Saturday, October 10, 2015

Aw, Poor Little Felon

  • Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan on Friday called for legislation that would end the practice of labeling those released from prison as felons for the remainder of their lives.

    During a speech before the Coalition to Reduce Recidivism’s 12th annual luncheon in Waukegan, Ryan told attendees the “felon” tag is a deterrent to someone looking for a job.

    Ryan, 81, a Republican, spent more than five years behind bars on corruption charges. He said during his incarceration at a Terre Haute, Ind. federal prison he saw many young men who have to wear the felon tag once released from prison.

    “They’ve served their time, and that tag ought to be removed for the rest of their lives by law,” he said.
First of all, go f#$% yourself felon.

Second, we be amenable to removing the "felon" tag after the felon completes a probationary period, at least equal to the sentence that was imposed upon them - not the amount they served, because in Illinois, that would be a matter of days in certain instances.

During that probationary time, the felon will complete any court imposed education programs like anger management, or domestic violence, or AA, or "don't take shit that doesn't belong to you," because the felon obviously missed these lessons somewhere along their life route. The felon will hold a series of menial jobs, like ditch-digger, highway trash collector, port-o-john attendant, etc., a job that demonstrates what labor honest people do to support themselves and their families. The felon will earn minimum wage so he/she can see how honest people live. If the felon holds a second minimum wage job, the felon can reduce the probationary period by exactly zero - lots of people hold three and four jobs and they don't commit felonies. Any failure will result in the "felon" label for life.

Additionally, anyone who is dumb enough to commit another felony, will have the word "felon" branded upon them so that everyone can see what a dumbass they are. If honest work, honest pay and a second chance aren't enough to cure you of your stupidity, then you deserve exactly zero sympathy and should carry your burden where everyone can see it.

Third felony and you're done. We'll gladly kick in the extra tax money to house the felon for the rest of their life, as long as a reputable prison warden provides no TV, no exercise yard, no unapproved reading material, and the cheapest food allowable by law. Also, no medicine stronger than an aspirin or Tylenol. Prison shouldn't be a vacation.

You're welcome to disagree - discuss within the bounds of decency please.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you, Felony George.

10/10/2015 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coming from George Ryan......yeah OK Georgy....GFY

10/10/2015 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone else who betrayed the public trust - please make him go away. We're sick of this crap!

10/10/2015 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't want to be labeled a felon, don't commit a felony.
A mom doesn't become 'not' a mom if her child dies before she does.
A hockey player becomes a former hockey player, not 'never a hockey player'.
Y'are what y'are.
Don't want to be called that? Don't do the crime that buys you the label.

10/10/2015 12:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reenstate the death penalty and maybe they won't have to carry around the felon tag you dumb mf ryan

10/10/2015 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here! Here! Anyone second the motion?

10/10/2015 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

I sort of agree, BUT I think we should bring back the Death Penalty.

I am NOT for Life Imprisonment. Some felons need to take the Express route to the next world and not sit around for 20-40 years at our expense.

Next case.

10/10/2015 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two of the better cops I worked with got into trouble as young and dumb men. Their felony convictions were pardoned. And I've seen many other people who turned their lives around benefit from carefully screened pardons. That's why they exist.

So I don't entirely agree or disagree with George Ryan. There are criminals who scare us and those that annoy us. Some of the latter may actually grow up and out of it. I have no problem giving a second chance to those who have earned it. But it should be a matter of privilege, not right.

In 40 years of law enforcement I've seen plenty of failures -- too many -- and not enough success stories but even the most cynical of us likes to see a success story. It just doesn't happen as much as it should.

10/10/2015 02:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're welcome to disagree??.....

Are you f-ing kidding me SCC?!!
I'm ready to elect you to office with thoughts like that!

10/10/2015 02:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is something to be said for exile to something like Devil's Island for a second offense or a life sentence.

10/10/2015 04:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually was eandomly thinking about this the other day. I'm for the "felon tag" removal simply for employment purposes. This country does indeed have a problem with rehabilitation (the suggestions you suggested would be great) after prison and it makes it no better when that person is a felon. What really is the point of releasing someone back in to the world who can't do squat other than commit more crimes?

I believe sex offenders should keep their "tag" for life. Violent, (but not murder) offenders should keep their "tag" for a reasonable time frame. Drug offenders should lose their "tag" once their sentence is up, and I'm on the fence when it comes to thievery (fraud, identity theft etc.) because employers obviously need to know. I believe this can work when used with the rehabilitation steps you suggested.

I also believe 18 should be the minimum age a suspect can be charged and tried as an adult. You aren't legally an adult for anything else in this country before the age of 18 other than prison. Sure, on a police blog im sure people have no problem with that. But, call me crazy, but that's just crazy.

When it comes to subjects like this im a very liberal-conservative

10/10/2015 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think hard labor, under tough conditions might be the way to discourage criminals. Do a crime, spend 3 years busting your butt 8-10 hours a day with 6 day weeks of hard physical labor. When you get out, that burger flipper or warehouse worker gig looks damned easy by comparison. And they actually learn what work is. It aint standing around flapping your gums and hitting on anything in a skirt.

