill Doherty and every other asshole that fucked us the last 4 years from posting on the blog, we may actually get an honest opinion on this topic. I post anonymous like everyone else, but I wish we could see atleast the ip addresses for each post. I bet you would find many go back to the same people.

    9/25/2014 07:17:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    STFU about the teamsters already! They are a truckers union. I want to be represented by a police union.

    Hey G I.... FOP is not a union. Never has been a union and never will be one. They are a collective bargaining unit. FOP is NOT a UNion.

    9/25/2014 07:21:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We have unit reps??? LOL!

    Aw geez, this shit is comical. Deano, I think you're in over your head way more than Shields ever was.....

    9/25/2014 09:09:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    STFU about the teamsters already! They are a truckers union. I want to be represented by a police union.

    Hey G I.... FOP is not a union. Never has been a union and never will be one. They are a collective bargaining unit. FOP is NOT a UNion.

    You are a tool, you are right but you know what I meant, therefore that makes you a tool. Signed, GI

    9/26/2014 02:07:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    rumor or truth ?

    9/26/2014 02:57:00 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    rumor or truth ?

    9/26/2014 02:57:00 PM

    Threat or menace?

    9/27/2014 05:13:00 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Do those numbers on the ballot envelopes refer to the mailing list, thereby tracking how you voted?

    9/25/2014 09:21:00 AM

    Absolutely not. FOP hired a mind reader and a clarvoyant. They look at your name on the outside of the envelope,rub it against their head and tell the FOP how you voted. The FOP records this and will take action against you later.

    9/25/2014 06:49:00 PM

    I happen to know that the FOP secretly hired Miss Cleo to assist with the vote tabulations. This scurrilous rumor is actually true. Strange but true.

    9/27/2014 05:16:00 AM  

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