10/10/2015 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First of all, go f#$% yourself felon." Great line as is "why is anybody interviewing this convicted piece of sanctimonious shit" as well..............

You fucked up the state enough now just fucking go away Douche Bag Socialist

10/10/2015 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Felon, Felon, Felon
Masters, Masters, Masters
Geiger, Geiger, Geiger

10/10/2015 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His head was strangely narrow and his hair was plastered up with mud in a bizarre and primitive coiffure. On his forehead were burned the letters H T and lower and almost between the eyes the letter F and these markings were splayed and garish as if the iron had been left too long. When he turned to look at the kid the kid could see that he had no ears.

10/10/2015 06:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's go one step further. If you were holding a position of trust, say......Alderman or Mayor for example,when you were caught committing a felony, then game over. You would serve 100% of your sentence and once you were released, you would be barred from holding any future political office. Any monies earned, 50% would go back to the municipality that you worked for to pay back the tax payers for the cost of your "transgressions".

10/10/2015 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell that to the Willis children Felon. Oh right, their DEAD!

10/10/2015 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This m-fer is going to rot in hell for what he did.

God Bless the Willis family.

10/10/2015 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, let's ask the father who lost his wife and kids to some asshole what he thinks. If the felony label for life is fair. The mom and kids are dead for life.

10/10/2015 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "felon" raped my sister. I hope God forgives him, bec I wont.

10/10/2015 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How bout if you don't want to be labeled a felon for the rest of your life don't committ a felony...

10/10/2015 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about child molestars? Are they cool now too?

10/10/2015 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT. Just received a check from the city in the amount of $38.00. It was stated in the letter I received with that it was a refund from taxes that were directed fto Streets & Sanation for garbage pick up. It further explained that the recycling program is saving thousands of dollars a year and that the property tax paid was to high. It further stated that this was due to less land fill being purchased and fewer trips to the dump meaning less gas used and fewer repairs to the trucks. The real surprise was when it stated that The Waste Management recycling collection is working so well they give the city millions for our free waste. I thought it might be a joke but I ran to the bank and cashed it for cash. I am glad to know that the city is looking out for me and my family.

10/10/2015 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

110% Correct SCC! Agree completely!
So many other people who steer away from trouble their entire lives, are honest, and work very very hard for their families to provide without committing crimes. Where is their Thanks? No where!
F--K these felon criminals!!!!!!!!! And F--K Old Man Ryan, A CONVICTED FELON UNTIL HE DIES OF OLD AGE. He will be so missed. NOT!

10/10/2015 07:20:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Looks like old Georgie Boy wants to vote again.

10/10/2015 07:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cubs lose cubs lose cubs lose hahahaha

10/10/2015 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent, problem is most of our politicians are felons in the making.

10/10/2015 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC can we move to put this on the next ballot?

10/10/2015 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with George Ryan. Once you have paid your debt to society then you shouldn't have to keep paying a penalty. The label of "convicted felon" means even after you are out of jail, you get fucked. We need common sense reform. I do believe in redemption. Give the criminal a second chance. Now if they get out of jail and they keep their criminal ways then on their second conviction they should have to pay a higher penalty and on their third well let's face the truth- they are a lost cause.

10/10/2015 07:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of constitutional rights violations at the end of the article... If a person is in your custody, well they are yours, good luck with that wait in the ER to make sure Ray Ray doesn't have a tummy ache.

10/10/2015 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This rotten no good M/F commuted the death sentences of cop killers to life so he could get a break in his sentence. And 2 of the killers executed Off. Fahey and Off. O'Brien after they attended a funeral for Off. Doyle that was also killed by a democrat. Rot in hell you M/F♠️

10/10/2015 08:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're not executing enough prisoners.

10/10/2015 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree. Once a felon always a felon.

10/10/2015 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd be okay not calling someone a felon IF THEY WEREN'T A FUCKING FELLON!!!

10/10/2015 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to love it. Ryan gets really imprisoned, while they bend over backwards for Jackson. Ryan couldn't go to his wife's funeral, yet Jackson could go to his grannies funeral? Such a two way street..

10/10/2015 08:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan needs more incarceration the guy is a total moron.

10/10/2015 09:15:00 AM  
Blogger Johnny said...

If they are going to change the label they should change the law also and give back full citizenship rights. Surely it should not be done until the probation period is over, and I would favor it only selectively, perhaps for some types of crimes and with judicial review for others. Properly limited in use it would be a good idea.

10/10/2015 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I do not disagree. I have people in my family who went wrong and by the time they were 20 years old had three felony convictions, all for drug possession. You see, they are addicts. In order to support their habit they committed thefts and burglaries. I agree with you that they should take anger management classes and other programs to re-socialize themselves, finish their GED and work menial jobs for at least one year and stay clean for at least one year. If they do, then seal their record from employers so they can get a job and get on with their life. If they commit more crimes, well then tough shit for them. People commit mistakes when they are young. Yes, they think they know it all and thumb their noses at their families and law enforcement so they have to learn their lesson and learn it the hard way. But, there has to be a path to redemption for those who truly want to go straight.

10/10/2015 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, PLEASE UPDATE YOUR 8 "PROBLEMS FACING THE DEPARTMENT". I was reviewing them again today, the first time in a few years. The problems today in Chicago, while related, seem to have morphed into something different.

I'm not criticizing you, I know your busy, I am just asking for you to do this because I don't understand what the root issues are today. I'm not a cop, and I don't trust what Rahm and my local commander is telling me is the issue (e.g. pointing his finger at cops and saying you're in the fetal position). In fact, whatever Rahm says, I typically think, "Okay the TRUTH must be just the opposite of what he said"

In any case, please enlighten us! You are the guiding light, the maharishi, the teacher. We are the grasshoppers.

10/10/2015 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor was quoted as saying "we have ALLOWED the police to become fetal..." I think the correct saying should be "...we have DEMANDED that the police become fetal..." And this is the department we created.

10/10/2015 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy was the one who started all of this shit in the justice system. So now he would want me to hire a felon that's hiding behind some law, where you would be unaware who this person is and what he/she did. Child molesters are felon's, would they fall into this law not labeling a felon? This is just another attempt to expunge his or another felon's record. Now if this asshole had any balls, he'd be talking about bringing back the death penalty.

10/10/2015 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did you turn into such a cupcake SCC?

How about we tattoo the word FELON on there forehead the day they are convicted? We need to employ all those tattoo "artists" when the younger generation figures out that permanently scarring your body while your young is a bad idea.

After that, when they can make the victim whole again, ie: bring back the dead, unrape a child, unscar a victim, pay back the state for their trial and incarceration,then, and only then, they can be free of the felon moniker. Then let's about the actual time you are to be in jail. Oh yeah, they can pay to get their own tattoo removed too.

You got a slap on the wrist for a tiny fraction of what you did you heartless bastard. Every time that family sees your name in print, it must kill them. Go away George. Go far away and die.

10/10/2015 09:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is something that should be looked at in certain cases -- say only one offense and otherwise clean record, never even a misdemeanor from birth to decades after the offense, older people unlikely to re-offend, etc. Someone said once, "People over 50 are almost invisible in the crime statistics." Probably more likely to be a victim than anything else -- especially with no means to defend themselves anymore.

The judge threatens "Take two years now or I'll give you five if you lose at trial," and then asks, "Were you coerced in any way?"


Along with a prison sentence often comes the unwritten "You are also hereby fined everything you own," to be enforced by anyone who feels like carting it off.

Afterwards? Ten bucks, a plastic bag with a few papers and a comb and toothbrush, and there you are. Welcome to your new life.

Used to be a sense that you could "make a new start" in America; go to the next town, next county, next state and try to pick up the pieces. Select a different name, even, get the mud off your shoes, and go on. Not anymore, not with computer records following everyone everywhere for everything. (Except for the UACs streaming across our southern border, at least 80% of whom never show up for their scheduled immigration hearings and just...disappear.)

If someone has truly "paid their debt to society," they should not have to go through what remains of their lives as "Citizen, Third-Class."

I'm sure not advocating mass releases of repeat dangerous offenders, nothing like that, but a little something good should maybe come out of the slot for people who have been 99.9% straight-and-narrow except for five minutes out of a lifetime.

Not thinking of Ryan, he obviously has a roof over his head and enough to eat, but of others who are much more badly affected.

Offered without rancor as food for thought.

10/10/2015 10:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rauner halts [part of] funding for CeaseFire

March 05, 2015

"CeaseFire, the highly regarded but sometimes controversial anti-violence program featured in the documentary "The Interrupters," is losing state funding, the result of Gov. Bruce Rauner's executive order freezing spending.

"The program was budgeted to receive $4.7 million from the state in fiscal 2015, which ends June 30, according to Rauner's proposed budget for fiscal 2016. The Rauner administration has proposed slashing CeaseFire's funding almost 60 percent, to $1.9 million, in fiscal 2016.

"For CeaseFire, the move means that "all program activities must cease immediately," according to an email sent yesterday to subcontractors by Jalon Arthur, program director for CeaseFire Illinois, the local affiliate of anti-violence organization Cure Violence."

[Cease Fire was] launched in 1995 in Chicago by a public health expert, Dr. Gary Slutkin..."

Let me get that straight. "All program activities must cease immediately," while $1.9 million just disappears...

10/10/2015 10:29:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Instead of worrying about the **feelings** of convicted felons, maybe the question should be is why do we have so many 'crimes' that are 'Felonies' in the first place? Some of these are, in my opinion, pretty lame.

One of these is the Feds current favorite Felon Catchall 'crime': 'Lying' to a federal investigator'. The problem with that 'felony' is that it's based SOLELY on the word of the Feds, and their 'notes'. You are not allowed to have a lawyer present when being questioned, and you are not allowed to record the conversation...oops...I mean the 'interrogation' -- you think you're just 'talking' to the feds, THEY DON'T.

It boils down to your memory of something that happened long ago, and if you don't repeat it verbatim in any subsequent 'questioning', they have you for 'Lying'. This is how they got those two notorious criminal masterminds -- Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby. It's also why Karl Rove kept going back, and back again, to the Feds to clarify his statements, aka; his recollection. (note: I can't stand these three people but Felons they ain't)

Another 'Felony' that makes zero sense to me is: 'Possession of a Bald Eagle feather. This dastardly 'felony' is punishable by (iirc), Five (or 10) years in prison and a huge fine (Back in the late 1980's a guy in Wisconsin got busted for this heinous act).

Someone once said, "If you pass enough laws then everyone will be a criminal". Well people, we're at that stage right NOW and that's just on the federal Level. There are so many Laws and 'regulations' -- de facto Laws as they're punishable like laws -- that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the average citizen to go through one day without breaking a 'law'.

So let's forget for a moment about calling felons, 'Felons'. Let's get rid of those stupid laws & regs that make a person a 'felon' in the first place.

10/10/2015 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" TV, no exercise yard, no unapproved reading material, and the cheapest food allowable by law. Also, no medicine stronger than an aspirin or Tylenol. Prison shouldn't be a vacation."

Six counts a day and shattering noise and no sleep and constant threats, intimidation, and racial tension is no vacation. It is simply a way of life, though, for the eight-times-down crowd who don't see much difference between inside and outside, but they're another story.

We frequently hear the "take away everything" proposals, but I guarantee that no CO would want to work in such an environment, where it's already double- and triple-bunked out in the hallways. It is a pressure cooker that makes everyone in it crazy, as it is.

10/10/2015 10:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First of all, go f#$% yourself felon."

Oh, man, the laugh that got out of me. All great points, and woe is Ryan. Wonder what he thinks those six dead children his corruption caused should be called.

10/10/2015 10:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard M Daley Felon....

10/10/2015 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Retired in AZ said...


10/10/2015 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finance guy on a bike free, SCC.

I agree 100%.

My brother fucked up a few years ago and caught 3 frlonies at once in Michigan. Thanks to a good lawyer and a reasonable SA & Judge, my bro only did a few years for Probation, and 30 days time served. The felon tag hits harder in other states. Chicago at least will hire under the second chance initiative.

OT: guys and gals of the CPD, this is your chance to help get that damn Finance Guy on a Bike permanently out of you life. I test for Avaition Dept PD next month, and could sure use a phone call.

A. Petersen

10/10/2015 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger jmartin said...

OT: the Supreme Court has approved the ARDC's petition, and imposed a 30-day suspension upon curb-curser and then-ASA Sarah Naughton.

10/10/2015 11:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The arrogance of this turd knows no bounds. Prior to retiring I took a course at De Paul taught by the Law School, which is run by radical Leftists, in case you decide to send a kid there. The course was on investigations for Civil Litigations. The course was designed for private detectives, and there were several students there from the Medical Examiners Office, of course on the County's Dime. I paid my own tuition, since I was preparing to work in retirement. However, the point is that these law professors at De Paul thought Ryan was a "Hero", and they wanted him to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his stand on Capital Punishment. In fact they credit George Ryan as The Leader in ending Capital Punishment here, and in taking the movement to end Capital Punishment worldwide. Even the Pope thought George was a great guy, even though George was Irish, but not Catholic. As for George himself; it will take generations before the people that he licensed for money are off the roads. And during that time, countless citizens of Illinois will sustain death and injury because of Ryan's corruption and greed. BUT, HEY WHO CARES THIS IS ILLINOIS WHERE CORRUPTION IS AN "HONORABLE" WAY OF LIFE, FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS! CONSIDER WHEN CHANNEL 32 WOULD HAVE CONVICTED FELON AND THIEF DAN "DA MAN" ROSTENKOWSKI, AFTER HIS RELEASE FROM PRISON, GIVING PLAY BY PLAYS ON ELECTION NIGHT. We are a state of very stupid citizens. "Baby G"

10/10/2015 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no disagreement here--I think it's a brilliant proposition.

10/10/2015 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously , let's outsource our prison system for three strike felony offenders to Mexico or a tent city somewhere in the dessert in New Mexico .

10/10/2015 12:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A true Democrat. Now run and get your shine box, Convict.

10/10/2015 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or you could be a convicted felon and return to work as Lt. on the Chicago Police Dept.
Isnt that right Ricky G?

10/10/2015 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>> Anonymous said...
I agree with George Ryan. Once you have paid your debt to society then you shouldn't have to keep paying a penalty. The label of "convicted felon" means even after you are out of jail, you get fucked. We need common sense reform. I do believe in redemption. Give the criminal a second chance. Now if they get out of jail and they keep their criminal ways then on their second conviction they should have to pay a higher penalty and on their third well let's face the truth- they are a lost cause.

10/10/2015 07:51:00 AM<<<

Dear Rahm/Ryan Troll.
OK, we will give you your way. Now take a (No-longer-a-felon) into your home and leave him with your kids. Let him use your car to drive your mom and your credit cards to start a new life. Be a fine and up standing citizen and blame the police for what goes wrong.

Maybe we should do what they do in Cuba, a tattooed prison number under the lower lip and code marks one the web of their hand. I remember seeing these on thugs we arrested in the 1980's with Castro's Mariel Boat Lift. But we are more modern and humane now, maybe a bar code on the back or their neck or an implanted microchip.

10/10/2015 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Major Blockrounder said...

What's the difference between a Felon and an Illinois Governor?


10/10/2015 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't have to be like that office. I be jellin' like a felon!

10/10/2015 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a need to show compassion and forgiveness. Their debt to society has been paid and the right to a good job and to vote should be returned to them.

10/10/2015 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about you don't commit felonies ? And then you won't be convicted of a felony and called a convicted felon.
It's not fair to the people with no record applying for the same job the convicted felon wants with the employer not knowing about the felon's previous activity.

10/10/2015 03:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you run for office? you will be a shoe-in simply on these ideas alone!

10/10/2015 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/10/2015 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They say 'former police officer' in the media even if someone was fired or indicted for something and worked as a copper back in the 80s and hasn't been a cop in 30+ years. But they still lead with 'former police officer' even if the person was a cop for 2 weeks.

10/10/2015 03:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speechless, fuc*ken speechless.

people died cause of you faken George! why is he even out? Why??

10/10/2015 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"His head was strangely narrow and his hair was plastered up with mud in a bizarre and primitive coiffure. On his forehead were burned the letters H T and lower and almost between the eyes the letter F and these markings were splayed and garish as if the iron had been left too long. When he turned to look at the kid the kid could see that he had no ears.

10/10/2015 06:22:00 AM"

Blood Meridian reference on SCC? Holy wow, I thought we were all slack jawed troglydytes.

10/10/2015 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little advice please. Who do we vote for on the Retirement Board, Hauser or Richards

10/10/2015 04:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on this. I am a ex felon, felon whatever words you want to use. Totally non violent offense but I own up to it. I was young and stupid. Did two years probation, had to pay a 3,000 fine. For a few years could not even sniff a gig. Either checking the box killed me or I got pulled off the job site. My background pays pretty good so I was not giving it up to work in a damn McDonalds. Years later the county fucked up and put out a warrant on me saying I did not complete my probation and that is when I really found out the courts are not like TV. Even though I had my probation officer name and number and his office is in the same damn building I spent another week in Cook County. Nasty place even worse the second time around. Anyway, in Illinois there is a program for felons that bonds us but private companies refuse to use it. Just refuse. Bottom line it is fucked up to have a felony on your record and I truly support that shit being not asked of you after a period of time and even by paying another fine. Now if you are a pee pee smoocher or travelling for child sex or a rapist or murderer, different story, but for other crimes there should be a easier way to just come back and work. Jobs are available its the private companies that do not hire. And also thanks to a white detective for saving my boy a few years ago in a false rape claim. I was shocked to sit across from this man when he told him straight up he was not pressing charges and potentially fucking up someones life when clearly the woman was a fucking liar. His words.

10/10/2015 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to be a felon to run in politics in Illinios

10/10/2015 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of OT

Here's a good example of why felons are always felons. There's too much of this going on in chicago land schools. Too many kids are being victimized and some are afraid to come forward. Imagine if the media did a report on how many teachers/faculty members have been arrested in the last year for sex offenses involving children from our schools. Police are the lead story even if its bullshit but stories like this pervert come up all the time then the media ignores them because he's an 'educator'. There's a stigma on cops but not on our beloved educators because of the ways of the media. I'm not saying all are bad but this is an epidemic. Wake up! Your kid, neice, nephew or cousin could be next.

10/10/2015 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wants out of the felon stigma for himself and the rest and future political felons so that when they get out of the joint,during which time they refined their skills,to get back into the game to steal more. GFY Ryan and that douche bag you were married to.

10/10/2015 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My nephew stole a car when he was 21 years old. He did 21 months in prison in Michigan. He is 39 years old today and he has to wear that tag of convicted felon for the rest of his life. He can't vote, he was rejected for a mortgage twice and he was rejected for a business loan multiple times. It's time to give people who want to straighten their lives out a second chance. Now if they keep blowing their opportunities then fuck them. Two strikes and you are out is pretty reasonable.

10/10/2015 04:55:00 PM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

This is the fucker that started all the shit against the police and all law enforcement in Illinois. Now asshole has nothing to fear by killing the police because he knows that he won't get the death penalty.

10/10/2015 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"FELON" should be branded on there forheads.

10/10/2015 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: guys and gals of the CPD, this is your chance to help get that damn Finance Guy on a Bike permanently out of you life. I test for Avaition Dept PD next month, and could sure use a phone call.

A. Petersen

10/10/2015 11:18:00 AM

I like you. You've been honest and fair on this site.
Hope somebody helps you out.

10/10/2015 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of jails and put them in time out in Ryans house

10/10/2015 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck this Murderer By Proxy.

Remember the Willis Family.

Rot in Hell soon, Lyan' Ryan

10/10/2015 07:47:00 PM  
Blogger kateykakes said...

The whole world's gone to shit. I'm sick to death of my tax dollars having to pamper these criminals, who will NEVER change, while I work longer hours for OT to make it.

Fuck 'em all. I say drop them all off in the middle of an ocean somewhere, starting with the criminals in the White House and every Democrat run city in our once great country.

10/10/2015 07:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is This The Same Man That Freed Anthony Porter, From Death Row ? We Are Truly Living In A World Turned Upside Down. We Have Gone Beyond Insanity.

10/10/2015 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why the fuck should we lock up anyone anymore. Just detain them, document their misdeed and let them go. We could save the city billions.

10/10/2015 08:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck that. They need the felon tag. Business owners should KNOW who their employees are and that would be the first test in honesty. Cant tell the truth on your application, then cant work for me.

10/10/2015 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you Ryan!

You were a stooge for the Combine and an enemy of the people.

Everybody knows the Daleys and the Outfit wanted you instead of the Democrat, Poshard,in 1998 because you were a greedy cocksucker looking for your end.

Again, go fuck yourself.

10/10/2015 09:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the guy who is so out of touch with reality , he introduced Mike Ditka as Dick Butkus at Chicagoland Speedway .... or maybe he was just frazzled ( the crowd was still booing him after he was introduced a couple minutes earlier ) . But he's a " great guy " just ask Jim Thompson . Heck he doesn't even need the felon label alls he has to do is mention he was Governor of Illinois - same diff . Hey Georgy Porgy , tuff spit .

10/10/2015 09:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More politically correct bullshit.
Nobody calls them felons anyway. Who the hell calls them felons? WTF? How the hell would we know who was convicted of a felony?

What the hell is this felon talking about?

Hell, in Illinois it's worse to be called "ex governor"

10/10/2015 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Former CPD Lieutenant Ron Forgue is fired from his job as King City, CA Police Chief after 3 months.

Here's the link to the story;

10/10/2015 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Changing the definition of marraige was first, now the definition on felon. Whats next???

10/10/2015 11:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously , let's outsource our prison system for three strike felony offenders to Mexico or a tent city somewhere in the dessert in New Mexico.

Albuquerque Apple Pie ? Santa Fe Sherbet ?

10/10/2015 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Forgue

At least he wore his best underwear and t shirt for the interview. What a stroke!!

10/11/2015 01:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, Poor Little Felon
Why is anyone interviewing this disgrace?
Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan on Friday called for legislation that would end the practice of labeling those released from prison as felons for the remainder of their lives.

During a speech before the Coalition to Reduce Recidivism’s 12th annual luncheon in Waukegan, Ryan told attendees the “felon” tag is a deterrent to someone looking for a job.

Let's call them George Ryans instead.

10/11/2015 02:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Ed Richards for retirees rep. Ken Hauser has been on the board for years. The same board that gave our money to the Vaneckos. Time for new blood on the pension board

10/11/2015 06:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
>>> Anonymous said...
I agree with George Ryan. Once you have paid your debt to society then you shouldn't have to keep paying a penalty. The label of "convicted felon" means even after you are out of jail, you get fucked. We need common sense reform. I do believe in redemption. Give the criminal a second chance. Now if they get out of jail and they keep their criminal ways then on their second conviction they should have to pay a higher penalty and on their third well let's face the truth- they are a lost cause.

10/10/2015 07:51:00 AM<<<

Dear Rahm/Ryan Troll.
OK, we will give you your way. Now take a (No-longer-a-felon) into your home and leave him with your kids. Let him use your car to drive your mom and your credit cards to start a new life. Be a fine and up standing citizen and blame the police for what goes wrong.

Maybe we should do what they do in Cuba, a tattooed prison number under the lower lip and code marks one the web of their hand. I remember seeing these on thugs we arrested in the 1980's with Castro's Mariel Boat Lift. But we are more modern and humane now, maybe a bar code on the back or their neck or an implanted microchip.

10/10/2015 02:18:00 PM

I just knew that I would get one idiotic reply. Listen Mr. I Am Perfect and Never Did Anything Wrong, people make mistakes and do stupid shit. I did a lot of stupid shit, dangerous shit and goofy shit between the ages of 15 and 26. I was no big time criminal and yet at anytime if some of those events went bad I could have caught a felony. When I was 21 years old on Cumberland and Irving Park I drove 125 miles per hour on Cumberland. It was 2 AM. That was fucking stupid. If I crashed and killed or hurt my friends who were in my car then I would be a convicted felon with no chance of straightening my life together. You must have been a perfect child, teenager and young adult. Congratulations.

All I am saying is give people a second chance. Now if they blow a second chance then they are not responsible and too selfish. Then it's time to throw the book at them. Give them a stiff sentence, and let that person wear the title of convicted felon for life. What I am arguing for is very reasonable.

10/11/2015 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit on this. I am a ex felon, felon whatever words you want to use. Totally non violent offense but I own up to it. I was young and stupid. Did two years probation, had to pay a 3,000 fine. For a few years could not even sniff a gig. Either checking the box killed me or I got pulled off the job site. My background pays pretty good so I was not giving it up to work in a damn McDonalds. Years later the county fucked up and put out a warrant on me saying I did not complete my probation and that is when I really found out the courts are not like TV. Even though I had my probation officer name and number and his office is in the same damn building I spent another week in Cook County. Nasty place even worse the second time around. Anyway, in Illinois there is a program for felons that bonds us but private companies refuse to use it. Just refuse. Bottom line it is fucked up to have a felony on your record and I truly support that shit being not asked of you after a period of time and even by paying another fine. Now if you are a pee pee smoocher or travelling for child sex or a rapist or murderer, different story, but for other crimes there should be a easier way to just come back and work. Jobs are available its the private companies that do not hire. And also thanks to a white detective for saving my boy a few years ago in a false rape claim. I was shocked to sit across from this man when he told him straight up he was not pressing charges and potentially fucking up someones life when clearly the woman was a fucking liar. His words.
10/10/2015 04:40:00 PM

I have several family members who are felons. They are good people and have turned things around and straightened out and are working, law abiding citizens. One was for drugs, the other an unfortunate situation where a gun was involved in their defense from gang members targeting them. I have mixed feelings about this. The term felon carries a lot of stigma, and I think a petition to remove the felon status should not be undertaken lightly and should be on a case by case basis. Sometimes good people get caught up in the system, and they shouldn't have to pay for it the rest of their lives. I am not being "soft" on criminals by saying thus. I loathe them as much as the next officer. But until you have a family member or friend labeled as a felon for a single mistake they made, look at yourselves and ask, could this have been me? Ask Mike Mette or bill cozzi about being branded felons......

10/11/2015 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a lot to be said for the no nonsense Soviet gulag system. forced labor camps above the arctic circle, hundreds of miles from civilization, with hungry polar bears and wolves to prevent escape, and no work, no food. may cut recidivism.

10/11/2015 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ambrosio medrano is a 3X convicted felon can we just raise the bar to 4?

10/11/2015 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I actually was eandomly thinking about this the other day. I'm for the "felon tag" removal simply for employment purposes. This country does indeed have a problem with rehabilitation (the suggestions you suggested would be great) after prison and it makes it no better when that person is a felon. What really is the point of releasing someone back in to the world who can't do squat other than commit more crimes?

I believe sex offenders should keep their "tag" for life. Violent, (but not murder) offenders should keep their "tag" for a reasonable time frame. Drug offenders should lose their "tag" once their sentence is up, and I'm on the fence when it comes to thievery (fraud, identity theft etc.) because employers obviously need to know. I believe this can work when used with the rehabilitation steps you suggested.

I also believe 18 should be the minimum age a suspect can be charged and tried as an adult. You aren't legally an adult for anything else in this country before the age of 18 other than prison. Sure, on a police blog im sure people have no problem with that. But, call me crazy, but that's just crazy.

When it comes to subjects like this im a very liberal-conservative

10/10/2015 04:19:00 AM

How can you rehabilitate a 16 year old who rapes and murders another? We have 13 and 14 year old "children" committing murder.So, what are the options for a 16 year old charged with murder or a vicious rape and aggravated battery? Is it possible to rehabilitate a young person who commits such a crime? The juvenile justice system is a complete failure. You say "call me crazy"? I say call you ignorant, naive, unrealistic, ultra liberal who believes that a young offender is not responsible for their vicious crimes. Thank god for the sex registry laws and mandatory minimum sentences.

10/11/2015 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additionally, anyone who is dumb enough to commit another felony, will have the word "felon" branded upon them so that everyone can see what a dumbass they are. If honest work, honest pay and a second chance aren't enough to cure you of your stupidity, then you deserve exactly zero sympathy and should carry your burden where everyone can see it.
SCC ...I like it. Many already do that on their own. It's coded as a tear drop or other type of dumb tat.

10/11/2015 11:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree with a change in the law if it were accompanied by another change that states the taxpayers no longer have to give ex-felons and their families free housing, free food, and free medical care.

10/11/2015 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's forget for a moment about calling felons, 'Felons'. Let's get rid of those stupid laws & regs that make a person a 'felon' in the first place.

10/10/2015 10:33:00 AM
I agree

10/11/2015 01:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Changing the definition of marraige was first, now the definition on felon. Whats next???

10/10/2015 11:07:00 PM

Change the definition of shit to Daley. Wipe the Daley off your ass. Don't step in dog Daley. Eat Daley. I like it.

10/11/2015 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You build a hundred houses and they may or may not call you a carpenter, but you commit just one felony and...

10/11/2015 04:06:00 PM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

Wasn't there a cop show back in the 70's? "Don't do the crime if you can't do time."

10/11/2015 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Poor George Ryan, he doesn't like the label placed on him, well too fucking bad, if you were not a crook, a thieving bastard you wouldn't be a Felon, it was real fun when you were visiting the best steak houses and Casinos with the money you stole, too bad, if you are a criminal, and go to jail, then you are a CONVICTED FELON, and lose your right to vote and hold a bondable job, . and yes, I would rather hire 2 guys with no felony record then 1 with a felony record.

10/11/2015 07:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your labeled a felon cause that's what you are you piece of shit !!

10/11/2015 08:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

125 MPH on Cumberland. I agree with you. I did many stupid things in my youth. Thank God no one was hurt. Just dumb luck. The quality of mercy is not strained.

10/11/2015 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan is a jagoff with blood on his hands. Like so many other politicians, coppers and others of "the old days". Everything used to be for sale, everything. When I got on this job was worth 3 grand and cfd was 5 grand to the alderman. Bribes were the way things worked from building plans to avoiding arrest, to getting out of a ticket. It's just the way this city and county worked. I'm glad it's not as bad as it used to be. Many coppers on the job didn't approve but had no choice but to play along or be the outcast. If it had been even ten years earlier the incident would've been swept under the carpet. There's blood on a whole lot of politicians hands for incidents let to happen by their greed.

10/11/2015 10:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come no one ever asks Gov. Ryan whatever happened to his 20 billion dollar Build Illinois Program ? You know new roads, bridges, viaducts ect.

10/11/2015 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true 10:29, when I went to get my license (1967) my old man told me to put 10 bucks on the dash or I could possibly have an issue. I put the 10 he gave me up there and sure as shit the guy got in, grabbed it and said drive around the block and drop me back off. As far as what went on while on the job, we'll like you said, nobody wanted to be an outcast

10/12/2015 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/10/2015 11:48:00 AM"

Convict Rostenkowski, who cheated us out of our Social Security benefits also made an address at the opening of the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum in Springfield. Obama and Hilary as senators both signed on as co-sponsors of bill to return our benefits but that was just for show. The bills never went anywhere and POTUS Obama never took any action.

Register and Vote!

10/12/2015 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's go one step further. If you were holding a position of trust, say......Alderman or Mayor for example,when you were caught committing a felony, then game over. You would serve 100% of your sentence and once you were released, you would be barred from holding any future political office. Any monies earned, 50% would go back to the municipality that you worked for to pay back the tax payers for the cost of your "transgressions".

10/10/2015 06:24:00 AM

And all pensions are immediately fore fitted ... These people still get pension money! That's f'd up

10/12/2015 02:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Convict Rostenkowski, who cheated us out of our Social Security benefits also made an address at the opening of the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum in Springfield. Obama and Hilary as senators both signed on as co-sponsors of bill to return our benefits but that was just for show. The bills never went anywhere and POTUS Obama never took any action.

Register and Vote!

10/12/2015 01:14:00 AM

'That was just for show'? I don't give a damn WHAT it was for. At least they advocated for the return of our benefits.

10/12/2015 01:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting reading - a few observations:
IL does not prevent felons from voting after serving their sentence. Each state sets their own voting law.

Cuthbert J Twillie has an extremely valid point-why should lying to a Feeb be a felony? They have recently been called to task for false allegations. The new FBI SAC in Chgo recently pontificated that the CPD was a corruption rich target. Any Feeb should be told that you will not speak w/o an attorney present since you are aware that you could be charged spuriously for lying. Also record your statement for future reference.

Good luck to our Guy on da bike. Maybe you can patrol the terminals with a Segway and maybe the FAA will demand that your agency be armed.

10/12/2015 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
OT: guys and gals of the CPD, this is your chance to help get that damn Finance Guy on a Bike permanently out of you life. I test for Avaition Dept PD next month, and could sure use a phone call.

A. Petersen

10/10/2015 11:18:00 AM

I like you. You've been honest and fair on this site.
Hope somebody helps you out.

10/10/2015 06:12:00 PM

I agree. It's not a bad idea at that. Get him sworn and up at Midway or O'Hare. With this kids seeming limitless ability to show up at the right time (or wrong time depending if it is your families vehicle), a few of us have got to know a few people at the airports we could drop a quiet message to.

I was around Devon and Central a 2 weeks ago...and I got to tell ya...he was up there doing the street cleaning. I have NEVER seen anyone up there around Devon and Lehigh on foot and rarely see anyone on a bike. The permit zones around the Metra station got hammered Hard core that week.

10/12/2015 08:22:00 PM  

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